Happy Birthday Ciel
Lu sleeps on a rock, and wakes up. She checks the calendar, and today was Ciel's birthday. Lu starts to dance, and goes to Ciel's house. At Ciel's house, Lu opens the door and sees Ciel sleeping. Lu goes to find a cake for Ciel in the bakery, and Lu has found the cake, thus she leaves to her own house.At Lu's house, Lu came with the cake and eats one of the toppings while Add is lurking, resulting in Add himself arguing with Lu for the cake until the cake fell down. Add got shocked over the cake falling down and Lu cries, until Add forces her not to cry and said that he and she will make the new cake together.Lu and Add put their aprons and a chef hat, and are ready to make a new cake. Lu puts 2 spoons of flour to the bowl, Add puts 2 spoons of sugar and the both cracks the eggs, and Add mixes it. After he is done with mixing the ingredients, the two put their cakes to the oven and they wait for the cake to be cooked. After waiting for the cake, Lu opens the oven and Add brings the two cakes to the table. The two finishes their cake, and Lu tastes Add's cake, while Add tastes Lu's cake. After tasting their cakes, the two went to put their cakes to the fridge for Ciel to taste it.Later on, Add and Lu put the balloons to the dining room and makes the table with plates, tissues, party poppers and party hats. Add calls Ciel out, and Ciel came to look and thinks that is awesome. Lu makes waffles, ice cream and popcorn while Add makes milkshakes and food dipping in chocolate for Ciel. Ciel eats all of that, and feels full.Elsword is seen lurking in the window while seeing the three organizing Ciel's birthday party, and waves goodbye to the viewer.