Quadimension Conflict
2 days ago, Add walks with an bottle of water and looks at Metatron's Cube that was left in his garden. He drinks water and pours the watering can on it, then later measured it and it was indeed small. A day later, Add brought an growth elixir and pours it on Metatron's Cube then puts an blanket and pillow on it.Today, Add walks in only to see Xingchen trying to attack an elderly Phoru and she spits stardust energy on the garden then comes up to him but reveals that he had raised her (who at that time inside Metatron's Cube) then starts to hug him. Eve walks in eating croissant until she gets shocked. Xingchen jumps on the plants with Add and went away with him much to her anger.Meanwhile, Rena is using an watering can on her plants until Xingchen ran laughing which made the vase fall into her head and expresses her anger towards her. At Aisha's house, Aisha tries to cut the herbs of the bushes until Xingchen ran which made the herbs messed up and caused Aisha to be half-bald and started crying.In Laby's Imaginary World, Laby cooks meat on a barbecue in which Xingchen ran much to the point that Laby tried to eat coal but spits it. Back at Elder, the players were having a talk until Xingchen broke the bank building much to Luriel's horror that two players earns their ED that two GMs intervened with Add facepalming.Therefore, Xingchen tries to run away but she gets surrounded by Rena carrying a broom, Aisha with her weapon, Elsword with an baseball bat, Eve with an knife and Laby with an axe. As a result, Xingchen hijacks the car mounts much to the GM's horror that the five aforementioned characters dodged getting hit by her.Add gets exhausted and therefore the two arrives in the Arcane Realm. In the Arcane Realm, Xingchen drops him and he left, with the growth elixir being dropped and that night at his house, Add went to sleep with Eve but sees an picture of Xingchen and Haiyi. As an result, Add gets excited about the two.