Chapter 235: Xu You, the Sun Scheme of the Divine Clan, Considerations of the High Heaven Domain Master

On the training hall platform.

Ye An shed all his armor and sat down heavily, his short sleeves drenched with sweat.

He gasped for breath, staring at his creation before him with admiration on his face.

The strength in that punch lay in the fact that he had only unleashed Warfire and Mountain Collapse at 70% of their power.

He hadn't tapped into the full potential of Supreme Fist and Dao Fruit, two forces whose massive martial intent could have lent him formidable power.

This meant that if he had used the power of Supreme Fist and Dao Fruit, an attack like the one just now would have been effortlessly executed, like a walk in the park.

No need for preparation, no need for stance.

He could freely wield such powerful punches on the battlefield.

Was this enough?

Ye An wanted to find out what it would feel like to unleash Warfire and Mountain Collapse at 100% power.

And what if he pushed his rune release power to 120% in an extreme state?

A sense of arrogance welled up in Ye An's heart.

But immediately he closed his eyes, recalling everything that had happened on Tianqi Star.

Zhao Huaiyi's sword, the power of the Tianqi Initiator, still vivid in his mind.

His punches wouldn't be able to match them!

Moreover, everyone was progressing rapidly. The next time they met, he would certainly be stronger than before, but they would be as well.

I'm still weak, not strong enough.

My punches can be heavier, faster!

Thinking like this, Ye An stood up.

Suddenly, he turned abruptly.

He saw a slender figure floating in the air. She was a petite woman, barefoot, dressed in a white silk fairy gown, with white silk ribbons fluttering around her crystal-clear legs.

Despite her youthful face, she exuded a rather aloof and proud demeanor.

She might only be 1.6 meters tall, but because she could float, her figure towered over Ye An, even overshadowing him as he sat on the ground without any posture.

"High Heaven Domain Master's daughter, leader of the Second Generation Party, Xu You?" Ye An frowned and asked.

Xu You replied indifferently, "You're only half right."

"I am Xu You, but I am not the leader of the Second Generation Party."

Her voice was clean and crisp. "Don't worry, I'm not here because of Huang Zexun's business."

"I'm here to warn you."

"If you dare to participate in the Sword Illumination Grand Meeting, you will be enemies with the entire Second Generation Party."

"The Hall of Human Kings will not have a place for you."

Ye An frowned, "Are you trying to provoke me?"

"No need," Xu You continued calmly, "I never intended to participate in the Sword Illumination Grand Meeting."

"I don't enjoy games where life and death are not distinguished."

"That kind of game is up to you."

"It seems your information is a bit outdated."

"The rules of the Sword Illumination Grand Meeting have been announced."

"Team battles are canceled, leaving only individual combat."

"The ultimate prize for the final winner is a Hundred Dao Stone. If the winner is from the Human race, they will receive two Hundred Dao Stones."

"What does that mean?" Ye An furrowed his brows.

Xu You went on, "But there's a condition."

"There's only one slot for a participant from the Human race!"

"My father told me that they are inviting you into the trap!"

"And you are the one they are inviting."

"He hopes you will go, but I don't."

"You're so rebellious?" Ye An retorted.

Xu You shook her head, saying, "You are the source of the Human race's destiny and the source of turmoil in the eyes of the enemy."

"What you should do is cultivate peacefully within the Human race. As long as you become stronger, the destiny of the Human race will be stronger."

"Don't engage in dangerous activities."

Ye An frowned.

Source of destiny?

Source of turmoil?

These were the first time he had heard such words.

But he understood Xu You's meaning.

He was merely a tool to accumulate destiny, a caged bird in the Human race, not supposed to fight outside.

Ye An said lightly, "Are you sure I am the source of destiny?"

"Other than you, who else could it be?" Xu You quickly responded.

"And you?" Ye An raised an eyebrow. "You seem more powerful than me. Wouldn't the source of destiny be someone like you instead of me?"

Xu You: "You are the inheritor of dreams, the one destined to ascend."


Ye An chuckled and stood up, saying, "Do you think I can't see through your expressionless face?"

"What?" Xu You frowned.

Ye An continued calmly, "There's no need for you to warn me like this in person."

"With technology so advanced nowadays, a text message would suffice."

"So you've come to see me."

"Because your father hopes I will go."

"Your father clearly knows I am the source of turmoil, so why would he still want me to go?"

"You think your father's idea is foolish, but you also think your father shouldn't be that foolish. So you came to see me in person."

"Hoping to get answers from me."

"Why did the Divine clan specially formulate this rule for me?"

"Why does your father still want me to go alone?"

"Just now, before you spoke, you glanced three times at the power measurement wall behind me, and your eyes subtly changed."

"You think my strength isn't strong enough, so at that moment when you saw me, you made a decision. You think that even if I go, I won't be able to defeat everyone, and there's even a big risk of dying in the heartland of the Divine clan."

"So you spoke to persuade me not to go."

Xu You's eyes gradually darkened.

No one likes this feeling.

Seeing your underwear and loudly announcing its color.

Especially when Ye An was still smiling, it was really despicable!

Xu You took a deep breath and said, "You're right."

"After seeing the strength of your last punch just now, I believe even if you go, you won't win."

"Perhaps that punch was only seventy percent of your power, but even if you reverse calculate your full power, or even your extreme state power, it still wouldn't be enough."

"I understand better than anyone the opponents you might face in the Sword Illumination Grand Meeting."

Ye An nodded silently, but finally responded off-topic, "Your father may be wiser than you think."

"Hmm?" Xu You was surprised.

Ye An said lightly, "Is there a possibility that your father intentionally didn't say everything, just to make you curious about me and come to see me?"

"I am the source of destiny. Having a connection with me brings only benefits, not disadvantages."

"Of course, your father has other considerations."

Ye An's voice suddenly paused.

The High Heaven Domain Master's thoughts were truly frightening.

Originally, he had no interest in going to the temple.

But through his daughter's mouth, he was told that the Divine clan had specially formulated a rule for him.

In this way, the seemingly ordinary Sword Illumination Grand Meeting became a contest of destiny.

If I am the source of destiny, I must go!

If I don't go, it means I'm afraid.

Once someone is afraid, they are pathetic. If I am pathetic, the destiny of the Human race will plummet.

And the Great General had already told me the truth about the contest of destiny, making me understand my own value.

If I go, and the Divine clan once again spends a lot of effort to deal with me, then I can help the God of War in the sky.

One thousand years for a breath, a pair of hands to support the sky of the Human race.

By going to the temple alone, I am effectively fighting side by side with him!

I'm just an eighteen-year-old boy. How can I refuse such a thing?

To step back, even if the Divine clan doesn't spend a lot of effort to deal with me, as long as I can win in the end, it will still be a promotion for the Human race.

But if I can't win, destiny will also decline.

This is the Sun Scheme!

Whether I go or not, whether I win or lose after going, the destiny of the Human race will decline because of me.

Only by going and winning can I take down this contest of destiny and help the entire Human race!

Apart from victory, there is no other choice!

And Ye An could also guess.

Xu You must be the threshold set by the High Heaven Domain Master for himself.

Her father must have set up Xu You as a barrier. Her daughter would definitely try to stop herself from going to the Divine clan. If she could step over her, the probability of winning this victory would also be higher.

Strong ah