Chapter 238: Seeking a Solution

In the basement, Liu Jun heard footsteps from above and quickly left, heading to the back garden of the blacksmith shop. He casually wielded the silver spear in his hand, a faint hope rising in his eyes.

If Ye An could continuously conduct human experiments, Liu Jun might indeed have a chance to return to his peak.

Thinking of this, he gripped the spear even tighter.


Ye An arrived in the brightly lit basement.

It was very clean and tidy, with no unpleasant odors, only a desk piled with white papers.

Ye An looked further into the room and saw dense arrays of white experimental instruments emitting the medicinal smell typical of hospitals. He couldn't discern their specific uses.

Liu Dahu stood with his hands clasped behind his back, inquiring about Ye An's next training objectives, temporarily setting aside the human experimentation.

Ye An quickly explained, exactly as he had discussed with Ji Qing earlier.

"Azure Dragon and White Tiger powers," Liu Dahu murmured. "These two are not easy to handle."

"Moreover, even if you obtain these two powers within a month and a half, adapting them into practical combat power quickly will be difficult."

"Let me think."

"Battlefire, Mountain Collapse."

"Vermilion Bird's fire, Black Tortoise's earth."

"These four powers… aren't quite enough."

Liu Dahu furrowed his brows and said, "Even if you perfectly fuse these four powers, you would only be able to briefly contend with Xu Zhiyue."

"You still can't win."

"You need more powerful forces."

Ye An quickly said, "Dao Fruit."

Liu Dahu shook his head, "I've factored that in."

"Even with Supreme Fist and Dao Fruit, it's still not enough."

"Here's the thing."

Liu Dahu raised his hand, and dense mental energy floated into the air, sketching out a scene of Ye An fighting Xu Zhiyue.


Liu Dahu's fingers moved slightly.

In the virtual image, Ye An activated his peak state, with Battlefire swirling.

He delivered a powerful punch, shattering Xu Zhiyue's domain.

But the next moment, Xu Zhiyue's nearly inexhaustible power reconstructed the domain.

One punch, two punches, three punches...

Ye An shattered the domain with each punch, but Xu Zhiyue continuously rebuilt it.

Until finally, Ye An exhausted his strength and fell defeated.

Liu Dahu said, "Moreover, I know your power, but I don't know Xu Zhiyue's."

"I'll tell you something. Remember this."

"His greatest asset is his innate domain."

"But at the same time, his greatest weakness is also the domain."

"The domain is integrated with his talent, in other words, it is integrated with his very being."

"But you can only shatter a point of the domain. For Xu Zhiyue, it's just a huge wound on his body. The endless power within him can heal that wound instantly."

"You must make your fist intent shake his entire domain."

"Not just shattering a point, but making the entire domain collapse in an instant!"

"Xu Zhiyue will likely fall."

Liu Dahu took a deep breath, "Xu Zhiyue's chaotic dark domain, due to the nature of his talent, is very vast. Once activated, it's as expansive as the earth to you."

"So even with the power of Dao Fruit, you cannot shatter more than ninety percent of the domain in one go!"

"Do you have any other trump cards?"

Ye An quickly responded, "I also have the ability to achieve Three Realms Unity."

"What?" Liu Dahu's expression changed slightly. He stood up and walked closer, "Show me."

Without further ado.

Both were smart individuals.

Ye An quickly activated the Dream Realm, pulling Liu Dahu into his dream.

Inside the Dream Realm.

Ye An swiftly mobilized the powers of the Three Realms.

Three energies interwove, entangled, fused, and balanced within him.

Finally, Ye An threw his head back and roared, his body surrounded by purple-golden power.

His black hair swirled wildly, and purple-golden patterns covered his eyes, resembling a demon.

The purple-golden power floating around him, which even he found hard to control, was known as the Source Quality Power, also called the Extinction Power.

Liu Dahu watched this demon-like figure before him, his pupils involuntarily widening, his heartbeat quickening, sweat streaming down his forehead.


So terrifying!

This crazy idea, this epic project, was achieved by an eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy.

All because of dreams!

This talent allows for endless experimentation!

Liu Dahu clenched his fist slightly.

For him, the most crucial thing was that since Ye An could achieve Three Realms Unity, succeeding in his own human experimentation should be no problem.

The difficulty of the two projects was not on the same level!

Liu Dahu took a deep breath, realizing he had almost forgotten to breathe and nearly suffocated.

The next moment.

Ye An's form exploded, revealing a normal-state spiritual entity.

Ye An's brow furrowed, "The Extinction Power is 'toxic'."

"In the Dream Realm, I can use it freely, but once used in reality, I've already learned the consequences in the Super League."

"I would be backlashed by the Extinction Power. This toxin is nearly unsolvable. If it weren't for the intervention of a master, I might already be dead."

Liu Dahu gasped, "Right, that seems to be the case."

"Wait, how did that master help you?"

Ye An said solemnly, "He used the Space Laws to transfer all the Extinction Power from my body."

"Used Space Laws to transfer the toxins from your body?" Liu Dahu's body shook, "Was that master very old, with many wrinkles, but still very vigorous?"

"Yes, do you know him?" Ye An asked curiously.

"I'm not qualified to know such figures." Liu Dahu quickly shook his head, "He's a senior I admire."

"But at least I know who he is."


"How can I resolve a toxin that only someone of that level can solve?"

Liu Dahu's brows furrowed, and he pondered deeply.

As long as Ye An activates Three Realms Unity, he will definitely defeat Xu Zhiyue. That's a given.

But the side effects are too severe.

Such a high-level figure, unlike Ye An's father, cannot intervene every time.

So, the core issue is now clear.

As long as the backlash of the Extinction Power can be eliminated, all difficulties will be resolved.

What to do?

Liu Dahu's brows furrowed, and he thought deeply.

On the other side, Ye An felt a bit anxious.

At this moment, Liu Dahu seemed to have turned into a different person. The more he thought, the more excited his expression became, almost like a maniac.


Liu Dahu's eyes widened, and he grinned, "I have a solution."

"But it requires experimentation!"
