Chapter 2

Anthony Gordon, a tall, handsome man, walked through the door with confident strides as his broad shoulders filled the doorway, he had dark hair with blue eyes and a chiseled jawline with a touch of stubble. He had a calm but imposing presence about him and Claire could hardly stop staring at him. "He's gorgeous," She thought. Claire sensed he was someone quite important. Her suspicion was proven right when Jessica stood up to welcome him. Claire noticed she was quite disconcerted by his appearance; almost like it had been a surprise visit.

"Good morning, Mr. Gordon. We weren't quite expecting you." Jessica said, a tinge of apprehension could be sensed from her voice. Claire suddenly thought that he must be the CEO of the company judging by his name. "I didn't realize I needed to inform my staff before visiting my Hotel," he responded curtly. " Err.. That's not what I meant sir, I just meant…" "It's fine, that's not important now, I learned you're recruiting new hotel attendants." The man interjected, taking a seat just across the table. "Yes sir, we're currently conducting an interview with the applicants. " "Very well. While you're at it, I need you to find me a new personal assistant."

Jessica was close to asking what had happened to the last assistant, but she refrained from asking him, so as not to risk upsetting him, but also because she could probably guess what had transpired. In the space of a year, Mr Gordon has had 5 personal assistants, and they had all either resigned or been fired by him. He once had an assistant that lasted for just a week before he let her go. In fact, the last assistant had lasted the longest working with him for 5 months. "Okay sir, I'll get right to looking for a new assistant for you." 

Claire had been seated there the whole time, watching the conversation unfold between Jessica and Mr Gordon. She had been quiet the whole time, but an idea suddenly crossed her mind. She definitely wasn't keen on being a hotel attendant, and she assumed the job of personal assistant would be much better. She could as well pitch for the job right there and then, what did she have to lose? The worst she could get was a no. Such effrontery might prevent her from landing this job, but she didn't care much.

"Errrmm…. Excuse me sir, if you don't mind, I would like to be your personal assistant," Claire said. A small gasp escaped from Jessica's mouth and she darted an equally surprising and disapproving look towards Claire, almost discouraging her from proceeding with her request, but Claire wouldn't be deterred. "Miss Anderson, I would recommend you keep quiet, and it is out of place to make such requests unless you want to jeopardize your chanced of getting chance." Jessica said, with visible furrows on her brows, she was obviously angry as she feared such requests would upset Mr Gordon.

Anthony gently raised his palm in a bid to shut Jessica down. He had been slightly taken aback by the request, but he wasn't upset. On the contrary, he was quite impressed. Why would someone who came to apply for a job as a hotel attendant have the courage to make a request? He had barely taken any notice of Claire since he came into the office, but now his eyes rested squarely on her. She was a beautiful lady with blonde hair and brown eyes, but even more than that, she seemed quite polished, probably too polished for the job a hotel attendant, and his interest was piqued. 

"What makes you think you're qualified for the role of being my personal assistant young lady," Mr Gordon asked. It was a simple follow-up question, but for some reason it flustered Claire, she had to provide a reasonable and convincing answer on the spot. She didn't have the luxury of giving a rehearsed answer that was normal for an interview. This was like an impromptu interview and Claire knew she had to think fast on her feet or risk squandering this opportunity. 

"I believe I possess qualities that'll make me suited for the role, sir. First off, I have a degree in Business Administration. I possess good communication and organizational skills, I am quite flexible and adaptable and able to handle a variety of tasks, I know how to take initiative and act without always being told what to do, I am meticulous and my attention to detail is top-notch, I.. " Mr Gordons raised his palm as he stopped Claire in her tracks, she assumed he didn't like what he was hearing and had heard enough. She also noticed that Charles had been reading through her resume while she was talking.

"That's a decent answer, but how do I confirm you possess all these qualities? Do you have prior experience in similar roles? From what I can see from your resume, you just graduated and while your grades are good, there's nothing to suggest you'll be a good fit for this job." Claire slightly hung her head, The response wasn't the most encouraging, and she assumed she wasn't going to get the job. It was a big ask to expect she'd be given the job anyway, but it was worth the shot she thought. 

"But.." Mr Gordon continued, and Claire suddenly felt optimistic again. He wasn't done talking, so there might still be some hope. "I like an fearless and courageous lady who isn't afraid to go for what she wants. I was quite impressed that you had the boldness to ask in the first place, so while I can't just hand you the job now, I'll give it some thought, and you'll be made aware in a few days if you were selected for the role. That'll be all for now". That was more than enough for Claire. Her lips curved into a smile as she listened to him. "Thank you very much sir, I appreciate the consideration. " Claire said excitedly, before making her way to the door.