Chapter 22

As Claire walked in she wondered who the lady sitting in Anthony's office might be. As his personal assistant, she knew he didn't have any scheduled meetings today. Was it an impromptu meeting? Or just a friendly visit? But why would a friend visit him at his office, surely they could have arranged to meet somewhere else.

A lot of questions played in Claire's mind as she walked towards Anthony and the unfamiliar lady. As she drew closer Claire couldn't help but slightly admire how beautiful the lady was, she had an athletic stature and she looked quite sophisticated and well put together. She wore a white gown that seemed to accentuate her good features.

"Claire," Anthony said, his heart pounding. He had not expected her to come to the office. He wasn't ready for Megan and Claire to meet each other. He thought hard about how to introduce both of them and what was he going to tell Claire about Megan's presence in his office. It didn't look good.