Chapter 43

Claire's expression immediately changed to that of horror upon hearing the doctor. The doctor had pronounced her worst fears. The thought had crossed her mind before, but she immediately waved it off. She had hoped and prayed it wouldn't be the case, but now, the doctor had confirmed it. Her mum's cancer had resurfaced, and that had a whole lot of implications. Claire refused to believe it. Her heart pounded as she struggled to stay calm.

"Doctor, are you sure?" Claire asked, hoping the doctor had probably made a mistake.

"I am sure, Claire. The tests confirm it," the doctor responded gently.

"But she has been in remission for over a year! She came to the hospital regularly for her sessions, and she was consistent with her medications. How can this be? I thought the surgery was supposed to take care of it," Claire said, clearly losing her composure as tears welled up in her eyes.