Cat's got out of the bag

[HP Level low, System is unable to fully heal host.]

[External Healing in process]

[Converting Mana energy to Health points]

[Host is adviced not to move during Healing]

"I feel horrible," Zayde complained with a strained and tired voice. He also looked horrible. His hair was messy and filled with dust from the chaos that had occured moments ago, his clothes were torn and soaked with blood from the bodies of the succubi from earlier.

He opened his tired eyes once again, his worried expression replaced with relief when he saw Ravena alright without any noticable scratches, except she was different, in her other form. "Sorry for the blast," He uttered, his voice was barely above a whisper and with a small apologetic smile plastered on his face.

Ravena paused what she was doing and raised her head to look at him, "You should apologize for pulling a dangerous stunt like that," She angrily answered, anger evident in her eyes.

A smirk replaced his apologetic smile, "Talking back at your master?"

Ravena scoffed and turned to resume her healing, the pink light emanating from her hands , reflected on her face. "Don't mistake this form for my mortal look Master," Horns emerged from within her head, extending out as it created a cracking sound, it curved back wards and maintained a grey hue that one would have mistaken for white.

"Besides I could put you down with out using all my tentacles. You still owe me an apology for pulling off a stunt like that, Master," she added without sparing him a glance.

Zayde leaned backwards and sighed, "I could let you cuddle while I sleep," he whispered, cringing at how stupid he sounded. 'Damn I sound ridiculous, ' he laughed at himself, already hating what he was doing.

Ravena's cheeks turned red instantly but because of the light on her face, he had not noticed it. She finished healing him and turned around to pick up a bag behind her. She extended it out to him with a terrified gleam in her eyes.

Zayde noticed it and reluctantly took the bag from her, "What is this?"

"The Core of the beast and the scroll, i saw thee scroll under you while the core I extracted and decided to give you knowing you would need it."

"I see. Where is the mallet?"

"That is what you are resting against," she answered briefly and rose to her feets, her tentacles circling around her like a dress. "The apartment is few blocks away, teleportation could get us that far," she suggested as she helped Zayde up. He nodded and opened up the bag, the core and scroll floated out and hovered before him.

The two items emanated intense energy that even Zayde felt Intimidated, he moved them to where the mallet was and extended his arms just as he saw Ravena do. The items glowed and faded slowly, unsure if he had added them to his inventory, he decided to ask but was beaten to it.

[Three items added to inventory]

[Arcane Knowledge scroll, Rank A item]

[Rank D energy core]

[Rank A, Skull Mallet]

He rolled his eyes and sighed, "I am glad that's over," he mumbled and turned to Ravena who stared at him with a blank expression. "What?"

"You don't seem to care about what those girls said."

He frowned, knowing exactly what she was heading to and it annoyed him instantly. "Do you want me to care?"

She slowly shook her head, hating the fact everyone seemed to look down on her for running away from home to avoid taking the title. Zayde patted her head and threw his arms around her shoulder. "Take me home.I need to clean up, my hair."

Ravena closed her eyes, her mind drifting to the apartments living room, she flicked her finger transporting them to their home instantly. Zayde sighed in relief and walked off without saying a word, since he was eager to be clean.


Ravena sat on the counter in the kitchen going through one of her numerous books, often about Magic and Technology or races she never seemed to recognize– like the snarler. She was engrossed in her book that she hadn't noticed when Zayde strolled in wearing a sweatshirt and pants.

His hair was neat and back to its wolf cut, he ran his hand through his hair, enjoying the feeling of the soft silky strands of hair as he poured himself wine. "Hey Rave."

"Yes master," she answered, her gaze still not leaving her book, she flipped the page and adjusted her glasses without sparing a glance at him. Something he found offending. He downed the content and moved silently to where she sat, he slid between her legs and collected the book from her hands, he closed it and threw it on the fridge effortlessly.

Ravena gasped as he made those sudden movements, her cheeks instantly swelled when she had realized the position they were in. Her eyes met his and she froze, lost in the void and empty island surrounded by a spotless white body.

Zayde smirked mockingly, satisfied with the reaction he got. "Now that I have your attention, I am heading out to the store some blocks away, Pack up and leave nothing behind, Understood?"

"Y..yes Master," she stuttered, still dazed and lost in his eyes.

Zayde scoffed and leaned in, as his lips brushed her ears she shivered and bit her lips, restraining herself from embracing him. "You will eat me with your eyes before I actually get to think about eating you, Rave"

With that said, he immediately left without another words, leaving her alone to ponder on what he said and think about packing before anything would go wrong. Because she knew very well that what took place in Sage's Crypt would eventually be traced back to them, because their mana energies would be sensed by the Hyperion.

Zayde, strolled casually along the busy streets that was far different from what he had imagined. Since the area around him looked abandoned, he had assumed no one would live around but he was wrong. The streets bustled with life and chatters from different races. Demons, Witches, sirens with distinct features different from what he imagined they would look like.

He stopped when he arrived in front of the store he saw on his map, A gadgets store, the only thing that would make him like his new life even more. He pushed the door of the shop open and was welcomed with a cool breeze and the aroma of technology.

He walked thoughtlessly into the store, ignoring the Cashier that watched him with wide eyes, thoughts clouded by the gadgets he would find, especially in a world where Magic existed. He spent an hour browsing through the isles, untill he found what he wanted, a headset and smart phone that seemed too advanced for him, he still picked them nevertheless.

With a joy filled heart, he approached the cashier looking unfazed so he would not look pathetic or over happy. He placed the items on the counter and reached into his pocket for a card that Ravena left in his room for 'expenses.'

The cashier smirked with a knowing look in his eyes, he scanned Zayde's items and handed the receipt to him after debiting him. "Thanks," Zayde uttered and turned around to leave, only for the cashier to say something he never imagined someone would say to him.

The Cashier, took off his hat, his spotless white hair coming to view with some strands that covered his eyes, he leaned against the table and whispered.

"I am shocked you escaped your prison and even Reincarnated with a better body and glow up, Tell me Lord shadow–or should I say, Zayde. What is your secret?"