Invincible Yet Effective Allies

"Master," Ravena paused taking her gaze to the white haired guy behind him, she frowned and averted her gaze from him taking it back to Zayde, "A friend?" She asked, her excitement vanishing instantly, her smile fell as well, a stoic expression appearing on her face.

Zayde patted her head, "Don't get the wrong expression Rave, he is just here to help me out with something," he explained briefly and moved out of the way for Ash to go in.

He turned to Ravena and accessed her from head to toe then his eyes fell on her neck that was covered since she was wearing a turtle neck sweater. "It is hot and you should wearing someone revealing, remember you spend most of your time in your workshop and kitchen."

Ravena lowered her gaze, hiding the blush that formed on her face, she bowed and scampered away, her little legs carrying as fast as they could. Zayde chuckled softly and locked the door behind him. He strolled into the living room with his hands dipped in his pocket, he paused when he saw Ash standing at the center of the room, staring at the ceiling.

"What are you doing?" Zayde asked Ash who just shrugged and closed his eyes, plopping himself on the couch positioned at the corner of the room.

He placed the bag containing the items he bought on his chest and began unboxing it, ignoring everything around him because what mattered at that moment was his Gadgets.

[Five Hours, Twenty five minutes and fifty nine seconds]

The flinched when the system's voice echoed in his head again, he sat up quickly and put the bag aside, he thought of his system screen and it opened up before him.

'Oblivion what exactly are the tasks for and what are the penalties for not completing them?' He asked, resting his hands that were supported by his knees.

[Split second Tasks]

[Easy yet complicated tasks given to the host, to obtain Health points, mana points, Taint Points as well as increasing the host's chances of unlocking abilities]

'Yeah about that taint points, What are they?'

[These are points that could also count as Attack level and backup health points and mana points]

'How do I obtain points like that?'

[The extra curricular activities that the host would call Intimacy, make outs and sex]

Zayde frowned and pinched his nose bridge out of frustration, "Can these tasks be rejected?"

[Affirmative but would cause great loss to the host]

"Loss like?"

[Drastic subtraction in all points especially mana and health]

'What if I don't complete them within the given time?' He asked as he combed through his hair with his fingers.

[Death or Submission to the host's flaws concerning being susceptible to a specific female]

Zayde's jaw dropped in disbelief but immediately kept his cool and sighed, he leaned back into the sofa, crossing his arms behind his head. "Ash, you said you would help me, what are you doing? "

Ash turned his head to him slowly and smiled, "Thinking of a plan but I am done now," He uttered and strode over to him, he sat down beside Zayde and leaned into the chair. "Get her cornered against the wall to start an intense make out session and then while she is dazed move to her neck and bite her there, I doubt that would be hard for the almighty Shadow lord."

"Believe me, it is almost impossible, I have no interest in such things," Zayde replied and sighed once again. He could not even imagine himself kissing Ravena, it was not like him, initiating a kiss is something he never did even with his past girlfriend.

It was not because he had not intention of doing it, his body somehow rejected things like that, he would rather go straight for the neck than kiss her.

"Not even when she is dressed like that," Ash whispered pointing at Ravena who was dressed in an oversized shirt that he recognized to be his–the previous Zayde, and it barely covered her thighs, revealing the shorts she wore under.

Zayde felt hot instantly, he clenched his fists and sighed surrending to Ash's suggestions. "You win this time, I will make you pay once I am done," He threatened and rose to his feets. He took off his boost and kept aside, groaning as the coolness from the tiles went into his legs and spread through his body.

He heaved another sigh and strolled to the kitchen where he met Ravena drinking wine while stirring what looked like soup. He mustered enough courage, inhaling sharply before replacing his discomfort with his cold expression.

"What are you doing?" He spoke up, now walking closer to her, "Chicken," He paused and inhaled the aroma of what she was preparing, "Soup," his eyes widened in surprise, "Who taught you how to make this?"

Ravena laughed nervously and dropped the glass in her hands, she turned around to face him fully and smiled, "I thought if I prepared food you are used to it would be easier to enjoy, Instead of just blood and meat."

"Blood? I take blood as food?" He asked disbelief laced in his voice, she nodded and smiled.

"That's what demons mainly feed on especially you, but since you were reincarnated from a world where you eat human food, I decided to learn," She explained briefly and crouched down to pick up a book in one of the cupboards. "I have lots of books, so I found this cook book and I found recipes for foods humans eat ."

Zayde felt his chest tighten, he wanted to scold her for worrying too much, but the fact she actually went through those for him made him smile within himself.

He took the book out of her hand and flung it aside, he opened the top button of his shirt and without warning lifted Ravena and placed her on the counter after she had turned down the heat on the pot.

"Master?" Ravena was shocked but her heart was beating fast with anticipation. Her cheeks darkened and her skin burned from how close he was. "W..what are you doing?" She stuttered but he chuckled and leaned in.

'This was easier that I thought, ' He told himself and slowly pressed his lips on hers, letting his arms find its way around her waist while the other stayed on her thigh.

He frowned at the resistance she suddenly developed and bit her lips causing her to open her mouth thus giving him way in. His lips locked with hers in a deep kiss, while letting his tongue slide into her mouth.

Ravena's resistance dropped the moment he bit her lips, she subconsciously wrapped around his shoulder. She could feel his phangs growing slowly as the kiss went on longer than she had anticipated.

She expected him to kiss her for at least ten seconds and then leave without saying a thing, but he was so I to it that she decided to give in as well.

However the moment was short lived when Zayde pulled away, a silvery trail of saliva following, he stared at her glossy eyes with a smile and then leaned in, this time going for her exposed neck.

Already realized what he was doing, she tilted her head and closed her eyes, her toes curling when his lips touched her skin, creating a soft rasp when his mouth parted open, then he sank his teeth deep into her skin without hesitating.

She flinched from the sudden pain that went into her but he raised his head and gaze her an assuring gaze, she held onto him enduring the pain that went into her body. But then it stopped, replaced with a sweet burning sensation, she bit her lips when she felt blood leaving her body, enduring the pain at the same time suppressing the moan that threatened to escape her lips.

He tightened his hold around her, drawing as much as he could like a milk deprived baby. Oblivious of Ash who stood at the door with a proud smile, he took another photo of the two before leaving then to their doings.

"Master," Ravena whispered, tapping his shoulder gently when five minutes had passed. Zayde paused, slowly taking his phangs out of her skin, he licked the blood that stained his lips and sighed. "Are you okay?" She asked, sounding worried as usual.

"Yeah I am fine, I just need to calm down," He responded and blinked repeatedly, clearing his hazed and blood hued vision. Once they were clear he smiled at her and gave her another kiss. "Expect more of this to happen, alright?" She nodded and he patted her head before carrying her off the counter.

"Get me water and set the food on the table, We need to plan our movements before tomorrow night," He stated earning another nod from her, he smiled slightly and turned around, only to open the door to two people in the living room instead of one. "Ash?"

"Don't ask me, they are succubi and I have no idea who they are," Ash shrugged and crossed his hands behind him.

"We are Ravena's soldiers from the crimson empire and we got word from her that you escaped but reincarnated. Is that true?" The brunette and single horned lady questioned him, earning her a frown and scoff.

"I doubt if you are Ravena's soldiers, her manners are top notched compared to you and you ask useless obvious question," Zayde uttered and turned to Ravena who simply gave a smile of approval, a mischievous glint appearing in her eyes that he failed to notice.

The brunette frowned as well and crossed her arms under her breasts, "The previous Shadow lord was not as diabolic and Unfeeling as you are. I wonder if your blood lust can match his." She said with a challenging tone that unfortunately triggered Zayde once again.

He reached out to grab her throat prepared to snap it instantly, but Ash and Ravena held his hand and shoulder at once. "Let me go!"

"Master, forgive her disrespect, she had been really cranky after your imprisonment," Ravena bowed apologetically and turned to the brunette, "I am afraid to say, Opal, but his bloodlust tops Lord Shadow in thousand folds and you shouldn't provoke him because next time I might not be able to stop him from cutting your life short."

Opal's eyes softened and she embraced Ravena in a warm hug, "We were so worried about you," She said almost crying, but one glare from Zayde made her toughen up.

Ravena smiled and rubbed her back before withdrawing. "I miss you too but," She paused, her eyes slowly turning dark "Did you finish your mission?"

"Yes, We wiped out Sector twelve's Soldiers and we decided to drop by to check on you before I continued to the thirteenth," Opal stated and flicked her fingers, translucencent figures appeared on the window.

"Invisibility," Zayde mouthed astonished but then took his gaze back to Opal who simply bowed and apologized for her disrespectful behavior towards him. "How many soldiers did you kill?"

"One hundred and fifty eight and counting."

Zayde nodded in approval, proud and astonished at Ravena's handiwork. He knew she was strong but he never expected she would be in charge of a massive, invincible but effective army that must have consisted of different races of demons.