Reincarnation Complete

"I got fifty seven, What about you?" Ash yelled as he got off his knees, covered in blood. He turned to Zayde who looked spotless except his hands and legs. "You didn't do anything?"

Zayde smirked, "I did, but you see this is not something new to me. I got seventy four and I won, but you got much blood on you, so you win in that aspect, Now can we go? " He uttered and turned around to tie the bag with body parts, Ash did the same as well and they burnt everything to ashes with a blow torch.

They strolled to the back of the building where Ravena had parked the van, She stood beside Opal who was saying something that was serious with how she was concentrated.

Zayde stood feets away from them to listen to what they had to say, Hating that he had to listen, However, since it was something that would help him. Who is he not to find out?

"Our soldiers are getting wiped out easily, Life forces are being exhausted rapidly and after Tonight, we wouldn't be able to regenerate anyone again," Opal stated with a stoic expression but her voice laced with worry.

Ravena frown deepened followed by an exhausting sigh, "Tell them to fall back and take a break, I have to gather reinforcement from outside Khthonic, You and the other commanders should meet me two days from now, I have a plan."

"Let's hear it," Zayde finally spoke up, proud and amused at her leading traits.

Ravena unfolded her arms and exhaled, "We have to plan our move slowly, Since the Hyperion soldiers refused to let our soldiers passed the border we have to find our way in without being spotted, if we fall back now we have to start afresh," she stated and tapped on the black gem on her choker. A holographic screen appeared before them, showing what looked like a battle armour and weapons.

"I have been trying to perfect these but it always turns out horrible. It either shatters, explodes or melts. But once I finish it, we could create more and infiltrate Hyperion effortlessly. Then you can have your revenge and take control," She faced Ash who smirked at her.

"You don't have to worry, I've always had your back and I still will," He said earning a glare from Zayde.

"You both know each other?" He asked his eyes on Ravena who dropped her head in guilt. "Rave I need an answer," He demanded again, getting impatient with her silence.

"Yes we do," Ash spoke up and walked over to Ravena, he raised her head up to look Zayde in the eyes, "I am her brother, Well Half brother," He laughed nervously. "We are not in good terms though, I almost killed her last time we met."

Ravena slapped his hands off her and bowed down deeply, "I am deeply sorry for not telling you earlier master, I just did not see the need because I felt he was a nuisance and would leave soon."

Zayde glared at Ash who just smirked, "It's alright. You are right about him being a nuisance but I won't be letting him go anytime soon,"

"Because you need a cupid to help you out."

"Say that again and I will shove a dagger up your jaw," Zayde threatened and glanced at Opal. "Have you called them back?" She shook her head slowly, "Should I spell it out for you?" She shook her head frantically again and turned around to leave, but then she turned back and started walking over to him.

"What is it?"

She leaned in and whispered to him, "You don't see it but she is really doing her best to get you to the top. I bet you had no one to help you in your past life, but now you have a loyal servant, sorry friend to help you out. Believe me she would do anything to make you happy." She withdrew and gave him a smile.

"See you at the border, Captain," Opal bowed to Ravena and Zayde and vanished almost immediately leaving an after effect of white fog.

"Thank goodness she's gone, I don't think I could ever get along with anyone in this cursed world," Zayde exclaimed as he made his way into the van, Ash and Ravena glared at each other and followed him into the van.

Ravena took position in the Driver's seat, strapped on the seat belt and started the engines. She tapped on her choker and a map appeared at the top right corner of the van. "Master are we ready to go now?"

"Yeah sure, Go ahead," He answered and turned his attention back to Ash who was busy going through his Bags. "What exactly are you looking for?" He asked, displeasure laced in his voice as his privacy was being invaded.

Ash hummed something random and stuck his hand deeper into the back till he felt something, he exclaimed joyfully and pulled out what looked like a stun gun and a scrap book. "We are going to complete your reincarnation!" He announced and Ravena began driving almost immediately.

Ash placed the scrap book on the table and sat before Zayde. "These are pictures of Ravena from years before she was sold as a slave and few of them from the photos He took, Now we both have experiences as humans so this should still work on you, We are going to put you through a pain and pleasure session."

"I doubt the pleasure part," Zayde replied, showing no interest in whatever Ash was saying, his gaze was focused on the view outside; the trees, the people, the various stores that they moved passed.

"Pictures of Ravena in a vulnerable state, you show any reaction, I stun you," He continued and opened the first page despite Zayde's distraction. "She is Naked here," He uttered in a tune and watched Zayde's eyes snap towards the direction and almost immediately his eyes froze on the photo.

"All this under her clothes," Zayde mumbled mindlessly, thoughts began to flood in his mind, "This can't be real, " He did not want to believe it, at the same time he did. He traced his hands on the photograph and attempted to turn the page when Ash stunned him.

He groaned in agony, feeling electricity circulate his body from his wrist where the gun was, then to his brain and then stop. "I swear I will kill you," He uttered between gritted teeths with fire burning in his eyes.

"You love me too much to kill me," Ash winked and turned the page, revealing Ravena in a jumper beside what looked like a shadow in her arms. Zayde immediately choked on his saliva the moment his eyes landed on the photo.

"The mighty Zayde is reacting perfectly to his Property, How adorable is that?" Ash mocked as he stunned Zayde again, and Zayde only groaned in pain still not taking his eyes off the picture. Ash smiled at the result he was getting. 'One more horn to go,' He thought and flipped the page.

Zayde immediately froze as his eyes landed on the photograph, A silhouette of Ravena getting backshots from the bast Zayde, and from a corner the mirror showed their reflection. Already predicting his fate, Zayde closed his eyes, clenched his jaw and waited for Ash to stun him.

Approximately three minutes of stunning, Ash leaned into his seat and dropped the stun gun. He smirked at Zayde who had some strands of his hair sticking out, In an attempt to bring them down, he felt something sticking out of his head.

He paused and slowly but curiously felt what was there, he touched the base of the horn and flinched 'Shit that is not right,' He traced his hand to the top, now realizing what ever was there was close to half the length of his arm.

He felt the base again to conclude his inspection but once again flinched.

"Stop touching it Idiot, That's a sensitive spot," Ash yelled at him as he slapped his hands away from his head.

"Your phangs are out, Your horns are out, What you need is a pendant to keep you in your human form, Oblivon should alert you, right about. Now"

[Reincarnation complete]

[Shadow Demon form, Phase One]