Hero Wars...

The solar and lunar meteor crashes into both Elsword and Noah who later got transformed into the boys of fire and ice. This morning, Noah goes to a cafe in Elrios City and he tries to touch the cappuccino but Denif slapped him and said to him "Noah, this cappuccino costs 5,000 ED. However, you may apply to become a waiter." Noah agrees to Denif's request and became a waiter.Noah gives the cappuccino to an customer who finds out that it was frozen got angry at him and Denif was to investigate the situation, with the customer saying to him "Denif! One of your waiters has frozen my plate and I want you to please fire him!" Denif responded by "Don't worry, I'll fire the waiter who has frozen your plate." and said to Noah "Noah you jerk! How dare you freeze one of our customers' plate! You're fired!"As a result, Denif kicks Noah out of the cafe and Noah felt hungry. Meanwhile with Elsword, he saw Rena and Fabian throwing a boomerang then wants to join them only for Rena to accept him and throws a boomerang to him and said "Here I go! Inferno Firestorm!" only for it to burn much to Rena and Fabian's horror that the boomerang was shattered in ashes while Elsword gets upset and starts to cry.In the mall, Asella walks with the broom and a bucket and gives it to Noah who turns the floor to a ice rink, causing Eve and Aisha to fall down and Noah starts to dance with the broom until Asella gets angry at Noah but in turn she falls down like the customers. In the swimming pool, Rena and Fabian are in their swimsuit and sitting in the beach chairs, drinking milkshake.While drinking their milkshakes, Elsword appeared naked much to Rena and Fabian's horror that they dropped the milkshakes near the pool side and jumped into the pool in which he did the same, causing the two to feel hot and unfortunately, Elsword gripped Rena's breasts until she pushed him away by saying "Yikes! Sword you pervert!" and ran away with Fabian which left him lonely.Meanwhile, Myu is cleaning a mount and Noah sees an recruitment option, which allows him to join the Cobo Mount Cleaning service but unfortunately freezes the water much to Myu's anger that the Cobo President fired him for his actions. Meanwhile in the beach, Noah creates an crystal empty cup which satisfies Ariel.And so on, Noah pours orange and apple juice into this cup then grabs a cup and made an ice cream, with him giving it to Ariel who shakes hands with him. Outside of the ice cream shop, Elsword walks and relaxes with Rena and Fabian until before the sunset, Rena and Fabian shouts "OH MY GOD! IT BURNS! How did Elsword get these solar abilities?! That's impossible for an average human to have such solar and lunar abilities!"Elsword got tired and spat fire much to Rena's horror until Aisha came to throw water buckets at both Rena and Fabian. During the night, everyone was dancing infront of the ice cream stand and Noah gives Laby ice cream and the scene switches to Elsworrd giving Ara curls on her hair and making Laby's hair straight. Noah plays with ice cubes which made the visitors praise him and he throws them to their drink, which makes them happy. Meanwhile, Elsword burns the marshmallows and feeds Chung with it 2 times until Frostine and ShadowRunal came to walk which made the two fall in love with them.In the next morning, both Elsword and Noah turned back to normal, allowing them to fly in the sky with wings and we never see them again.