I'm Quitting Elsword, Bye.

This was made as an April Fools joke in April 2021, a mere 3 years before I actually uninstalled Elsword from my computer due to my computer having problems with the game's 64-bit client, around the same time as its physical memory (which I plan on upgrading in the future, even though its maximum memory capacity is limited to 16GB of RAM) and SSD, even though my computer had no problems running its 32-bit client.

In Neon City, two robots and their dogs communicate with each other. Another robot throws trash into the dumpsters. While at prison, three criminals looks at the bars and one of them gets electrocuted by touching it. Elsword, Aisha and Rena (who are wearing cyberpunk clothing) came out from a manhole with laser guns and a dynamite.The camera looks at them, with Aisha telling Elsword and Rena "We must have a plan to get rid of those evil robots, right?", unfortunately Elsword was grabbing an dynamite from his purse, which led to two robotic dogs barking at the three. Aisha grabs the dynamite from Elsword's hands and said to him "Be careful, those dogs might even stab us in the back!"Rena said to Aisha "Come hide in the dumpster with me and Elsword because there are evil dogs out there! They think we are terrorists and we don't want them to go after us!" Aisha ignored what Rena said to her, then she attempted to give the dynamite to one of the criminals, with Elsword and Rena resorting into hiding inside the dumpster.Aisha touched the prison bars and got electrocuted, with the first dog taking her while the second dog was unable to search for Elsword and Rena while the two looked at them opening the top of it while they're inside it. The grappling hook took Aisha to the tower, with the dogs going back to the tower.While inside the dumpster, Elsword and Rena decided to wear a Nasod Battle Suit and jumped out of the dumpster, then left their cyberpunk clothing next to the dumpster. Elsword curiously ringed the bell, and caught Neomi's attention that she pressed the pink button, causing him and Rena to fall into the dining room.In the dining room, Elsword and Rena found themselves sitting in the chair with Neomi, only for Eve to serve gasoline to the three's champagne glass. The three toasts their champagne glass, with Neomi drinking it, Rena and Elsword spitting it on the table. The two screamed at Eve "How dare you serve us car fuel as a drink?! I mean, what the hell is wrong with you?!"After calling Eve out, Neomi attempted to dance with Elsword but Rena pushed the two away, with her and him doing the robot dance which even made Neomi grabbing Elsword by force and put him in bed, then Rena follows her. The scene switches to Neomi, Elsword and Rena entering the room. While Neomi was gone, the two looked at Aisha on TV and said "Is that Aisha?! What is she doing here?! We must save her!" As a result, Elsword and Rena removed their Nasod Battle Suits and changed into their default clothing, then put their Ice Burner outfit into a pillow and went to rescue Aisha.Neomi came back only to found out Elsword and Rena are gone, and kissed a pillow much to her horror. Elsword and Rena barged into the same jail Aisha is right now, then told her "Aisha! We found you!" Aisha gets happy and hugged the two. Neomi walked in the jail with the dogs and got shocked, that the three high-fives.Upon seeing Elsword, Aisha and Rena high-fiving, Neomi began to cry and got heartsick, then fainted. The dogs sniffs Neomi and walks away, and back at the Neon City, a Technoparade happened, with the three were on a cyberpunk parade float, which looked like this image, and waving to everyone, including the reader.