Add showed Blizzy pictures of Froid and Ara going out together in different places and having sex in a hotel, which made her got aware of what her husband was doing and she got angry about it. Elsword and Aisha walked while eating donuts and Add told them "Well, I found the proof Froid was cheating on his wife with Ara."
Elsword got shocked and said "Add, what the hell is wrong with Froid?! I didn't know he was a hypocrite the whole time!"; Aisha got angry and responded "Froid is such a hypocrite... He promised his son to find a suitable mother who isn't willing to cheat on him, but he took someone else not from his family!"
Later, at the Arcane Palace's throne, Elsword, Aisha and Add came to question Frostine about what her brother have been doing and she told them "My brother is doing what?!" Add said to her "He's cheating on his wife with Ara!" much to her dismay. Emperor Arkona's assistant said to Frostine "Your brother has been cheating on his wife."
Frostine told the assistant "Why is my brother cheating on his wife?" and he responded with "He usually prefers attractive women like with Ara, and doesn't want to have children with her." Everyone became silent for 16 minutes, and as a result, Froid was voted out of office by the National Assembly of the Arcane Republic and abdicated along with Frostine, and so on they were replaced by Crystalline's ex-husband Jack Frost and their daughter Glacia.
Following the abdication, Froid decided to work to pay for child support, but this time he worked as an construction worker and Elona told him "You couldn't have worked there if you haven't been cheating on your wife!"
NEXT SCENEIn Eden City, 4 months after the events of Chaos in Eden City, a 25-year-old father, who was shopping for his daughter at that time, saw Aluna lying on the ground near a park and called the ambulance, saying that the woman he saw had entered into labor near the park, and the ambulance quickly came and picked her up to the Arksworth General Hospital in Arksworth.While at the hospital's emergency room, Aluna saw the doctors giving her son to her and she holds him, and named him Eyan. 2 months after he was born, as Aluna was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, she took him with her, they and Bliz went to the beach near Eden City.Aluna said to Bliz "Hi Bliz, I've brought my son with me today." He got shocked and said "What?! Your son isn't mine!" She later responded with "Woah! Calm down, Bliz! You said you wanted me as your bride when we first met, but you are unable to have kids!"Bliz got stunned for 5 minutes and 5 minutes later, he told Aluna "I know I was unable to have kids with you, but how is that Elsword good with you?" She soon blushed and looked away, then said "Woah, you don't have to get mad at him just for nothing." and "Not only that by the fact you're unable to have kids with me, you're always jealous when I'm with him!"Bliz got offended and got angry at Aluna, and the two kept on arguing until they broke up and parted ways.