Magic Heads

Elsword and Aisha are riding on a swing at the park peacefully, and the scene switches to Iliana falling out of nowhere and she grabs her staff, and threw it at the other side where the two are riding on a swing happily.At the same time, Elsword wasn't paying attention to the staff which hit his head, and he fell down the swing bench crying. Aisha got shocked and said to him "Are you okay, Elsword? Did you get hurt?"Elsword replied with "I'm okay. I didn't get hurt but that mage hit my head with her staff..." and grabs Iliana's staff, with he and Aisha walking to a nearby bench in the park with the staff. At the nearby bench in the park, Aisha touches the tip of Iliana's staff only to her head as a pineapple much to her and Elsword's shock, that he turned her head into an watermelon and she said "Hey! I'm not even a watermelon! Please just stop with this!" and she had a horse face.After having a moth face and a dog face, Aisha had her head replaced with a cherry and did a revenge; in turn Elsword got his head replaced with a cherry, and the two got their cherry heads replaced with a watermelon until he got his head back, only for Aisha to become an werewolf much to his horror and Iliana laughing.Luckily, Elsword managed to overcome his fear of werewolves and transformed Aisha back to a human with Iliana's staff, and she throws it at her. Iliana got angry and resorted into putting magic potions into a giant bottle, and teleported it away.The scene switches to Elsword and Aisha playing tennis with their weapons in a balcony until they saw a pink potion and drank it only for them to cough and choke. He said to her "This damn mage... How dare she put poison on that potion! Let's throw this at her!" She responded "Good idea, Elsword! Now, let's take a revenge on her!"As a result, Elsword and Aisha took revenge on Iliana by pouring the potion on her and throwing it at her head. She said "Goddamn it you morons! How dare you do this to me?!" and put candy inside a treasure chest whom she put magic inside, and teleported it back to the swing.Back at the swing at the park, as Elsword and Aisha are riding it, they got out of it immediately in shock only to saw a treasure chest near the swing and carried it to the nearby bench. Back at the nearby bench, Aisha opened the treasure chest, with her and Elsword getting the candies but she told him "Oh my god! There might be magic inside those candies! Hurry up and put it inside the chest!"Elsword and Aisha got panicked, as they immediately closed the treasure chest and threw it to Iliana who tried to run away but the treasure chest hit her in the back and so on she got angry at the two and shouted at them "You brats... How dare you throw that treasure chest to my back! If I see you two next time, then I'll make you suffer by slicing your neck by half!" then disappeared.Back at the bench, Elsword said "That'll serve that mage a lesson. Good riddance to her." Aisha replied with "Ugh... She's not good at all, but thank god we got rid of her." and the two left the bench.