Sakurahama Heroes
Elsword, Aisha and Rena are running and searching for Black Lord in the Rune City, only to be stopped by the same dark mage from Magic Heads. The dark mage introduces herself as Iliana and said to them "I don't know where Black Lord is right now in this city, but based on what I saw earlier is that he fled to Sakurahama Island."Iliana jumps on her broom and said "Follow me there! I'll be waiting for you in Sakurahama Island!" then flew away to Sakurahama Island. Aisha saw Iliana flying away and decides to jump on her staff, and began to fly in the sky. Elsword and Rena saw a flying broom and didn't know how to fly with it.As Iliana, Elsword, Rena and Aisha went to see what Sakurahama Island looked like, it was filled with destroyed houses, buildings, cherry blossom trees and ruined roads, and even demonic energy.Black Lord appeared and summoned an invisible spirit to brainwash Elsword into thinking about lust, with Iliana, Aisha and Rena getting shocked. Iliana said to Aisha and Rena "Go back to the Rune Realm as I'm taking care of him and Black Lord!", and they did flew back to the Rune Realm.After Aisha and Rena left for the Rune Realm, Iliana and Elsword got into a fight, with her winning and him losing. As a result for losing, she tried to exorcise the spirit that was on his body through magic but it refused. Laby appeared out of nowhere and said to Iliana "The only way to get rid of this devil is to do what he wants from you."Iliana nods and Laby disappeared without a trace. Iliana transforms into her Inner form and summons a magic circle to blast dark magic at Black Lord, causing him to fall down the island to the Rune Realm. Back at the Rune Realm, in the Rune Beach, Fabian, Aisha and Rena are drinking milkshake in a beach seat. Fabian said to Aisha and Rena "What happened to my cousin Elsword?" Aisha replied with "Well, Elsword got cursed, so we decided to leave him with Iliana." Suddenly, Black Lord fell down to the beach shore, causing Fabian, Aisha and Rena to be splashed by the beach waters. Back in Sakurahama Island, Ieon caught them in the act much to their horror and she got shocked. Aisha and Rena flew back to the island, and saw Elsword running away to go after the spirit which made him think about lust, leaving exhausted Iliana in the ground being full of his seed. Elona and Aerin were walking and they saw Iliana.And so on, Aisha and Rena went to search for his whereabouts, only to get blocked by a brainwashed Emlyn who got defeated by them. At an secluded forest, near a treehouse, here we see Elsword sitting on the log and witnessed Miro running away from the same spirit whom he managed to get rid off his body after defeating Iliana.Aisha and Rena appeared out of nowhere, and they along with Elsword exorcised the spirit, saving Miro in time. He thanks the three for saving him from the spirit and walked away to Moe Denpa City. After saving Miro, Elsword, Aisha and Rena saw Black Lord coming to the forest and they prepare for the true fight against him.