Eve the Drama Queen

In Velder Academy's hallway, Aisha and Noah puts the Prom banner and Eve walks in front of them with a box, and they got shocked. She puts her name into it and walked away only to kick the stool Aisha is standing on, and she get mad at her.As a result to take a revenge against Eve, Aisha grabs an cardboard box and took everything off the box, and writes her name on it. Chung gets out of the classroom and voted for Aisha, and Noah grabs the Christmas ornaments only for Aisha to sneeze.Upon realizing that Chung is talking to Eve, Aisha got sad. During chemistry class, she and her aimed their arms to the air and Eve answered the question. During class, Aisha put Eve's hair on her pencil case and the latter threw her pencil case to the trash.Aisha ran to pick her pencil case from the trash and dropped a box of tampons out of her bag. Most likely, she was on her period. During the prom queen winner announcement at the gym, the announcer said "Ladies and gentlemen, And the winner is... Eve!"Eve and Aisha came, with her winning and tearing the latter's dress that people laughed at her that Aisha ran crying to the hallway. Chung, Elsword and Rena felt pity for her, so they left the gym to hug her and calmed her down by giving her flowers and a crown.