A Gun In A Fistfight

Hours later, Alessia's eyes fluttered open to find herself sprawled on the ground in Marco's office, her head throbbing and her throat dry and sore. Marco hadn't sought help.

As she stirred awake, Marco's absence in the eerily silent office sent a chill down her spine. With a surge of urgency, she fled the office, her only thought to escape. She didn't see Marco again until one fateful afternoon.


Evolve Restaurant, Milan.

Alessia sat down, looking at the entrance. She peered at loving couples walk hand in hand in and out of the restaurant and sighed each time.

Alessia drank some water as she checked her wristwatch. She had waited for an hour now. Though the thought of meeting with Marco made her knees weak, she will have to confront him sooner or later.

She had sent him a text with the address of the restaurant but he never replied. About 30 minutes later he finally arrived, wearing a smirk.

"Have you come to your senses now?"

"This relationship ends here and now, expect to hear from the police and my bank." With that, Alessia got up.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Out of your life."

"What makes you think you can live without me? I provided for you for a whole four years, fed you, gave you everything you wanted. You just had to name it, and I gave it all to you."

"I only get your money because I work for you! Everything I wanted? The last time you got me a gift was four years ago-a miniskirt for work!"

" Why hasn't the bank and police reached out for so long, uh, you can't go against me, Alessia." He whispered with a smirk.

He held onto Alessia's wrist firmly, everyone in the restaurant looking at them strangely. Alessia was starting to feel dizzy, her trauma being triggered once again.

"You can't leave me," he seethed, teeth clenched.

Marco's grip tightened around Alessia's wrist, his face contorted with rage. As he pulled her, she stumbled backward instead, a mysterious force pulling her back .She turned to see who it was.

The man also looked at Marco, who was trying to raise his chin to equal his intimidation as the man was taller. The mysterious man's bang covered half of his face. The exclusive couture hoodie and black mask —was he a celebrity?

"Why would you butt into a couple's argument?" Marco said, almost in an annoyed murmur.

With her hand still clasped around his, the man moved. All he needed was two strides to stand before Marco. Marco, visibly intimidated, stepped back.

"Alessia, let's go," Marco said, tugging her hand gently. Just as he spoke, the tall man yanked her hand from Marco's grip and walked out of the restaurant with her. Marco tried to follow, but a man in a black suit stopped him, wrapping his hand around Marco's shoulder, holding something against his waist.

She wiggled her hand free. "Thank you for helping me out," she said with a low bow before rushing away to hail a cab. Alessia's mind raced with uncertainties, there was only three days till her leave ends, and the game with Marco had only just begun.

The shrill ring of her phone shattered the tense silence, she hurriedly pulled it out of her purse. It was Matteo.

"Can I start with congratulations or 'what an asshole he is'?"

She giggled at his words.

"None for now, our show was interrupted."

"Are you on your way home now?"

"Yes, I am. Is Lisa around?"

"No, she went out just now."

"With who?"


"Okay, I'll be home soon. Bye," she said, hanging up.

Ending the call, Alessia's phone chimed. It was a text from Marco. 'Come to my mansion now, or you won't have a job to go back to.'

A bitter chuckle escaped Alessia's lips, a mix of relief and lingering fear twisting in her gut. "Be my guest, Marco," she muttered, blocking all three of his contacts. She buried her face in her palms as her hair fell loosely around her face."

Alessia arrived home. Matteo was outside, pruning the lawn. Seeing her, he walked toward her with open arms. Matteo was only 17 but was as tall as 25-year-old Alessia. She staggered into his embrace.

"You did well, Alessia. No matter what happened out there, you did well."

"I don't have a job anymore. He's taken all my money, and you both will be starting college soon." She choked.

"Shhh, it'll be fine. The scholarship will work out."

She sniffled as she straightened. She glanced around, expecting Lisa to appear any moment too.

"Let's go in. You shouldn't miss Italia Shore because of that excuse of a human being."

Alessia's face brightened as she heard that. She strutted into the house and plopped on the sofa. Matteo picked up her shoes at the doorstep and brought fluffy bunny slippers. Kneeling, he slipped them on her feet before taking her shoes and bag inside.

"You want juice?" he asked.

"No, I'm fine."

"Okay, I'll make dinner now."

"Thanks, Matteo."

The door suddenly flung open.

"They've started already!" Lisa exclaimed, running to the living room.

"Hey, that's my spot."

"I want to sit here today," Alessia said.

"Matteo," Lisa cried out.

"Be nice today, Lisa. Alessia had a long day."

"Isn't she on leave? What long day did she have?" Lisa pouted.

"I'll get you a blanket. You can lie on the ground instead."

"No, I want the couch!"

Alessia stood abruptly and ran to her room, slamming the door. "The sofa is yours now. Happy?" Matteo said with a weary smile.

Alessia didn't come out for dinner, and Matteo didn't try to coax her. It was best she had some time alone.

A thunderous bang at the door shattered the midnight's quiet.

Matteo was in the living room watching a football match, and Lisa was asleep on the couch. Matteo went to see who it was. It was Marco.

Lisa woke up. "Who is it?" she asked groggily as she sat up.

"Is this Alessia Angneli's residence?" Marco asked, but Matteo didn't respond. Instead, three punches landed on Marco's face.

Then Marco did the unthinkable. Dipping his hand into his back pocket, he pulled out a gun and...

Boom! The loud gunshot echoed, and

Lisa's scream echoed through the house.