The Wolf And The Sheep

Sofia, the sensational redhead anchorwoman, was sought nationally and internationally. Some said she only got deals through her looks, but the views count always said otherwise.

"Please don't tell me you're sick."

"No, stupid. I got a new show, but it shoots in the US. I even get a penthouse!"

"So what's the good news?"

Sofia raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, it's the show."

"Yes, Alessia. That's the good news. So cheer up, you'll get a job pretty soon."

"It's scary that he hasn't called yet."

"He wants you to come and cling to him, asking for forgiveness."

"No, that will never happen," she muttered.

"This won't do," Sofia said, clicking her tongue. "My schedule will be clear by 6 PM. Let's go clubbing tonight; at least you can do that now."

Alessia's eyes brightened. "Oh my, why didn't I think of that?"

"Yes, darling, you can do everything and anything you didn't dare think of."

"I'm totally in. Let's get drunk and make bad decisions."

"Yes, that's the spirit, girl," she said as they high-fived.

The day went slowly for Alessia. She didn't particularly have any hobbies since childhood.

"I am so free, it's uncomfortable," she sighed.

Later in the evening, she got up to make dinner, "Can I help?" Lisa offered as she came in.

"Cut the carrots."

"I don't know how to do that."

"Then why did you offer to help?"

"Intention matters more!" Lisa yelled as she put a carrot in her mouth.

"Just get out of my face."

"Well done, my lovely sister," Lisa said with a giggle.

By the time she was done with dinner, Sofia had arrived.

"Sofia?" Alessia heard a deep voice as she stepped out. It was Matteo.

"Hey, my little prince."

Alessia rolled her eyes before ending the call. Sofia doted on Matteo and always bought him gifts.

Alessia came out of the house to see the duo talking. "Where are you both off to?" Matteo asked.

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll bring her back tomorrow in one piece," Sofia said with a wink as she grabbed onto Alessia's shoulders.

"Okay," Matteo said as he waved at Alessia.

"This is too decent," Sofia clicked her tongue at the black backless knee-length bodycon dress as Alessia entered the car.

"This was the most scandalous I could find, and I won't change into anything you bring."

Sofia slapped Alessia's shoulder. "You don't have to be so stuck up. Let's go."

Sofia started the car. "Where are we going?"

"I got tickets to 36."

"36?!" Alessia exclaimed.

"Crazy, right? We'll be drinking wine worth our generation and fuck golden spooned hunks," Sofia screamed as she swerved the car through a turn.

"You can do that alone. I just want to have fun."

"Sex is fun."

They got to the 36 around 7 pm. The club which was on the lowest floor shimmered with neon crystal chandeliers, velvet couches, and VIP booths draped in sequins.

"Try to blend in, I'm going for that man."

"Are you leaving me by myself?"

"You expect us to sit together like miserable women?" Sofia said, bringing her sunglasses to her nose with her middle finger. "Go now, spread your wings, my little bird," she said, slapping Alessia's behind before walking away.

Alessia scanned the dimly lit club lounge, packed with people engrossed in their own worlds.

She resolved to watch the stars from the highest point of the club. After taking a cup of vodka, she took the elevator.

The balcony had tiny white canopies with dimly lit fairy lights, fancily decorated.

She then saw a silhouette leaning on the railing, with a wisp of smoke floating above his head. Her heels clanked softly as she walked towards him.

She rested her elbows on the railing, looking at the far end of the city that looked like a hilled topography with lights like stars.

After a while of silence, she felt something poke her. The man offered her a cigarette.

"I don't smoke," Alessia turned down politely.

"Is this your first time here?" the man asked.

Alessia then turned towards him, looking at his soft features. He had a demeanor as calm as a lake, like a proper gentleman. If only she knew how hilarious her thoughts were, calling Xavier a gentleman.

Xavier knew she'd be coming; luckily, he had acquired 36. He ordered the management to keep the balcony empty, stating a couple would be coming.

"Yes," she whispered, her curiosity now piqued. "What about you?"

"From time to time."

"So you're a party animal?"


The cold wind blew, and Alessia shuddered.

"You should go in," he said without looking back at her, taking another draw from his cigarette.

"I'll be alone," she muttered.

"Do you want a drink?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure."

As they walked toward the elevator, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease mixed with curiosity.

She noticed that the button he pressed wasn't for the club floor.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside.

"My suite," he replied.

Hearing what he said, she held her elbow, hesitation written all over her face.

"You can leave if you're scared."

"Who said I feared you?" she retorted, her eyes meeting his. In truth, she didn't fear him. In fact, she felt an unexpected attraction, but she couldn't let it go further.

There was something different about him. His soft features exuded gentleness, though she knew better than to judge a book by its cover.

The doors dinged open, revealing the luxurious suite.

"Welcome," he said, stepping aside to let her in. She took a deep breath and walked forward.

He gently took her coat and hung it up for her, his touch light and respectful.

Little did he know, he had just welcomed a wolf into his fold. The night was about to take an unexpected turn that neither of them could foresee.