Too Good To Be True

The door flung open, slamming against the wall, and Sera stormed in.

"Why are you back?" Alessia asked. Lisa's face was flushed as she paced the living room, "She was being completely unreasonable, She wouldn't listen to me!"

Sera, Mrs. Smith's youngest, and Lisa had been inseparable since birth. They always had each other's back, so when Sera called her out for being insecure, she was angered.

"Sounds like you're describing yourself, Lisa." She glared at Matteo who spoke before walking away. Alessia rose to follow.

"Where are you going?"

"To check on her," Alessia replied.

"No, you're not escaping tonight. We need to continue our conversation."

Alessia went silent, hugging her elbows. Matteo, seeing her reaction, sighed.

"We'll talk when the time is right then."

"Hmm, goodnight."

Alessia walked to her room, her mind buzzing with unresolved tension. She glanced at her phone and her heart skipped a beat—an interview notice from L'Arcobaleno. She let out a joyous scream, her earlier worries momentarily forgotten as she jumped up in excitement. She skipped to her wardrobe and looked at the dress she had planned to wear for an interview.

"I guess Marco couldn't get his way with L'Arcobaleno. It's not his daddy's playground," she squealed with satisfaction.

"I'm grateful for him. Now I get to work with the best!" She took out her phone and googled L'Arcobaleno. When she was researching the job, she didn't have the luxury to dig deep into its safety; she only researched their progress and official profiles. She admired the meticulous way the company was run. It took the owner only eight years to make it a powerhouse. Their moves were aggressive and precise. As she scrolled through the second page...

"The devil in the hole of L'Arcobaleno strikes again."

"It's not new that CEO XK is the most ruthless man to ever walk the face of the earth. He maimed competition with wicked methods like..." Just as she was reading along, the site crashed. "Oh no!" she screamed, already invested in the story.

"Those big-bellied CEOs, controlling the media like it's their playtoy," she snorted. Not putting too much thought, s went through her practice questions once again and did a demo interview. The day she had been planning for over a month was now coming to fruition.

Matteo lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, his mind drifting to the timid blue-eyed girl whose lifeless gaze haunted him. Those eyes made him feel vulnerable when they bore into him, it moved his heart and soul. He turned on his side with a heavy sigh, resolving to help her no matter the cost.

Alessia's alarm buzzed at 6:00 AM, which she hastily dismissed. The faint morning light seeped through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the cluttered room.

She quickly washed up and dressed in her crisp navy-blue suit, pairing it with modest black heels. She packed her hair into a neat bun and applied light makeup to enhance her features. She then added gold earrings and a matching necklace.

After a quick glance in the mirror to check her appearance, Alessia headed to the kitchen where Matteo and Lisa already sat.

"What's the occasion?" Matteo asked, noticing her outfit.

"I've been called for an interview at L'Arcobaleno! I got the mail yesterday after you both went to bed."

"That's great news!" Matteo exclaimed.

Lisa kept stabbing her food, not joining the conversation. As Alessia finished her meal, she checked her wristwatch.

"I'll have to go now. Learn well at school, both of you," Alessia said, grabbing her bag.

"Good luck today, sis!" Matteo called out with a mouthful of cereal.

"Good luck," Lisa mumbled without looking up.

Alessia smiled, feeling a surge of love and determination. "Thanks, you two. I'll make sure we celebrate tonight."

With a final check to ensure she had her CV and portfolio, Alessia left the apartment. The cool morning air greeted her as she made her way to the bus stop. She couldn't help but feel optimistic.

As the bus approached, she took a deep breath. She had to do her best. The bank and the police truly never got back to her, despite her pleas and ruckus. She felt hurt to the bones but she was just as helpless.

At L'Arcobaleno, the white Lamborghini Revuelto pulled up in the garage along with its convoy Range Rover cars.

Thomas, Xavier's right hand man also arrived at the same time. As he got out of his car, he joined Xavier's entourage, standing right behind him.

"How's the interview?" Xavier demanded.

"Not even a good morning? I'm hurt," Thomas whined.

Xavier didn't spare him a glance as he kept walking briskly. "The interview has started. She should be done by now.

"Make sure everything goes as planned."

"Yes, my lord."

Alessia arrived at the office building, her heart pounding with anticipation. The receptionist directed her to the fourth floor for her interview. The hallway was sparsely filled, signifying that only a few were selected.

As she walked into the room, she was greeted by a panel of three interviewers. They glanced through her stellar resume, noting her extensive experience at a reputable textile industry and the numerous awards she had received.

After a few preliminary questions, one of the interviewers, Mr. Davis, looked at her sympathetically. "Alessia , your qualifications are impressive. In fact, you're overqualified for the position you applied for. We believe you'd be a better fit for a higher-level role we're interviewing for upstairs."

Confused but intrigued, Alessia followed Mr. Davis to the executive floor. There, she was introduced to Ms. Rodriguez, the company's COO, who would conduct her interview for the position of the Executive Assistant.

Ms. Rodriguez smiled as Alessia entered. "Alessia, we've reviewed your background, and it's clear you have the skills and experience we're looking for."

"This role requires someone who can oversee multiple departments and work closely with the CEO to drive our strategic initiatives. Your experience in the textile industry and your awards speak volumes about your capabilities." Another interviewer said.

"Thank you," Alessia replied, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "I appreciate the opportunity."

Ms. Rodriguez continued, "Can you tell us about a time when you had to manage a significant project and how you handled it?"

Alessia spoke confidently about her leadership of a major expansion project at her previous job, detailing the challenges and successes. "We faced numerous obstacles, but by fostering a collaborative environment and staying focused on our goals, we achieved significant growth."

Ms. Rodriguez nodded approvingly. The interview was short but intense. Alessia left the office feeling optimistic but suspicious.

"We'll get back to you soon," Ms. Rodriguez said with a smile as Alessia exited.

Alessia left the building, her mind racing with possibilities. The day had taken an unexpected turn, and she wasn't sure of how to feel about it, As she walked down the street, she couldn't shake off a nagging feeling of uncertainty. What exactly was she stepping into at L'Arcobaleno?