Foot Fetish

Among all the people in Xavier's life, Thomas had stayed longest. From when Xavier's father banished his mother, driving her to her grave, when he was sorely assaulted by his father's sister, when Xavier's father sought to kill him because he was starting to grow influence in his company.

They had met at Thomas's younger brother's high school then. He was a timid, sheltered child, and he continued to be so. He wondered why the poor child was mentally unstable then, until Xavier opened up to him when drunk that his father used to make him watch him maim people since he was 5 to toughen him up.

For the past 15 years, he had watched him get beaten, burnt, shot, and assaulted, but nothing ever shook Xavier's resolve. And even now that he's at the verge of dying, he's still obsessed with his revenge.

"Sir?" Alessia asked, perplexed.

Thomas blinked, trying to fight back his tears. If he told anything to Alessia, Xavier would have his head. Thomas was glad when Xavier said he wanted Alessia on board; he thought he was finally craving other sides of life, the part where love and happiness were, but it seems Xavier was still hesitant.

'I will do all it'll take to make you want to live, Xavier.' Thomas thought.

"Did I say anything?" He finally spoke.

"You pleaded for me to save Mr. Kane."

"I meant help him well."

"Okay, sir, I'll do my best."

"Thank you, Miss Alessia. By the way, prepare to leave work late tomorrow. We have a meeting with the director of JG Holdings."

"For the franchising rights?"

"Yes, for that. The meeting will be at a lounge at 36, is that okay with you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay then, follow me."

"Follow you?"

"I said I'll introduce you today."

"Oh, okay."

Alessia followed behind Thomas, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. Thomas, sensing her anxiety, turned.

"Xavier detests weak people; don't look so intimidated."

She nodded, gulping her saliva as she tried to keep her head up. She didn't know why this man, who seemed very familiar to the man at the hotel, made her feel this way.

Thomas, who was now facing the door, was grinning ear to ear, anticipating how Xavier would act in an enclosed space with her.

Opening the door, he ushered Alessia in with a low bow, so Alessia was now leading the way. Alessia looked intently at him, trying to spot the similarities. The hotel man had brown wavy hair, but this guy had ruffled jet black hair. Everything else was so different. She was now sure they were not the same person.

"Good day, sir. My name is Alessia Angneli. I'm the newly appointed executive assistant."

Xavier didn't say a word. Instead, he stared at her feet. Thomas facepalmed from behind.

'What did I expect? Well, Thomas to the rescue!'

"Yes, Mr. Kane is glad to have you as his assistant. Do you have any questions for him?"

"No. It's my pleasure to meet you, sir. I'll get going now," she said with a low bow.

"Thank you, Miss Alessia. I'll see you later." Thomas replied on his behalf.

Alessia walked out of the office wondering what was up with her new boss.

"Is he a foot fetish?" she wondered aloud as she got to her office.

Back in Xavier's office, Thomas was giving Xavier a good scolding.

"Where's the Xavier that goes for what he wants no matter what it takes? That was the most awkward moment of my life. You waited 10 years to be in the same room with her, but all you did was stare at her feet?! You should at least help Giovanni!"

"Her shoes don't fit."

"That's why you didn't bother looking at her face?"

"Get her new pairs that fit."

"Get them by yourself," Thomas said, walking away without looking back.

Xavier was left in his office feeling torn. The person "Xavier Kane" was just an identity he used in carrying out his official business. Xavier Kane was just a mask, a facade. He couldn't have Alessia develop feelings for Xavier, but his real identity, Giovanni, has been registered dead for about 15 years now. Should she love a dead man or a facade? Even though Xavier was more than a facade, he already found his answer this afternoon. Alessia favored Giovanni more, and he will get full assurance of this tomorrow evening.

Meanwhile, Alessia had been doing her research about Pa and his family. His full name was Gabrielle Paola and his wife was a model and a singer. Pa owned a furniture company; they were living well until tragedy struck. Pa's wife was tangled in a scandal. Allegedly, she seduced Mr. Francesco. Her company left her, and while she was trying to get back up, Pa's company caught fire, and Pa was sued by the families of his workers that died. The company closed down. His wife committed suicide from the shame of being called a shameless adulteress and bringing bad luck and embarrassment to her husband. Some years later, their daughter got into an accident, but her body wasn't found.

All that was left for Alessia to figure out was if that daughter survived.

The next day at the office, she entered her office to see a pile of orange bags and boxes.

"Oh my God," she gasped as she opened one.

She then realized that they were all shoes from luxury brands.

She told her manager about it, who then directed her to Mr. Thomas.

"Oh, these shoes? Mr. Xavier got them," he told her as they drove to their meeting at 36.

"I'm really grateful, but I can't take such. Those are really expensive."

"Then throw them out"

"Throw limited edition shoes out?"

"Well, Xavier can't wear them, and he has no woman to give them to."

"Okay then, I'll appreciate him properly when I see him again."

The meeting ended in an hour, but Thomas still had another meeting that night, so they had to go separate ways. Since she entered the building, she had felt the urge to go to the top floor, hoping to see the man from that night.

"I'm sorry, can you please stop the car?" she told the taxi driver.

She alighted hurriedly, running towards the elevator.


The elevator dinged open, and she walked towards the railings of the terrace, her heart thumping in anticipation.

There, she saw a familiar figure she wasn't expecting.

"Mr. Xavier?"