I Don't Like Her Brother

As they walked across the street, people who recognized him from the show greeted him warmly, asking for pictures.

A particular Canadian guy created a rapport with Matteo during the short time they interacted. His girlfriend, too, was a nice lady.

As they departed, Lisa suddenly took out a small note from her tote bag.

"Do you have an autograph yet?"

"Yeah, I guess," he responded as he bobbed open the ballpoint pen.

He drew a quick sketch of his pen name. He paused for a while, the pen in the air. He then drew a rough sketch of a rose. Smiling in satisfaction, he did that to the remaining four papers he gave her.

Lisa offered one to the Canadian couple. "Take it, you won't regret it. I promise."

The news was going to be announced the next day, so the masses weren't aware of the winner yet. The information security of that place was incredibly tight, so it was when they spoke before anything got out.