Something's Wrong

"Alessia, will you be my girlfriend?" Giovanni asked.

Alessia stepped back, her eyes widened and her lips agape. She wanted to talk, but the words were stuck in her throat.

She knew she loved him. She loved him so much, but she had to resolve whatever was going on between her and Xavier.

"Giovanni, I'm so sorry. I also feel the same, but I can't accept your proposal at the moment. I can't explain to you yet... but I have to do some things before I come to you wholly."

Giovanni's heart tightened as she spoke to him. He lost control with his identity as Xavier, and now Giovanni had missed his chance. Dissonance is beginning to exist among his identities.

"It's fine. I'll give you time to think. Just don't stay too far away."

"I won't leave you, Giovanni. I'll always come back."

"I'll take that as a promise."

"Sure, you can," she said, opening her arms for a hug.

"I only get a hug?" he whined, closing in.