Royal college

Lander's mansion

Annie was in her room, packing when she heard a knock on the door.

 She didn't bother to open the door so the person was forced to open the door.

 Annie didn't bother to glance at who just came in, she knew who it was anyway.

 " Ria texted me " the woman that came in said.

 " That what? " Annie asked, still packing.

" She said you broke up with Richie, is that true? " she asked.

 " And what if it is? " Annie asked.

" Are you crazy? I know that you've gone mad ever since your father's death but can't you see the bigger picture here? " the woman asked, raising the pitch of her voice a little.

 " Since you knew I've gone mad, why are you expecting me to reason with you, a mad lady doesn't reason " Annie replied.

 " Richie is a rich third generation young master, if he's willing to date you, you should be honored " she said.

 " Sophia or what are you called? can you please leave my life alone " Annie finally raised her head up to look at the woman.

 " It's Sophie, moreover, I'm your mother Annie, you should not call me by name " the woman glared at her.

 " I guess I didn't tell you, my mother died the two days after my father died " Annie scoffed.

 " Say that outside and I'll cut off your tongue " she threatened.

 " Why are you packing your loads? Where are you going? " she asked.

 " I forgot, I'm going to school mommy " Annie rolled her eyes.

 " No you aren't, you are going back to beg Richie, beg him to date you. If he doesn't want to accept, beg on your knees " Sophie shook her head.

 " Huh? you must be crazy, I guess living in your house and calling you mommy have made you go nuts, who are you to tell me what to do? " Annie stopped packing and glared at Sophie.

 " Annie, I'm your mother. I have every right to tell you what to do " she said.

 " Then I'll disown you, my mother is dead. Trust me " Annie gritted her teeth.

 " You should learn from Ria, you guys are besties but you have opposite character, Ria would never be so disobedient like you " she said with a sneer.

 " Here we go again with the Ria thing " Annie sighed.

 " Can I ask you what exactly Ria fed you guys? she's always the good kid, " Annie said.

 " Act like her and we'll have no problem, " she replied.

 Annie scoffed, " I'm myself, I would never act like someone else "

 " Drop whatever it is that you're packing, I'll tell your dad to drive you to Richie " she said.

 " Mind you, it's stepdad, " she said putting more stress on the stepdad.

 " Whatever you call it, let's go " she said.

 " Go where? Mother, are you sick? That bastard liked Ria and you still expect me to dare him? " Annie sneered.

 " Just pretend " she said with a glare.

" You know I sucks when it comes to pretending so I won't stress myself, get the hell out of my room " Annie continued packing.

 " I'm your mother " she said.

" Your problem, are you gonna sell that title or you'll auction it? " Annie frowned her face.

 " I know you're not happy that I remarried but can you give me some respect lady? " she raised her voice.

 " I didn't hate the fact that you remarried, I hated the fact that you did not respect my father, you married two days after he died so don't expect me to respect you! " Annie yelled at her face.

 " I couldn't make your stepdad wait too long, " she refuted.

 " So you agreed that you were having an affair behind Dad's back when he was alive, I just knew that you're a whore " Annie scoffed.

 " Annie, respect yourself or you'll be beaten " she said in a deep thick voice.

 " Bring it on, it's not the first time anyway, you ain't just beating me " Annie said.

 " Do you have money to survive in school? " she suddenly smiled.

 " Money is not my problem, I'll collect the student loan if possible, " Annie replied.


 She was already done packing, she dragged her bag on the ground as she walked out on Sophie.

 " Don't worry, I'm at Royal college. Tell your securities to come and kidnap me to Richie " Annie said loudly.


~ Skylight road

 ~ Royal college

A car stopped in front of the college, Annie alighted from the car and picked up her bag, the car drove away.

 Annie raised her head up to look at the century old college, the huge college attended by the rich and the best of the best families.

 Thanks to her father being a billionaire, she was qualified for their registration and she passed the entry exam also, she's more than qualified to be a student there.

 " This looked like a castle for the royals, " she muttered under her breath.

 From the research she did, she found out that students here are called ' The royalties ', such an elegant name.

 " For how long are you gonna stare? " a voice sounded beside Annie.

 Annie immediately flinched, she turned to her side and saw a young lady with a travel bag like her, also staring at the college.

 " Who are you? " Annie asked.

" Me? I'm Linda Stuarts " she replied with a smile on her face as she stretched her hand for a handshake.

 " I'm Annie Lander " Annie took her hand.

" You are a new student too? " she asked as she looked at Annie's travel bag.

 " Yeah, I guess you are also " Annie replied.

 " Let's help each other out, the school just resumed and I heard that the royalties haven't attended a single class so it's easy to blend up " she said.

 Annie nodded in affirmation.

They walked into the college together.

 Everything inside the school kept surprising Annie, she felt like she was in a castle, the luxurious decorations of the college were more than normal.

 Linda on the other hand wasn't surprised, it's like everything is so normal.

 Just then, a commotion was heard not far away from them.

 Annie looked at Linda as they made their way toward the place.

 When they're there, they saw two girls on their knees, they were tied up like slaves, both naked.

 Ahead of them, a young man sat majestically on the chair, they are about the same age.

 " Next time a rich young master asks you out, you should be honored to agree, " he said.

 " You guys can have them, I'm not interested in bondages " he said and walked away.

 The men there rejoiced happily, lust filled their eyes.

 " Why can't the teachers stop this? " Annie uttered.

 " They don't dare, here in Royal college, power is everything. If you don't have money and influence, then you have to submit to the rich " Linda replied.

 " Don't get too close to any young masters, especially second generation young masters, those people ain't meant to humans " she continued.

 " Let's live a normal life here " Linda smiled and Annie nodded.