West Pasaman Regency

West Pasaman Regency, one of the youngest districts in West Sumatra Province, since regional expansion was carried out 17 years ago. Apart from civil servants, private employees, traders and fishermen, the livelihood of residents in the district is generally farming, one of which is oil palm plantation farmers.

Regional customs and traditions are still very strong, even though they are being eroded day by day by the rapid advances and developments in technology, one of the traditions that is still attached to the people is Balimau, the Balimau tradition is one of the activities to welcome the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan.

The meaning of Balimau itself is the tradition of bathing using lime which developed among the Minangkabau people, which is usually done in certain areas that have rivers and bathing places. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation and is believed to have lasted for centuries.

Doddy and his family welcomed Ramadan this time, not traveling to a place where there was a river or baths that were often visited by residents the day before the holy month of Ramadan entered. Because this year's Ramadan is still in a pandemic atmosphere, in addition the regional government has also issued regulations that limit visitors to places usually used by the community to carry out the balimau tradition.

The balimau tradition can also be carried out in one's own home, the important thing is that the intention of the balimau itself is carried out well, namely to purify oneself and ask Allah SWT. To be given convenience and health in carrying out fasting until the day of victory.


That afternoon, after Doddy carried out the balimau in his bathroom, he accompanied Mrs. Hasnah to a place located in the Regency Capital, where there were beef traders lined up in the tents that had been provided, this was one of the traditions of every This year, which was held by the people of West Pasaman Regency the day before the holy month of Ramadan, after buying several kilos of meat, Doddy and Mrs. Hasnah returned home.

"What do you want to make of this meat, ma'am?" asked Doddy, who at that time was joining in the kitchen with his mother and Anisa.

"Mom will make some of it rendang, some of it will be beef jerky. Mom will cook something special today, because your handsome son wants to fast for the whole month. Isn't that right Anisa?" Mrs. Hasnah answered while winking at Anisa, as if she was teasing her son.

"Yes ma'am, Sis Doddy is struggling to find love." Mrs. Hasnah was shocked and looked stunned when she heard what Anisa had just said.

"Hus, what are you talking about Anisa? "Don't listen to him ma'am, Anisa is just joking." Doddy glared at his sister, while Anisa just laughed a little.

"Whose love are you fighting for, son?" Mrs. Hasnah directed her gaze at Doddy,

"That's right, Mother asked that. No, ma'am, that's just how clever Anisa is at talking. You're talkative, aren't you?!" Doddy pinched Anisa's ear, then he left the kitchen.

After Doddy died, Mrs. Hasnah, who was still curious, seemed to be trying to find out the true information from Anisa, who at that time was still helping her cook in the kitchen for the family's sahur meal early this morning.

"Yesterday you didn't tell Mother that your sister was going to fulfill her fast this month because she was chasing someone's love. Who is your brother chasing after his love?" Mrs. Hasnah asked, Anisa smiled.

"Sis Fauzana, ma'am, but don't tell Sis Doddy, okay? "Mum gave me enough encouragement, so that Doddy can really change his lifestyle so far and he can fast this year for a whole month." Anisa spoke and asked in a half whisper.

"Oh, I see, wow, with Fauzana, Mother really agrees. She is a good girl, devout, beautiful and beautiful." said Mrs. Hasnah, looking happy to hear the news.

Fauzana and Mrs. Fitria did the same thing, after they bought several kilos of meat in the Regency Capital, they are currently cooking the meat in the kitchen for their sahur menu later.

"What about the plans for Ramadan activities this year in your office, son?" Mrs. Fitria asked Fauzana while they were cooking in the kitchen.

"This year's Ramadan we will not be breaking fast with you, ma'am, because we are still in a pandemic situation. The activity was shifted to distributing takjil to residents living around the nearest office area. "Recitations which used to be routinely held every Friday afternoon before breaking the fast together in the office hall, are now also canceled to avoid crowds." explained Fauzana.

"Oh I see, in our village the tarawih prayers are not carried out as usual. "The mosque management will arrange the location and distance of the rows when tarawih prayers will be held." said Mrs. Fitria.

"That's right ma'am, the regional government has also advised all residents who will perform tarawih prayers in congregation at mosques. Yes, hopefully all the limitations during this pandemic will not reduce our devotion in carrying out worship in the month of Ramadan this year. Amen!" They agreed in unison.


That night before the evening prayer, Doddy, wearing a koko shirt and a sarong as a pair at the bottom, was seen sitting in front of the terrace of his house. Anisa and her parents had already gone to the mosque on foot, because the mosque they were going to was not far from their house, only five houses to the right of the house.

Suddenly Sony came riding his ninja motorbike.

"Hey, bro. Where are you going wearing a koko shirt and sarong like that?!" Sony exclaimed as he got off the motorbike onto the terrace and approached Doddy.

"Yes, I'm going to the mosque. Tarawih prayers will start soon. Where do you think you're going?" Doddy replied casually.

"Ha..! Ha..! Ha..! Tumben-tumbennya you tarawih everything. "Let's go, Andra will definitely be waiting for us at his house." asked Sony while laughing.

"You guys just go for a walk, this Ramadan I am determined to fulfill my fast for the whole month and pray tarawih every night." Sony seemed to be bringing his face closer to Doddy's face, he was paying attention to what his friend was experiencing until suddenly it changed in such a way.

"What? Come on guys! Don't be kidding, why?" Sony said after gawking.

"What, what! Man-men man-men! We live in the village, Bro, it's okay to socialize, but don't act like that. Go get your sarong, come with me to the mosque!" said Doddy, annoyed to hear his friend's language style.

"Oh, sorry bro. I've promised to go out with Andra tonight, how about tomorrow night?" Sony said.

"Okay, tomorrow night I'll wait for you here, let's go to the mosque together. Bring Andra along, okay?" Sony gave him a thumbs up then said goodbye.