The next day, while at the inn, Rena wakes up and tells her allies Elsword, Aisha, Ain and Lithia that there was a raid party in the Nether Battleship, but there were no survivors, except for one, who escaped from the ship to avoid suffering the same fate as his fellow party, as Dagon defeated the remaining party with his army and they were nowhere to be found on the ship, except that he put their weapons and clothes on display on the sea cabin, and this wasn't the first time, as he had murdered many people in the past 7 years and had gotten away with it for years.
Before preparing the raid party, the group spent their time in the inn, enjoying their time, until after their lunch break, they set out to make plans to defeat the tyrant and avenge the fallen raid party members murdered by him.
While they were planning to defeat Dagon, the survivor of the fallen raid party reached out to Ain if he had any details about the party, only for him to tell him that he had no idea of who the raid party was and asked him to tell Rena, as she knows everything about what happened to the party more than him.
She tells the survivor that there was an male archer, who goes by the moniker of "Mr. Robin Hood", and had betrayed his former master because he was in love with an werehyena woman, who betrayed the tyrant because of his abrasive personality, and currently, they're both in hiding in an abandoned tent, located in a camp, far away from the inn.
Arriving at the camp, the survivor introduced himself as Caen and greets "Mr. Robin Hood", who introduced himself and the werehyena as a loving husband and wife duo, to no one's surprise except for Caen himself, who knew them before.
"Mr. Robin Hood" named his wife Menorah, and the couple began introducing themselves to the group without Dagon knowing, with the husband himself revealing his actual name as Niall.
Unfortunately for them, a poison master, who turned out to be on Dagon's side, was secretly eavesdropping on the entire conversation, and she told the hitman to assassinate her boss's enemies, in which he listened to her, and just as he was about to ambush his targets, he saw an beast resembling a one-horned rabbit, who was only after him, and nothing else, in the place of the targets he wanted to assassinate.
By the time he saw the beast, he dropped his pocket knife to the ground, and ran away from it before telling the poison master that he saw a beast and she asked him if she could see it, in which he agreed, and she sets out to find the beast, only for her to find out that it was not only after the hitman, but also herself, and like him, she ran away.
Upon the two villains fleeing from the scene, Menorah thanked Caen for his idea of summoning a beast to scare Dagon's minions, and secretly whispers to her husband Niall "Now that his minions are gone, we can't risk our lives in there. We need to get out of here immediately."
He nodded, and whispered to her back, saying "Yeah, let's get out of here together."
However, the couple didn't give up, as it turns out, they and Caen had plans to defeat Dagon and his minions.
Just as the group were discussing about their plans of a raid party, Rumo walked into the scene, in which Lithia said to Ain "Wait... who is he?"
Elsword responded to her, "That's Rumo, and as far as I can remember, back at the time when I and the others first arrived in the Daystar Purgatory, he fought with Seneca over her medallion until I gave it to her and in turn, she managed to defeat Crescentia before."
She replied "Thank you! Did he apologize to Seneca for fighting against each other over her medallion?"
Rumo told her "Yes, I have apologized to her for stealing her medallion and promised to her that I won't be interacting with it in any way."
Laban walked into the scene, and tells the group that he wanted to join them, especially since he wanted to get revenge on Dagon for the murder of his parents when he was a kid, with the former's girlfriend Seneca entering the scene as well.
Caen said to the former "Who's that woman?"
He replied with "She is Seneca. She's my girlfriend. I brought her along with me so she can help us out with the strategy we need to find to defeat Dagon and his minions over at the Nether Battleship."
However, to no one's surprise, Elsword saw a dog with white fur, who knew everything about Dagon from the time he adopted her, becoming her owner in the process, until the time he left her for his crimes, and is currently looking to stop her former owner since she knew his every single step and was neglected by him for so long.
Niall and Menorah got worried about the dog and were confused on whenever giving her a name, until Caen stepped in and named her Sadie, before asking her if she could join him and the others to the Nether Battleship and find Dagon's whereabouts, in which Sadie agreed to join him.
The group returned to the inn, where they discussed various strategies and plans to defeat Dagon and his army, until they set on a plan where they form a raid party, and don't do the exact thing as Caen's former raid party, who except for the survivor himself, were completely annihilated by the tyrant and his army and went to sleep.
The next day, the group leaves the inn, and sets out for a port, where they entered an airship and while in the operations room, the captain saw the Nether Battleship and reached out through the radio, saying "Attention passengers, we're heading to the Nether Battleship!" before the airship landed into the Nether Battleship, allowing the raid party to infiltrate into Dagon's headquarters.
Arriving in Dagon's headquarters, the raid party encountered Dagon's army, who all wanted to defeat them, only for Rumo to use his rune magic to defend himself and his allies Laban and Seneca, and at the same time, he set up an trap using his rune magic to trick a member of the tyrant's army into believing there's hidden gold inside a treasure, only to find out it doesn't exist and the member fell into the trap, getting trapped in Rumo's rune spells.
Meanwhile, Caen encountered the poison master and the hitman for the second time, this time they were both scared of him because of the beast he summoned. The poison master tried to poison Sadie, as she was getting in her way to find her boss Dagon, but the former electrocuted her with his lightning magic, and the hitman tried to go after him, but he fell to the ground, as he didn't see a rock in front of him.
Additionally, a man, claiming to be an painter, who turned out to be an ally of the tyrant, grabbed an camera and tried to take a picture of the situation in the battleship and informing it to Dagon, but Ain wanted to stop him, so in turn, he used his magic to attack him and threw a rock to the camera, breaking not only its lens, but itself in the process, and telling him "Dude, no photos allowed in this battleship!" before he left with his allies.
However, instead of believing the truth that he shouldn't be posting photos in the Nether Battleship, the so-called "painter" got mad and blamed Dagon for everything, including the broken camera.
However, the tyrant didn't believe the lies of the "painter" and chose to side with his enemies in regards of the camera situation, so in the end, he lost his trust in the "painter", who in turn, was kicked out from the ship.
Dagon came out of his sea cabin to see what was going on, accompanied by his bodyguard, except that they both saw Sadie barking and instead of seeing her as a threat, he had a change of mind, as he apologized to her for his mysterious disappearance and the two became friends with each other, with Caen telling everyone to leave the dog alone, when suddenly, the dog noticed a treasure chest and the tyrant tried to open it, only to find two unused water bombs.
To her surprise, Sadie saw the others surrounded by an circle of fire, who a fire mage drew to do the same exact thing he did to destroy Caen's former raid party.
She tells Dagon to use the water bombs to save them but he refused, resulting in Lithia getting away from the circle, with the rest of her allies following suit, with Aisha teleporting Elsword, Rena and Ain away from the circle.
Laban, Seneca and Rumo on the other hand, managed to use their rune magic to teleport themselves away from the circle, with Menorah transforming herself to an hyena, and taking her husband with her, defending him in the process, and she began to growl at Dagon along with Sadie, threatening to attack him but to no one's surprise, Azure, a female water mage appeared out of nowhere.
However, Elsword tried to convince her into joining his party, but she refused, stating that she's only here in the Nether Battleship without being influenced by either side, and moved on to steal multiple water bombs from Dagon's secret room before going back to the ship front and giving the former, along with his fellow allies Aisha, Rena, Ain and Lithia the bombs before keeping the other water bombs for herself before she gave the rest to Menorah, Niall and Caen, leaving her only three water bombs.
Azure told the people who she gave the water bombs to "Feel free to throw the water bombs at him, but not Sadie!" before calling an airship to evacuate everybody and Sadie but the tyrant and the allies.
By the time the airship arrived, Caen and his remaining allies have already extinguished the battleship's volcano, leaving it unable to advance even further with the power of wind, with him telling Elsword and Aisha to go to the ship's in-port cabin to shut off the engine and extract the energy source.
The duo agreed to Caen's request and Ain asked him if he could join the two of them in extracting the source, in which he agreed.
The trio managed to break into the ship's interior, where they encountered a false heroine, who was trying to block the door to the in-port cabin, and wanted to attack them, but she was outsmarted by Elsword's outstanding swordsmanship to the point she surrendered to the trio, giving them the keys, allowing them to gain access to the in-port cabin to achieve their mission of shutting off and extracting the energy source from the engine.
As the trio entered the in-port cabin, they set out to search for the ship's engine, until they successfully identified the energy source, which was a red-colored crystal, glowing with the combined energy of the ancient El, giving out an otherworldly feel. Suddenly, the ship began malfunctioning, and the trio later found out the false heroine was a member of a caravan in the Abyad Kingdom, that used to be close allies with Dagon in the past but they later betrayed him after he was found to be responsible for the assassination of one of their members all along, and she wanted to help the raid party win against the tyrant himself.
Fortunately, Aisha and Ain were able to extract from the energy source, with them triggering an red alert, which resulted in it summoning Dagon's army, and the trio managed to outsmart them by defeating them, but they weren't done yet, as Elsword saw Dagon coming to the in-port cabin in an attempt to repair the ship, and told his allies to prepare themselves to fight against the tyrant.
As the fight begins, Astros and Solveig, the female rulers of the Daystar Purgatory and Nether Valley, came to the trio's rescue, telling them to evacuate immediately to the airship along with their allies as well as Azure and the heroine in question, in which they all listened to them and evacuated safely to the ship.
Meanwhile at the airship's cabin, the trio came with the extract and explained what was going on with the Nether Battleship.
By the end of the fight, Astros delivered the final blow, by throwing Dagon to the controls and stabbing the controls with a light spear, causing the battleship's demise, with the two rulers escaping to the airship where the raid party have been evacuated.
Outside of the ships, two witnesses, a male berserker and a young knight apprentice saw the Nether Battleship on fire, almost falling, along with the flying airship, and as more witnesses began to appear, the battleship fell to the ground, taking Dagon and the spear with it.
Upon seeing the fall of the Nether Battleship, the witnesses raised an white flag and waved to the raid party on the airship, thanking them for saving the Nether Valley and Daystar Purgatory from Dagon, but this wasn't the end, as upon finding out about her husband's death, things became worse for Dagon's now-widowed wife, as she followed suit by jumping off an bridge, and shortly after, a funeral was held for the couple and the entire population of the Daystar Purgatory and Nether Valley were in mourning for 3 days.
2 weeks after the funeral, the airship managed to reach its destination in a faraway land, which would later be named Acheron, after the river, that used to be an ancient kingdom a long time ago, until the kingdom was conquered by the legendary heroes Belial and Fenrir, who would later become the founders of the Nether Valley and Daystar Purgatory respectively, and whose legacy lives on their living descendants, including Solveig and Astros, the current rulers of both realms.
The raid party were welcomed by a woman, who introduced herself as Mania, the descendant of the queen regnant of the fallen kingdom of Acheron, before introducing the heroes to its beautiful and idyllic landscape.
Not long after, the raid party parted ways with each other, with Niall, Menorah, Caen, Astros and Solveig leaving for the Nether Valley, while Elsword, Aisha, Rena, Ain and Lithia remained in Acheron.
After spending days at several inns throughout Acheron, the group of five moved to an large house, located next to an wooden house, owned by an alchemist named Makutu, who herself was tired of going on many adventures and wanted to live a slow life.
Upon hearing that the group arrived next to her house, she invited them over to their house and enjoyed her time with them until it was time for them to go back to their house in order to sleep.
The next morning, after the group were done eating breakfast, Makutu sent a letter to the mailbox and goes back to her house to get her fishing equipment, and by the time she left, Elsword went outside to read her letter before taking it with him, and now back inside the house, he asked his group if they could go fishing with him and Makutu, in which Aisha, Rena and Ain agreed to join him while Lithia refused, stating that she would like to take care of the house in their absence.
As a result, the four grabbed their fishing equipment and left the house to go fishing with Makutu, leaving Lithia behind inside the house.
By the time the four arrived at the fishing port, the alchemist and the self-proclaimed legendary fisherman were waiting for them, in which the latter said to the five aspiring fishermen "Hello, everyone. Today, it's up to you all to catch plenty of fish as much as you can.", to which the five fishermen replied with "Yeah!"