Chapter 1: Did you really need a knife for this?

I forked a mouthful of the fluffy omelet into my mouth. The rich flavors of American cheese and bacon coalesced on my tongue as I savored the morning ritual of breakfast crafted by Brooke's skilled hands. Across the table, her hazel eyes mirrored mine, brimming with a mixture of pride and a subtle hint of sorrow that always colored our interactions.

"Senior year, huh?" Brooke's voice was soft, a gentle melody amidst the clatter of cutlery. "Feels like yesterday you were just starting freshman year."

I chewed thoughtfully, the corners of my mouth curving up in anticipation. "I know, right? It's kind of surreal. But I'm ready for it. I want to go to college and find a hot girl."

Brooke laughed, a sound that carried warmth. "Just promise me you'll make the most of it, Jason," she said, her gaze lingering a moment too long as if trying to communicate something beyond words.

Before I could respond, the sharp click of boots on hardwood announced our mother's descent down the staircase. Her presence filled the room, authoritative and demanding without a word spoken.

"Both of you, hurry up!" Our mother's voice sliced through our quiet camaraderie like a knife through butter. "There's no time to dawdle. You should be out the door already!"

My spine stiffened at her tone, a reflex built from years of similar mornings. I glanced at the clock. We still had plenty of time before the first bell would ring, but arguing was futile. I swallowed another bite, the food suddenly tasting bland under the weight of her impatience.

'She is such a fucking bitch. She needs to get out there and find a new man. She so clearly needs to get laid. It hurts.' I angrily think to myself how it would be much better if she had a boyfriend to be a dick to instead of Brooke and me.

"Mom, we're not—" Brooke began, her annoyance clear as day, but she cut herself off with a resigned nod, pushing back her chair with more force than necessary. "Alright, we're going."

I set my fork down with deliberate slowness, meeting my sister's gaze once more. There was an unspoken agreement there, a mutual understanding that this was just how things were, even if neither of us liked it.

"Thanks for breakfast," I mumbled, the words barely audible as I rose from my chair, picking up my backpack from where it leaned against the wall.

"Anytime, Jase," Brooke replied, her smile returning, albeit tinged with the resignation that came from capitulating to our mother's whims.

Together, we grabbed our things and headed toward the door, leaving behind the remnants of a peaceful morning.


I stepped out of the car into the crisp morning air, feeling it embrace my skin like a comfortable blanket. Brooke's voice floated after me, filled with hope and encouragement. "Good luck, Jase! You're gonna kill it this year!"

I turned back briefly, flashing her a grateful smile. "Thanks, Brook! See you later!" As she drove away, I pivoted on my heel to face the day ahead.

'Truly a miracle, she ended up panning out nicely despite mom's best attempts.'

"Yo, Jason!" Justin's familiar voice called out from across the parking lot.

I looked up and couldn't help but smile as I saw him leaning against the rusted school fence, phone in hand and mischief in his eyes. We greeted each other with our usual dap, which we'd been practicing for years.

"Man, did you see the AI Michelle Obama Pics I generated last night? I sent them to our discord, but Joey, the mod, already took them down, calling them a 'Disgrace to democracy.'"

'Justin is obsessed with Obama's wife, and it's so weird.'

"Yeah." I uncomfortably mutter. "They were really something else."

After an awkward silence, Justin spoke up again. "Who's the most fuckable Elden ring girl?"

"Ranni the Witch," I spoke without any hesitation.

"Ranni? Dude, no way. Malenia is where it's at. She's hot as fuck!" Justin gestured wildly, almost dropping his phone in his excitement.

"Hot? She'd rot your dick off, dude!" I chuckled. "But Ranni? She's got that dark, mysterious vibe. Plus, she has four arms. She could be patting your head, jerking you off, and god only knows what with the other two hands."

"Finger up your ass, too. That'd be sick?" He nods at me.

I break out into a burst of heavy laughter. "What? No, I didn't say—"

As I was clarifying myself, my vision suddenly blurred, and the sounds of the bustling campus faded into a dull roar. My laughter died in my throat as I staggered under the weight of my backpack.

"Jason?" Justin's concerned voice sounded distant.

But I couldn't respond. The world spun around me, and I felt myself falling, unable to bear the weight of my backpack any longer. I wished someone would catch me before darkness enveloped me completely. But no one did, and I hit the hard concrete with a thud, the morning light fading into nothingness.


My senses slowly returned. My head throbbed a dull tempo that matched the flickering of fluorescent lights overhead. Blinking against the harsh glow, I tried to piece together the memory of falling, but it was like grasping at smoke, there and then gone.

'Does Justin like fingers up his ass?' I ask myself, despite my confusion. 'I guess I won't kink shame him about that.'

"Finally awake, huh?" The voice cut through my haze, sharp and unfamiliar.

Propping myself up on my elbows, I squinted at the figure by the door. A girl with fiery red hair stood there, her back pressed against the closed door, locking it with a decisive click. Confusion twisted inside me. Where was the school nurse? Why was this girl here instead?

"Who are you?" My voice came out hoarse, barely above a whisper, as I took in her tense posture, the desperation etched into the lines of her face.

"Name's Eliot Tucker," she said curtly, her gaze locked onto mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Okay..." I pushed myself to sit up, rubbing the back of my neck. "Why are you locking the door?"

'I'm getting some Saw vibes from this bitch.' I think in a light panic.

She didn't answer. Instead, she strode toward me, movements quick and purposeful. My heart hammered against my ribcage, a primal alertness coursing through me as Eliot stopped beside my bed, her shadow looming over me.

"Wha—" My question died in my throat as a glint of metal caught my eye—a knife, its blade reflecting the cold light. Instinctively, I recoiled, pressing myself against the headboard, but there was nowhere to escape to.

Eliot leaned in, the knife now at my throat, her eyes wild. "Don't make a sound," she breathed, her voice low and dangerous. "I am going to Rape you."

For a moment, terror constricted my chest, a tight band that made it difficult to breathe. 'She is holding a knife to my throat. She's gonna kill me.'

'Wait, what the fuck?' Something absurd struck me. The sheer surrealism of the situation. A laugh bubbled up from my belly, escaping my lips before I could stop it.

"What do you mean 'rape me'?" I gasped between fits of laughter, the fear mingling with disbelief. "Are you in the drama department or something? How could you even rape me?" I kept on laughing.

But the knife didn't waver, and Eliot's expression remained grave, her desperation now tinged with frustration.

"Laugh all you want," she said, her words cutting as sharply as the blade at my neck. "You'll see how serious I am."

My laughter faltered, the reality of the threat dawning on me.

'I don't understand, I'm a girlfriendless virgin. If she literally just asked, I would have fucked her. In fact, this whole vibe is Hot as fuck for me. I've always wanted the kind of girl that would do this.

'Her threatening my life though completely fucks up the vibe.'

I stuttered, my voice shaking as I spoke to Eliot. She was standing over me, her eyes wild with a menacing passion.

"Why not just ask—" I'm interrupted immediately.

"Shut the fuck up, moron, and take off your pants!" She speaks sternly. She isn't yelling because she clearly doesn't want to bring attention to herself.

My hands tremble as the threat seems to keep getting more real in my mind.

I attempted to remove my pants at her command. But my fingers fumbled with the fly, and she impatiently did it for me, roughly tugging the garment down.

My exposed, semi-erect cock lay against my thigh, making me feel self-conscious about my body. "Uhhhhh," I sat there confused as she stared at my cock.

She grasped at it with the inexperience of a virgin. She briefly yanked it up and down, kinda hurting. My cock hardened at her touch. Not because what she did felt good but because I was just this much of a virgin. She slowed down her hand, and the stroking started to feel good.

'Oh fuck, maybe this isn't so bad after all.' I almost completely forgot about the knife.

"Haah," I moaned out by mistake. Eliot's creepy face immediately lit up with an evil smile.

Eliot disrobed quickly, her red hair becoming a mess. She straddled me, her hot, naked body pressing against mine as she guided my erection into her wet heat. I gasped in surprise but also felt a twinge of pleasure as she slid down onto me, and her inner walls clenched around me.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.'

"Tell me you're proud of me," she whispered in a cold and demanding tone, her sharp blade prodding against my neck and drawing a drop of blood. "Or else..."

My heart raced, and the room spun as I realized this was not how I had imagined losing my virginity. At the hands, or rather, the pussy of a deranged girl holding a knife.

'Wait is she a yandere? Is this it? Is this the one i've been waiting my whole life for?' I examine the situation honestly from an objective stand point and everything lines up.

"I... I'm proud of you," I managed to croak out, my voice hoarse and barely audible as Eliot continued to grind on top of me.

Eliot moaned in response, her eyes lighting up with a deranged blaze. "Now say you love me, and you want to die with me today," she growled, grinding her hips against mine in a way that contrasted with her menacing tone.

'What the fuck? Is this a double suicide?'

"What?" I asked quietly.

Her knife in one hand, she used her other to punch me in the face. Still fucking me hard.


The abrupt, thunderous crash of the door being kicked in startled both Eliot and me. My cock throbbing inside Eliot as I can feel my climax coming soon. Sunlight flooded the dimly lit nurse's office as the silhouette of a figure loomed in the doorway. It was Erica Knight, with her intense blue eyes fixed on the chaos before her.

'The blonde delinquent girl?' My confusion kept compounding on top of itself. 'Why would she even help me. What the fuck is happening today.'

"Get the fuck off of him!" Her voice boomed like thunder, resonating through the small room.

Before Eliot could even react, Erica had lunged forward, her strong hands gripping Eliot's shoulders and tossing her off me effortlessly. Eliot hit the ground with a bang, her anger erupting into a shrill scream that pierced the air.

"YOU BITCH!" Eliot's face contorted with rage as she scrambled to her feet, knife still clenched in her fist.

"She has a knife. Watch out!" I yell to the girl who just fucked up my first time.

Erica stood between Eliot and me, her stance wide and unyielding. There was a palpable tension as Eliot's anger clashed with Erica's unflinching resolve. With a swift, practiced movement, Erica's fist connected with Eliot's jaw. The sound of the impact was sickening, and Eliot crumpled to the floor like a marionette with its strings cut, unconscious.

'Did she just kill her?' I wonder. 'What a day so far.'

I lay there, stupefied, still trying to process what had just happened. My gaze shifted to Erica, who now stood protectively over me. She exuded strength and confidence, but her eyes betrayed a hint of vulnerability as they flicked down to my exposed lower half.

"Jason," she said, her voice softer now but still tinged with urgency. "Put your pants on."

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and I stuttered out an apology while fumbling to pull my pants up and cover myself. Erica turned her head slightly, giving me a semblance of privacy as I hastily adjusted my clothing.

"Sorry, Erica...thank you," I mumbled, still shaken by the threat on my life.

She gave a curt nod, her usual toughness returning as she glanced at the still form of Eliot on the floor. "Don't mention it."

As Erica stood in front of me looking like an absolute goddess, the school nurse walked in, holding a huge bag of Doritos. Her right hand absolutely lathered in the cocaine-like cheesy dust. She stared at the naked girl on the ground with Erica in between me and her. Eliot's clothes were still on the ground near the bed. "What the hell happened here?"

'Is she gonna think I raped Eliot?' I wonder.

I laughed awkwardly. "I barely know myself."