Chapter 4: Locker Room Lessons

Waking with a jolt, I found myself tangled in sheets that felt too big for the bed. Rubbing sleep from my eyes, I sat up, heart pounding in a rhythm that echoed the throbbing confusion in my head. The realization hit me again like cold water, this wasn't a dream. I was living in a reverse world.

"Okay, Jason, breathe," I muttered to myself, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. My room looked similar, yet far more clean. The bed was even made when I came in last night.

'Other Jason seems annoying.' I voice my insecurity to myself as someone staunchly in the hates making their bed, camp.

I grabbed my phone, fingers tapping with wild abandon as I searched for answers. "Gender ratio" yielded results that made my mouth go dry. 'Women Now Outnumber Men 3:1 in growing gender disparity.' An older headline screamed. A thrill coursed through me, a giddy rush of possibilities that tickled the edges of my thoughts. Three to one? That was insane! A grin spread across my face. If this was my new reality, then I'd just hit the societal jackpot.

But then, the smile faded, and rationality crept in, whispering sober truths into the frenzy. I was 18, a barely legal adult, and my mind was a library of reverse-gender chastity books, each more fantastical than the last. I've read countless in my life before this. They painted a world where men were precious, protected, and cherished. Where harems were common, and love was a game played on a skewed board.

But there are rules. Being a slut is usually a bad thing unless this is a smut-hentai-like world.

'Also, more than one girlfriend sounds fucking exhausting.'

"Come on, Parker," I chided myself, shaking my head. "Think."

There was something deeper I craved beyond the superficial harem fantasy. A connection intense and all-consuming. A yandere. The word sent shivers down my spine, conjuring images of fierce dedication and possessive love. It was a dark craving, one that others might not understand, but it was mine.

'Where is my Yuno Gasai. Is she in this world?'

In a world where women wielded strength like second nature and men were sought after for their gentleness, I had a shot, a real shot if I played my cards right. My heart hammered at the thought. All I needed was to find her, that one woman who would see me not just as a prize to be won but as someone to be obsessed over, someone whose very existence would become her sole focus.

'Someone who will lock me away and eat the key as we fuck until my dick falls off.' My eyes became as manic as a yandere's.

'Imagine a rich busty yandere?'

"No, Jason!" I pull myself together. "We mustn't be picky."


As Brooke waved good bye to me with a bit of fear in her eyes I shut her car door. I stepped onto the curb, my backpack slung over one shoulder. I'd barely taken a breath when Justine's voice cut through the morning air, tinged with an unmistakable undercurrent of concern.

"Hey, Jason!" she called out, her long black hair glinting like a raven's wing under the sun. She was a mirror image of Justin, from her leather jacket right down to the skeptical arch of her brow. It was uncanny how much this world had changed, yet how some things, some people, remained familiar. "You good?"

"Hey, Just…..ine," I replied, forcing a smile to quell her worry. "I'm alright, really."

She eyed me with the intensity of someone piecing together a puzzle, her concern not easily brushed aside. "You sure? The way you said my name was really weird."

"Nothing a good day at school won't fix," I said with more cheer than I felt.

'She is literally just Justin with long hair and a higher-pitched voice.'

Justine wasn't convinced, but she let it slide, falling into step beside me.

"Mind telling me what happened with Eliot?" she prodded gently, navigating us through clusters of students. Her voice held a note of genuine curiosity.

"I got assaulted," I said curtly. It was true, but how do I explain to her I'm more frustrated that I didn't bust than being assaulted in this world. "I don't really want to talk about it." Justine's eyes flashed with a protective fire, but she respected my words, nodding solemnly.

We were almost at our classroom when a decision had to be made. "I gotta hit the bathroom real quick," I told Justine, halting mid-stride.

'I can't tell if I have to piss, so I might as well try.'

"Sure," she said, her tone back to its usual lightness. I nodded gratefully, watching her stride away before diverting towards the restrooms. My mind wandered.

'I wonder if she's still obsessed with Michelle Obama?'

The hallway's fluorescent lights flickered as I turned the corner, my steps slowing to a stop in front of the bathroom door. Just as I reached for the handle, a firm grip encircled my wrist.

The grip on my wrist tightened as I was pulled into the girls locker room, the door slamming shut behind me with an ominous thud. My heart raced, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I found myself face-to-face with one of Erica's tough-looking friends. Her eyes, a piercing shade of green, bore into mine with an intensity that almost made me blush.

"Well, well, well," she drawled, her voice low and menacing. "What do we have here?"

'If this girl rapes me and we get caught, Brooke is gonna bug out.'

I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly dry as I tried to find my voice. But before I could utter a word, Erica emerged from behind a row of lockers, her blonde hair cascading over her shoulders like a golden waterfall. She looked annoyed, her brows furrowed as she took in the scene before her.

"Seriously, Tara?" Erica sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I told you to leave him alone."

Tara, the girl who had grabbed me, released her grip on my wrist with a shrug. "Just having a little fun, Erica. No harm done."

I rubbed my wrist, the skin still tingling from Tara's iron grasp. My eyes darted around the locker room, taking in the rows of metal lockers, the benches scattered throughout, and the faint scent of sweat that hung in the air. It was a world I had never been privy to before, a forbidden realm that now lay bare before me.

'Actually, it's just like the old men's locker rooms. Which I guess makes sense.'

Erica's other friend, Nikki a tall, lanky girl with jet-black hair and a wicked gleam in her eye, sauntered over to me, her gaze raking over my body like a predator sizing up its prey. "You're lucky Erica saved you," she purred, her voice dripping with mock sweetness. "Who knows what could have happened if she hadn't been there."

I nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips despite the tension in the air. "I guess I am pretty lucky," I said, my voice steady and calm while I looked directly into Erica's eyes.

'Does she have Yandere potential?'

The girls exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and intrigue. Erica, however, seemed more annoyed than impressed.

"Okay, that's enough," she snapped, her voice cutting through the charged atmosphere like a knife. "Jason, you should get to class. You aren't cut out for this kinda world. And you two," she added, turning to her friends, "stop fucking around with boys. Are you trying to get arrested?"

Tara's eyes suddenly lit up, a mischievous glint dancing within those terrifying depths as an idea took hold. Her grip on my wrist suddenly returned. With a swift, powerful motion, she threw me against a locker. The metal surface was cool against my back, a stark contrast to the heat that radiated from Tara's body as she pressed closer.

I couldn't hide the excitement that flashed across my features, my heart pounding in my chest as I met Tara's intense gaze. There was something thrilling about being at the mercy of such a strong, commanding presence, even if a part of me knew I should be terrified.

'In a reverse world, women probably don't hate masochist boys, right?' I think in my head as I try to reconcile my feelings. 'I'm so used to trying to push this shit down, but I want to lean into it if I can.'

"You know what I think?" Tara purred, her breath hot against my ear. "I think you owe Erica a date. After all, she did save your ass."

Erica let out a sharp laugh, the sound echoing off the locker room walls. "Please, Tara. Someone like him couldn't handle a girl like me. He's not cut out for my world."

Their laughter filled the air, like an amusement at my expense. But amidst the chaos, a sudden surge coursed through me. I had nothing to lose in this strange, reversed world.

'Fuck this. In the worst-case scenario, it ends up being a normal relationship, right? Plus, finding a Yandere, I'll probably have to date a few girls regardless. Can't make a Yandere Omelet without meeting a few girls, probably.'

"Erica," I said, my voice cutting through their laughter like a blade. "Will you go out with me?"

Silence fell over the locker room, so thick and heavy you could hear a pin drop. Three pairs of eyes stared at me in stunned disbelief, Tara's wide with shock, Nikki's glimmering with newfound interest, and Erica's... Erica's were unreadable, a swirl of emotions I couldn't quite decipher.

Tara's grip on my wrist slackened as she took a step back, her brows furrowed in confusion. "Did he just...?"

"I think he did," Nikki confirmed, a slow, feline smile spreading across her face. "Well, well, well. Looks like the little lamb has some balls, after all."

But Erica remained silent, her gaze locked on mine as if she were trying to peer into my very soul. The tension in the air was palpable, crackling with an energy that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

Seconds ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity as I waited for Erica's response. My palms grew slick with sweat, my heart threatening to burst from my chest as the anticipation mounted.

'I know I'm technically the girl in this situation, but I still feel terrified she's gonna reject me.'

Erica strode towards me, her movements fluid and purposeful. Tara, as if sensing the shift in power, obediently stepped aside, making way for her leader. My breath caught in my throat as Erica closed the distance between us, her hand coming to rest gently on my throat. Despite the softness of her touch, I could feel the strength in her fingers, the unspoken threat that she could tighten her grip at any moment.

She pushed me back against the wall, her body pressing against mine in a way that sent shivers down my spine. Her blue eyes were so beautiful. But there was an anger there, simmering just beneath the surface. Something else too, a flicker of desire, of hunger, that made my heart race.

'What's the equivalent here. Some feisty girl asks out the local bully? But the bully did save her from being raped. Wait, that just sounds like one of Brooke's old romance novels.' My resolve hardened.

"Listen here, little puppy," Erica growled, her voice low and dangerous. "You need to learn when not to joke around. Someone dumber than me might not take a joke like that so well."

Her words were a warning, a reminder of the power she held over me. But even as fear prickled along my skin, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. This was the kind of intensity I craved, the kind of all-consuming passion that I had only ever dreamed of.

'I want this girl to lock me up. I want her to threaten me. I want her to beat the shit out of another girl for just looking at me funny.' I slowly melted away into a puddle of desire.

'We gotta close this deal, Jason.' I thought to myself.

I swallowed hard, my voice coming out steadier than I felt as I met her gaze head-on. "I'm not joking, Erica. I want to go out with you."

Erica snorted, a sound of disbelief and amusement. Her fingers tightened ever so slightly around my throat, a subtle reminder of who was in control. "Do you really think you can handle a girl like me? I might even devour you whole puppy."

I hear that nickname again. I wince a little because I don't love it, but I put that aside for now to process her words. It took all of two seconds to come to a decision.

"I want to at least try." I smiled genuinely, her hand on my throat, making it nearly impossible not to blush.

Erica's lips curled into a smirk, a dangerous glint in her eye as she leaned in closer. Her breath ghosted across my ear, sending a chill down my spine as she whispered, "Be careful what you wish for, little puppy."

Erica's smirk grew into a wicked grin as she noticed my deep crimson blush. Her eyes never left mine as she leaned in even closer, her lips brushing against mine tentatively at first, testing the waters. The soft pressure sent tingles of anticipation coursing through me, and I leaned into her without hesitation.

I felt pulses of excitement as Erica's lips brushed against mine, her tongue darting out to explore the depths of our kiss. The heat emanating from her body enveloped me, making my heart race and my breath come quicker.

Her grip on my throat tightened ever so slightly, reminding me who was in control. It was intoxicating, this feeling of powerlessness mixed with desire. This was everything I had been craving since waking up in this twisted world. My hands reached up to wrap around her waist, pulling her closer as she deepened the kiss. Her taste explored me, teasing and sampling me as if she were trying to figure out what kind of flavor I was. I shuddered at her touch, losing myself in the moment.

The sound of her friend's breath echoed in my ears as we broke apart for air, Nikki gasping softly while Tara just stared at us slack-jawed. "Well then," Erica growled, a smirk spreading across her face. "You better get ready for the ride of your life." She pulled me closer again, nipping lightly at my bottom lip before stalking off towards the exit.

My heart pounded in my chest as I followed Erica out of the locker room, my mind still reeling from the intense kiss we had just shared. Her confident stride and the sway of her hips mesmerized me, and I couldn't help but marvel at the power she exuded with every step.

As we emerged into the hallway, Tara and Nikki flanked us on either side, their expressions a mix of shock and awe. I could feel their eyes on me, studying me with a newfound interest that made my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Erica suddenly stopped and turned to face me, her piercing blue eyes locking onto mine. "Give me your phone," she demanded, holding out her hand expectantly.

I fumbled in my pocket, my fingers trembling slightly as I retrieved my phone and placed it in her waiting palm.

"What is your password?" She looked at me with curious eyes.

"Fuck wait…" I responded, remembering my dumb password.

"What, you're too good to give it to me?" She barked at me.

I looked embarrassed. "No," I whispered. "It's five-five-five-five."

She stared at me like I was a moron. Then she shifted her focus to my phone. She tapped away at the screen for a moment before handing it back to me with a smirk. "There. Now you have my number." She paused. "And I like your Corgi with Pant's wallpaper."

Tara and Nikki exchanged a glance, their expressions unreadable. "We'll catch you later, Erica," Tara said, her voice laced with a hint of mischief. "Have fun with your new toy."

They sauntered off down the hallway, their laughter echoing in their wake. I watched them go, my cheeks burning with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement.

Erica's gaze softened slightly as she turned back to me, her voice low and almost gentle. "Meet me after school," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument. "We need to have a talk before we make this official."

I blinked in surprise, my brow furrowing in confusion. "A talk? About what?"

Erica shook her head, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Nothing bad. Just be there."

'What could she possibly want to talk about? Was she having second thoughts already?' I thought as I walked back to class.