Chapter 7: Jaded

The tile under my feet squeaked as I made my way down the bustling hallway of Salem High, weaving through clusters of students. My gaze scanned the sea of faces for that familiar rebellious scowl of Erica. That's when I bumped into Tara and Nikki, who seemed genuinely startled by my sudden appearance.

"Jason?" Tara raised an eyebrow, her electric blue streaks catching the fluorescent light. "So Erica said you two made it official yesterday. You really weren't joking about wanting to date her, were you?"

I could feel a warmth creeping up my cheeks, not quite used to the attention or being the topic of such conversation. "Yeah," I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. "Finger's crossed, but I think she might be my dream girl."

Tara and Nikki exchanged a glance, their expressions clouded with a mix of bewilderment and caution; they resembled two cats tiptoeing around a pond, unsure if the water was safe to test.

"Really?" Nikki's voice held a hint of surprise, her sharp blue eyes searching mine for any trace of insincerity. "But... it's probably too soon to tell, right?"

I nodded, sensing their hesitation. It was like walking on a tightrope, trying to find a balance between my feelings for Erica and the delusional expectations I might be putting on her. "Yeah, probably too soon," I agreed, hoping to reassure them. "But, you know how it is...when you just have a good feeling about someone?"

They both relaxed slightly, a cautious smile tugging at the corner of Nikki's mouth while Tara simply nodded, her mischief seemingly tempered by the gravity of my confession. They probably didn't want to cross any boundaries, I could tell. In this world, where women lead with such certainty, and men take a more supportive role, stepping out of line isn't taken lightly, especially not with someone as intense as Erica.

"Good luck, Jason," Tara said, her teasing tone softened for once by genuine goodwill.

"Thanks," I replied.

The sudden hush of the corridor seemed to herald her arrival even before I saw her. Erica's presence had a way of demanding attention, her tall figure cutting through the sea of students, making wakes like a speed boat through still waters.

"Hey," she said, her voice a mix of curiosity and caution as she approached us. Her piercing blue eyes were serious, fixing me with a gaze that felt like it could peel back layers. "You guys talking shit?"

"Nothing weird, Erica, promise," Nikki quickly assured her, hands raised in mock surrender. Tara nodded alongside her, a silent echo of agreement.

I couldn't help but laugh softly, feeling a strange mix of relief and tension. "Just being friendly with your friends," I explained, hoping my smile would bridge any gap of doubt.

Erica's response was immediate and possessive. She closed the distance between us in two strides. My back hit the locker with a soft thud as she pressed up against me, her fingers weaving their way through my hair before her lips crashed onto mine. The world tilted on its axis. The kiss was a fierce claim, a statement made without words, and my heart raced to keep up.

'Yeah, this fucks.'

"Remember Jason, you are mine alone," she breathed against my mouth, her tone laced with an edge that was both thrilling and terrifying. "So don't go flirting with my friends."

My cheeks flushed with heat, a deep crimson that I knew matched the intensity of her blue eyes. "I really was just trying to find you," I stammered out, caught between embarrassment and my growing adoration of Erica.

Her expression softened, and for a moment, the delinquent mask slipped, revealing the tender caress of her fingers as they stroked my hair. "I know," she murmured, smiling down at me with a warmth that contradicted the cool metal of the locker at my back.

'Oh fuck, I gotta tell her about Jade.' I remembered mid-thought.

The lingering sweetness of her kiss still hummed on my lips as I caught Erica's arm gently, pulling her away from the curious eyes that had started to gather. "Can we talk? Alone?" My voice barely rose above a whisper, but she heard the urgency within it.

"Sure," Erica replied, her eyes narrowing slightly with an intensity that made me feel like she could see right inside me. We navigated through the sea of lockers until we found a deserted stretch of hallway, echoing and cold compared to the warmth of her hand still in mine.

"Listen, Erica..." I swallowed hard, the words sticking in my throat like glue. "Before I... my whole head thing, apparently there was this girl, Jade. She was blackmailing me, trying to force me to be her boyfriend." The confession felt like shedding a skin, raw and new.

'I hope she doesn't hate me for having such a dramatic life. First, my Cunty mom now this. This is a lot to drop on someone you just started dating.'

Erica's face went slack with shock, her brows knitting together as she processed my words. "Blackmailing you?" Her voice was a low growl, and the gentle delinquent before me morphed into something fiercer.

"Yeah, She had taken photos of me when I was changing in the boy's locker room and threatening to release—" Before I could finish, Erica's fist collided with the metal locker beside us with a resounding bang, leaving a noticeable dent in the once smooth surface.

"Where the fuck is this bitch right now?" Her words were a snarl, her blue eyes blazing with an inferno that sent shivers down my spine.

"I don't know," I admitted, my own heart pounding in fear—not for myself, but for what Erica might do. "But I could text her?"

Silence filled the air between us. Her eyes twisted with anger as they bore into me.

'Shit, maybe I should have had Mom take this one after all.'

"Are you mad at me?" I nervously asked despite my best attempt not to.

'People hate when you ask this too much, but I'm low-key bugging right now.

"No, Jason. Not at you." Her voice was tight, controlled, yet seething with anger. "I have to go." She spoke curtly. She spun on her heel, her long hair whipping behind her as she stalked away, the tension in her shoulders speaking volumes of the fury she held barely in check.


As School let out and I said my goodbyes to an anxious Justine, I stood alone in the hallway. The echo of Erica's earlier departure rang loud in my ears.

'She seemed mad at me. That's a bummer, I'd hate to piss her off this early.'

"Jason, come here!" The sharp command startled me out of my reverberation. It was her voice, echoing down the empty corridor from the direction of the old biology lab.

My chest tightened with nervous energy as I made my way towards the sound. This part of Salem High always held an eerie silence after hours, the kind that turns every whispered secret into a shout.

"Erica?" My voice came out more tentative than I intended as I pushed open the door to find her standing over a figure huddled against the wall.

"Jade?" I muttered under my breath, taking in the sight of her once immaculate hair now disheveled, makeup smeared, one eye swollen shut and darkened. A stark contrast to the pristine image I saw of her on Instagram last night.

"Sorry, Jason," Jade whimpered, cradling her face in her hands, her body trembling. "I didn't mean—I just—"

"Shut the fuck up," Erica cut her off coldly and, with a swift movement, pushed Jade to the floor. The fallen girl let out a small cry, her sobs intensifying as she curled into herself, trying to become invisible beneath Erica's intimidating gaze.

"Please, stop," Jade begged, her voice muffled against the tile floor.

"Stop? After what you tried to do to him?" Erica's voice was low and dangerous, her stance wide and commanding, every bit the protective, dominant force I both admired and feared.

"Erica..." I started, feeling a strange mix of satisfaction and concern churning inside me. Seeing Erica standing over her, defending me like this... it felt right in a way I couldn't fully understand or justify.

'Wow, this is wild. I wondered what she was gonna do.'

Jade's sobs echoed through the empty classroom, her mascara streaking down her cheeks as she clutched at my sleeve, her voice a desperate whisper. "Jason, I'm so sorry, okay? I didn't mean any of it, please. You have to believe me. Tell her to stop, please."

Her tearful plea hung heavy in the air, but all I could manage was a weary sigh. My gaze shifted from Jade's trembling form to Erica's impassive face. She stood with an air of cool detachment that, despite the storm I knew, raged within her.

"Erica, it's up to you how we should handle this," I said, offering a helpless shrug that served as a silent admission of my own powerlessness in her presence.

'The way it ought to be.' I think in terms of being Erica's possession.

A slow smile crept across Erica's lips, and there was something chillingly triumphant in the way her eyes lit up at my words. "I don't want to run into your mom if I get arrested," she mused aloud, her tone deceptively light. Her hand shot out, fingers entwining in Jade's hair with a grip that promised pain. "So I'll let her go with this."

The hold tightened just enough to make Jade wince, her apologies turning to gasps. "But if you ever fuck with Jason again, I will kill you." The threat left no room for doubt or negotiation. Erica's voice was a low growl, each syllable laced with lethal intent.

Blood rushed to my cheeks, a crimson tide that betrayed the complex turmoil of fear and fascination stirred by Erica's display of dominance.

"Understood?" Erica's tone softened only slightly, a hint of concern underlying her command as she awaited Jade's nod of submission before finally releasing her.

Jade collapsed to her knees, cradling her head as she sobbed, the threat hanging over her like a guillotine's blade. Meanwhile, Erica turned to me, her eyes softening as they met mine, the gentle beast tamed for the moment. My heart raced, caught between dread and an overwhelming sense of belonging.

'This feels like Love. I really think I love her.'

"Let's go, Jason," Erica murmured, extending her hand toward me, a silent invitation to leave this Jade business behind.


We weaved through the echoes of after-school chatter, our hands clasped like interlocking puzzle pieces. The cool metal of Erica's rings pressed against my skin, a constant reminder of her protective presence. I glanced sideways at her, taking in the light smirk dancing on her lips—a look of satisfaction that matched the adrenaline-pumping rhythm of my own heart.

"Did you see her face, Jason?" Erica's voice was laced with an unmistakable hint of victory as she replayed the earlier confrontation in her head. "She won't be messing with us again."

I nodded, feeling a swirl of emotions as we stepped outside into the fading sunlight. I couldn't help but feel a buoyant happiness knowing that Erica had handled Jade, not just efficiently, but fiercely. Exactly how I'd hoped she would.

"You okay?" Erica squeezed my hand tighter, pulling me out of the reverie.

"Better than okay," I admitted, my voice lighter than I expected. Her smile grew wider, contagious, and without realizing it, my lips mirrored hers.

"Come over to my house?" The question came as more of a purr, her thumb tracing circles on the back of my hand.

"Is that... okay?" I asked, the nervousness in my voice betraying the excitement that was building up inside me. I knew what that look in her eyes meant. It held a primal lust that both scared and thrilled me.

"Jason," she drew out my name like a caress, leaning in close enough that I could count the golden flecks in her blue eyes. "It's more than okay. It's exactly where you belong." Her voice dropped an octave, sending shivers down my spine.

The world around us faded to a blur as we walked hand in hand toward her house. My nerves were alight with anticipation, each step punctuated by the beating of my heart. I was giddy with the thought of being alone with her, under her gaze, at her mercy.

'Don't cum too fast, Don't cum too fast, Don't cum too fast, Don't cum too fast.'