Chapter 12: Leaning Tower of Pizza

I'm lying flat on my back, Erica's powerful thighs straddling me as she moves with a rhythm of an expert. Her eyes are closed, her long blonde hair water-falling down her shoulders, and her full lips parted in a satisfied smile.

She looks like a goddess, an unstoppable force taking control of my body and soul. But as I gaze up at her, I realize something is off. Her movements are passionate, yet there's a hint of anger behind them, a storm brewing beneath the surface.

'I really don't want to tell her about last night, but I cant keep secrets from her.' I frown.

She notices my distant expression with something akin to a sixth sense and stops mid-thrust, her piercing blue eyes snapping open. The temperature in the room seems to drop as she studies me, her brow furrowing with concern and frustration. "Jason," she growls, her voice low and dangerous, "what's wrong?"

My heart races, and I gulp deeply, trying to find the right words. I'm not sure how to explain the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me, the fear and exhilaration that come with being completely vulnerable to this magnificent woman. "Nothing," I finally manage to mutter, my voice barely above a whisper. "I just… I can't stop thinking."

Erica's eyes narrow, and she resumes her movements, this time with more force. Each thrust sends a jolt of pleasure through me, making it hard to focus on anything but the sensation of her body against mine. "You can't stop thinking?" she repeats, her voice filled with anger. "About what, Jason? What could possibly be more important than this?"

I try to push the thoughts away, to lose myself in the moment, but it's no use. I'm trapped in my own mind, consumed by the fact that I got a hard-on from my sister's almost rape. I know I should tell her the truth, but the words feel stuck in my throat, a tangled mess of fear and desire. And most of all, I'm afraid she'd kill my sister.

'It's not that I care that I got an erection, I get those all the time. It's that Erica is going to be mad at where and I how i got it.' I reason out with myself.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say, my voice strained as I struggle to keep up with her relentless pace.

'That's not a lie. That's just blatantly avoiding my issues.'

Erica's expression softens, and for a moment, I think she might let it go. But then, with a fierce determination, she leans forward, her breasts pressing against my chest as she whispers in my ear. "You know I can't stand it when you're distant, Jason. You know how much I hate it."

'I don't think that has even happened to us yet?'

I nod, I want to tell her the truth and lay myself bare, but I have to be smart about it.

Suddenly, Erica's hand shot out, snatching a knife from the nearby table. The cold steel glinted menacingly in the low light. She pressed the blade gently against my throat, her eyes narrowing as she demanded, "What the fuck are you hiding from me, Jason? Tell me now!"

'Awwww, it's just like the time we met but now she's holding the knife.' I think back nostalgically on how she saved me from an insane rapist with a knife to my neck.'

My cock grew three sizes due to the knife. I could see the desperation in Erica's eyes and the need to know what was causing the distance between us. And, God help me, it turned me on.

Her hips ground into me harder, faster, as if trying to wring the truth from my very soul. I gasped as the pressure built, the sensation of pleasure and fear pushing me to the brink.

"I... I can't," I choked out, my voice barely a whisper.

With a growl, Erica leaned in closer, her breath hot against my cheek. "Tell me, Jason. Tell me what's been eating away at you, or so help me..."

The knife pressed harder against my throat, and in that instant, something inside me snapped. I felt myself surrendering to the moment, to Erica's dominance, to the twisted desires I had fed so willingly lately.

"Fuck!" I cried out as my release overtook me, my body shuddering beneath hers as I emptied myself into her.

As the waves of pleasure subsided, I found myself staring up at Erica with newfound affection. The knife still hovered at my throat, but the anger in her eyes had faded, replaced by a mixture of confusion and concern. The threat clearly calmed me and opened me up in a way nothing else could, and I could see it in Erica's eyes. She noticed the knife helped me, too.

"I'll tell you," my voice filled with tenderness. "I'll tell you everything, Erica."

'I owe it to her. The truth. I have to trust in the system. To withhold something from your Yandere is death, after all. But more than that, I want my partner to know what's bothering me.'

I take a deep breath, bracing myself for the storm that is about to come. "Last night...Brooke... she tried to force herself on me. But she…"

Erica's eyes widen in shock, and the knife clatters to the floor as she pulls away from me, her hands trembling with rage. Before I can even finish my sentence, Erica slams her fist through the wall, the plaster crumbling around her as she screams in fury. "That Stupid bitch! How dare she touch what's mine!"

"Erica, listen to me," I plead, my voice shaky with the weight of my confession. "She didn't... It wasn't like she went all the way. Brooke, she straddled me, held me down. Our clothes never came off. I tried to push her off, but she's stronger than me." My cheeks burn with shame, feeling the need to justify the fear and helplessness that had consumed me in that moment.

"Jason, you're trembling," Erica's anger morphs into concern as she takes a shuddering breath, trying to compose herself. Her eyes scan my face for any sign of deceit, for any hint that I might be downplaying the incident.

"It's true. I was powerless under her grip," I murmur, every word heavy with the humiliation of it. "And when she noticed...when she saw that I was hard," I swallow hard, unable to meet Erica's gaze, "she got off me. Said she just wanted to prove a point. To teach me some lesson about how my need for submission would ruin me."

"Fuck," Erica curses under her breath, her blue eyes darkening with a storm of emotions. She sits back on her heels, the remnants of her anger flaring to life again. Something protective and fierce. Along with a faint sound of a drip coming from her pussy.

I look at her, my eyes wide and apologetic. "I'm sorry, Erica. I'm so sorry for reacting that way. For getting an erection. I didn't want it, I swear." I pleaded to her with genuine remorse about the hard-on I knew in my mind was not my fault, but still, the guilt felt real.

'I hate that i'd react to submitting to someone that isn't Erica.'

"Jason, look at me," she demands, her voice softer now, but still commanding. There's a gentleness in her touch as she lifts my chin, forcing me to face her. "You will be punished for this later. But I know you didn't mean to betray me. And I'm really sorry your sister did that to you."

Her words wrap around me like a balm, soothing the raw edges of my guilt and shame. Erica's understanding, her acceptance of my involuntary response, allows the tension to seep from my muscles, leaving me feeling vulnerable yet safe in her presence.

"Thank you, Erica," I whisper, relief flooding my chest. "Thank you for believing me."

"To be totally honest I think your to crazy to want to lie to me. You looked absolutely distraught earlier." she replies with a genuine confusion.

Erica's eyes searched mine one last time. Scanning for leftover hints of anything more but turning up nothing.

Suddenly The warmth drained away from her eyes. Replaced by a vacancy that sent a shiver down my spine. Her hand remained on my face, but their comfort had evaporated, leaving behind only the ghostly trace of her prior compassion.

"I have to go to the gym. It's been a while," Erica said suddenly, her voice devoid of its usual fiery undertones.

"Erica, you—you're not going to..." My words tumbled out in a nervous rush, the image of Brooke and what might happen flashing before my eyes.

She stood up smoothly, releasing my face, and I was left lonely without her presence. Her back was to me now, the muscle of her shoulders tense beneath the fabric of her shirt. My cum dripping out of her still.

'Has she just been snailing around my goo since i busted in her? What an absolute legend.' I can't help but admire Erica.

"Jason, I really have to go to the gym. And I promise," she said without turning around. "I won't hurt your sister."

I nodded, though she couldn't see it, my heart knocking against my chest. The air hung heavy with the unsaid, with the fear that simmered just below the surface. We walked out together, the mansion's grandeur loomed over us, its silence echoing our own. Erica's pace was steady, purposeful, as if she were marching towards something inevitable.

'She wouldn't break a promise. Yandere's take those seriously, I think.'



The dashboard clock glowed 9:27 PM, casting a pale light on my clenched fists. The Princess Pizza parking lot was all but deserted, save for a few stragglers heading home with their greasy spoils. I sat in my car, the engine idling softly, a predator lying in wait.

A flicker of movement caught my eye. Brooke emerged beneath the leaning tower of Pizza, coming out the doorway of the restaurant, her shift finally over. She moved with that same timid grace she always had, unaware of the storm brewing just across the lot.

"Think you can mess with what's mine?" I muttered under my breath, my grip tightening on the steering wheel. My heart thundered against my ribs like it wanted to kill someone.

I slipped out of the car, each step measured and deliberate. The baseball bat felt like an extension of my body. The blood on it were the trophies of the many fights i brought it too. My muscles hummed with tension, echoing the power I had honed through countless fights back in Salem.

"Hey, Brooke!" I called, my voice butchering the quiet night air.

She turned, her eyes widening at the sight of me. There was no mistaking the fear that flashed across her face, but she was rooted to the spot, like a deer caught in headlights.

"Erica, what are you—"

"Shut up," I snapped, not interested in her excuses. "You know what you did."

Without hesitation I swung the bat at her car's headlights. Glass shattered, scattering bright shards across the asphalt like stars ripped from the sky. Again and again, I struck, each blow a way to dull the rage boiling inside me.

Brooke didn't scream. She didn't run. She just stood there, trembling, as if her silence could shield her from the wrath she knew she deserved.

"Say something!" I demanded, panting from exertion, the remnants of Brooke's headlights lying in ruins at my feet.

But Brooke remained silent, her lips pressed into a thin line, her hazel eyes terrified of me.

"You made me lose face with him today," I spat out, the words leaving my lips like bullets. "Do you have any idea what that feels like? To see him so fucking vulnerable because of you?"

Brooke took a step back as if distancing herself from the intensity of my emotions could somehow protect her.

"Erica, I—" she started, but I didn't let her finish.

"You think I'm mad because of your Joke rape thing, but for me, I can justify that. I hate you for it and want to bash your skull in for it, but I at least understand why you did that. I get why you would want to teach a boy that is so fucking helpless and demanding of ownership that it's dangerous to do that. Your his sister, so, fine! But you did something far worse than whatever that sick game was," I continued, each word laced with venom. "Watching him nearly break down over getting an erection to another girl—his own sister—it was humiliating for both of us.

I breathe in angrily. "You probably think Jason likes being humiliated, but for me, I figured him out. What he fucking loves, what makes him wake up every day and keep living, is his insane want to give up control, while still feeling safe and seen." I emphasize the last words. "I mean, for fucks sake, he's demented, but he knows exactly what he wants. And you know what? I fucking love it. He makes me a better me!" I pause still breathing heavily.

"But you fucking embarrassed him, and you embarrassed me by doing what you did."

Brooke's mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. Her eyes darted around, perhaps searching for an escape or help that wouldn't come.

"Listen to me very carefully," I hissed, stepping forward, the threat in my tone as sharp as the blade I'd held to Jason's throat. "If you ever try anything with Jason again, I swear on everything I love, I will end you. And the only reason you're walking away tonight is because you're his sister."

I watched as Brooke swallowed hard, her eyes glistening with unspoken pleas for mercy. But there was no room for mercy—not when it came to Jason.

"Understand this," I said, my voice dripping with hate. "Jason is mine. He is spoken for. He is claimed. He is owned!" I stare at Brooke as she helplessly looks at me like i'm the villain here. "You're getting off this once, but there won't be a next time. Not ever."

Brooke nodded quickly, too frightened to speak. I could see the tremble in her hands, the way her knees threatened to buckle beneath her.

Good. Let her carry this fear with her, a constant reminder never to cross me again.

With one last piercing look that sealed my promise, I turned my back on her and walked away, leaving her with broken headlights in the shadow of the leaning tower of Pizza.