Chapter 16: The Early Bird Gets the Sperm

Erica was straddling me like usual, pounding her pussy on to my cock Thwomp style. "Were you a good boy for Mommy today?" She talked down to me, but it just made me harder.

"Yes, Mommy." I managed to choke out, my voice strained with desire. The words seemed to unleash something feral within Erica, her eyes burning with an intensity that made my heart race. She leaned forward, her hair cascading around us like a golden waterfall as she captured my mouth in a bruising kiss.

Her tongue danced with mine, a fierce duel that mirrored the passion between our bodies. The taste of an earlier cigarette lingered on her lips, an intoxicating blend of smoke and sweetness that only heightened my arousal. I moaned into the kiss, my hands grasping at her toned waist as I tried to pull her even closer.

Suddenly, Erica broke away, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she stared down at me with wild abandon. "Cum for me, baby," she commanded her voice a low growl that sent shivers down my spine.

The world seemed to narrow to just the two of us, lost in our own private universe of desire and submission. I could feel the pressure building, my body trembling with the effort to hold on just a moment longer. And then, just as I thought I couldn't take any more, the doorbell rang.

The sound echoed through the mansion, a jarring intrusion that snapped us both out of our reverie. Erica hesitated, her body tense as she considered ignoring it. But the persistent ringing refused to be ignored, the outside world demanding our attention despite the intimate scene unfolding within the dimly lit room.

With a frustrated groan, Erica pulled away, her eyes filled with a mixture of irritation and longing. "Is it Lindsey?" she spoke angrily. "Come on, let's go check together." She threw me my clothes as we hurriedly put them on. My balls were as blue as the sky.


The rhythmic echo of our panting was still hanging in the air when the doorbell's chime sliced through the remnants of our intimacy. Erica and I exchanged a glance, the kind that says everything in a nothingness of silence, our sweat-glistened skin barely cooled from the fervor of moments ago.

"Damn, is she early?" I muttered under my breath, running a hand through my tousled brown hair as if it would somehow reorder the chaos of our appearance.

"Let's just... yeah," Erica replied, her words trailing off into a shared understanding. She led the way, her confident stride not quite masking the slight flush on her cheeks or the way her disheveled hair swayed with each step.

I followed, feeling the cool marble of the Knight mansion's floor beneath my now socked feet, a stark contrast to the heat that had enveloped us just before. As we reached the front door, Erica cast me a nod that I believed implied she wished she had a few more rounds. Like Luke Skywalker on Jabba the Hutt's sailing barge, I returned her a nod. Though, unlike Skywalker, mine was acknowledging and agreeing with her wish to go back to fucking.

She swung the door open, revealing Lindsey standing there with her neon blue hair glowing like a halo around her delicate features. Her eyes, wide and brown, flicked between us, taking in the state of our attire, or lack thereof.

"You're early," Erica greeted her, the words stumbling awkwardly out of her usually abrasive tone. It was softer now, tinged with the vulnerability she only showed to me.

"Hope I'm not interrupt—" Lindsey began, her soft voice faltering as her gaze slipped to the sweat pooling under my shirt. Erica's hand unconsciously gripped mine, knuckles slightly white. The implication hung heavy between us, the understanding that what was interrupted was more than just idle chatter.

"Is it, uh, hot in there? You're both sweating." Lindsey's voice trailed off, the faintest hint of pink dusting her cheeks as realization dawned on her. "Looks like you were... busy," she added, her tone measured.

"We were playing Wii Sports!" I lied with an uneasy chuckle, trying to ignore the way my heart continued to race.

"Anyway," Lindsey continued, swiftly regaining composure as she lifted the bottle she brought with her, the clear liquid inside promising a night of forgetfulness and laughter. "I thought we could use a little something to help us unwind at the sleepover. And by little, I mean this industrial-sized vodka."

"Perfect." Erica's smile was back, her bravado reasserting itself as she stepped aside to let Lindsey into the mansion. "You know me too well."

As we ascended the grand staircase, the air grew thick with anticipation. Erica led the way, her fingers still intertwined with mine, while Lindsey trailed behind, the clink of the vodka bottle against her thigh punctuating each step.

We reached the landing, and Erica's room loomed before us, its ornate door a silent sentinel guarding our secrets. As she reached for the handle, I caught a whiff of something familiar.

The door swung open, and the scent hit us like a tidal wave. The room was awash in the unmistakable aroma of a recent fuck.

'Jesus Christ, it reeks of sex. We were nose blind to it earlier because we were stewing in it.'

Clothes lay strewn across the floor, a silent testimony to our frenzied undressing. The sheets on Erica's king-sized bed were a tangled mess, still bearing the imprint of our entwined bodies.

Erica's face, usually a mask of cool indifference, flushed a deep crimson. Her eyes widened in mortification as she quickly slammed the door shut, the bang echoing through the hallway like a gunshot.

"On second thought," she stammered, her voice uncharacteristically high-pitched, "why don't we head to the living room instead? It's... more spacious for drinking."

Lindsey raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk playing at the corners of her mouth. "Sure, whatever you say, Erica. I assume i'll be sleeping in one of the guest rooms tonight?"

Erica nodded. "Yeah whichever one you want is fine."

As we made our way back downstairs, I couldn't help but ask, "Uh, Erica? Am I supposed to be staying over too?"

Erica turned to me, her blue eyes softening as they met mine. "You can if you want to, Jason. It's up to you."

"I've never slept over before, though." I think out loud.

"Jason, you practically live here. I'm not joking when I say if you want to move in with me, you can." She spoke matter-of-factly as Lindsey seemed surprised. We sat down on a couch with a table in front of us.

"Let me just ask my mom if I can sleep over. I don't really want to ask her if I can move in with you over text." I sigh thinking about mother. Since the soft engagement she's been pushing me to be with Erica more and more which is a net gain, especially since it was still awkward with Brooke, but it feels like my Mom is pimping me out which is weird.

I pulled out my phone, fingers hovering over the keys as I contemplated my next move. Finally, I tapped out a quick message to my mom: "Staying at Erica's tonight. That okay?"

The response came almost immediately. [Yes.]

'So anticlimactic.' I think to myself.

"She said yes!" I exclaimed, my face lighting up with excitement. I could barely contain my enthusiasm as I looked at Erica, half-expecting her to mirror my joy.

Erica, however, played it cool. She glanced up from the living room table where she was rolling a joint, her fingers moving with practiced precision over the delicate paper. A slight smile tugged at the corner of her lips, but she quickly suppressed it, maintaining her nonchalant facade in front of Lindsey.

"Whatever," she shrugged, her voice carefully modulated to sound disinterested. But I caught the sparkle in her blue eyes, a telltale sign of her true feelings. She was thrilled, I could tell, but her tough-girl image demanded she keep her excitement under wraps.

'We're gonna have to get her to work on that. Who does she think she is keeping image over her love of me.' I playfully think to myself about how Erica is acting.

Joint in mouth, Erica's fingers danced over her phone screen, tapping out quick messages. "Texting Tara and Nikki," she announced, her tone casual but her eyes bright with anticipation. "Figured we might as well make it a real party."

Lindsey's face lit up at the mention of their names. "Oh, it's been ages since I've seen them!" she exclaimed, her usual reserved demeanor slipping for a moment. "God, remember that time at the lake house? When Tara tried to teach us all how to wakeboard?"

Erica snorted as she billowed out smoke, a genuine laugh escaping her lips. "Yeah, and Nikki ended up with a broken leg after she queefed mid-ride. Good times."

As they reminisced, I couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through my chest. This was a side of Erica I rarely got to see. Relaxed, playful, surrounded by friends. It made me fall for her all over again.

'Normally, she's just fucking me or watching me play video games until she wants to fuck again.'

"Jason, I want you to try this." She pulled me in close and handed me the joint. "You just put your lips on it like you're kissing me and suck in like your breathing, okay?" She gave me surprisingly well-nuanced instructions.

I took the joint from Erica's slender fingers, my heart racing with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The thin paper felt delicate between my thumb and forefinger as I brought it to my lips. I glanced at Erica, who nodded encouragingly, her blue eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, I placed my lips on the joint, trying to mimic the way I'd seen Erica do it. The earthy, pungent smell of weed filled my nostrils as I inhaled deeply, drawing the smoke into my lungs. For a split second, I felt a rush of accomplishment.

"Too eas…."

Then, it hit me.

The smoke burned its way down my throat, igniting every nerve ending along the way. My chest tightened, and before I could stop it, an explosive cough erupted from deep within me. I doubled over, hacking and wheezing, my eyes watering as I gasped for air.

Through my tear-blurred vision, I could see Erica doubled over, too, but with laughter. Her melodic giggles filled the room, a stark contrast to my choking sounds.

"Oh, Jason," she managed between fits of laughter. She reached out, patting my back as I continued to cough. "Don't worry, baby. You did well for your first time."

As my coughing subsided, Erica took the joint from my hand, inspecting it with a smirk. "Though, you might want to ease up on the lip action next time. You got your spit all over it."

I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment, but before I could apologize, Lindsey piped up. "Spit?" she asked, her eyes hungry for something, or maybe I'm overthinking from the weed. Without missing a beat, she plucked the joint from Erica's hand. With practiced ease, Lindsey brought the joint to her lips, took a long drag, and exhaled with ease.

'Pfft what a show off.' I thought while coughing.

She looked as though she was savoring the joint in her mouth less for the weed and more for the taste of the joint.

'I don't remember it having a taste.'

Her neon blue hair seemed to glow even brighter in the hazy room as she passed the joint back to Erica, a triumphant smile playing on her lips.

"I don't think I'm high!" I yelled on accident.

Erica laughed and offered me another hit as she motioned it to me, but my chest was still burning, so I shook my head.

'Now is a perfect time to ask about it, Jason. Ask Lindsey the thing you've been salivating to ask her. She might just be vulnerable enough to answer honestly.' My high thoughts prattled me like Gollum thinking about the ring.

"Hey, Lindsey, which side of the civil war was your family on," I asked as the weed set me free of the social constructs that previously chained me.

'Through weed, my chains are broken.'

Without missing a beat, literally zero hesitation, Lindsey responded with a coy smile. "The same side as Erica's, of course."

I sat there stunned and feeling awkward.

"I don't want to play this game anymore." I spoke defeated, unwilling to ask Erica which side that was for fear of the answer.


As the night wore on, the doorbell chimed again, heralding the arrival of Tara and Nikki. The living room filled with excited chatter and laughter as the group reunited. Erica, her eyes slightly glazed from the weed, fumbled with the vodka bottle Lindsey had brought as she took a big swig, seemingly testing it out.

"Alright, ladies... and Jason," Erica announced, her voice carrying a hint of playful authority, "it's time to get this party started properly."

She poured generous shots into a row of mismatched glasses, the clear liquid sloshing dangerously close to the rims. The strong scent of alcohol wafted through the air, mingling with the lingering aroma of marijuana.

Nikki eyed her shot glass warily, her athletic frame tense with hesitation. "I don't know, guys. I've got a big game this week. Coach will kill me if I'm not at one hundred percent."

Tara, her blue-streaked hair catching the light as she tossed her head back dramatically, rolled her eyes. "Come on, Nikki! Live a little! We're only seniors once." She paused, a mischievous glint in her eye as she added, "Well, except for Erica. This is her second time."

The room erupted in laughter, the girls' giggles bouncing off the mansion's ornate walls. But as quickly as the joy had spread, it died. Erica's eyes, once warm with intoxication, now blazed with fury. Her gaze locked onto Tara, who seemed to shrink under the intensity of it.

"Don't make me look dumb in front of Jason," Erica hissed, her words slightly slurred but no less menacing. The alcohol and weed had stripped away her usual cool facade, leaving raw emotion in its wake.

'Did Erica assume I didn't recognize her when we first met? Of course, I knew she stayed back?' I think to myself, confused.

An uncomfortable silence fell over the room.

Tara, realizing her misstep, attempted to backpedal. "I... I'm sorry, Erica. I didn't think-"

"That's right, you didn't think," Erica snapped, cutting her off. She turned to me, her eyes softening slightly. "Jason, I... I was going to tell you. It's just... it's complicated."

"No, Erica, it's fine. I already knew. I recognized you from last year. The scary girl who beat the shit out of anyone who would talk to her." She was even scary back in the other world.

The tension in the room was palpable. Nikki, seemingly grateful for the distraction from her own dilemma, quickly grabbed her shot glass. "You know what? Screw it. Let's drink."

Lindsey, raised her glass high. "To senior year... no matter how many times we do it!"

With the ice broken, we all lifted our glasses. As the vodka burned its way down my throat.


After a few more shots, the night started to look fun. The room began to spin, colors blurring into a kaleidoscope. Erica's laughter rang out, a melodic counterpoint to Tara and Nikki's boisterous giggles.

"Remember when... and then she just..." Tara's words faded in and out of my consciousness, punctuated by howls of laughter.

Nikki chimed in, her usually reserved demeanor dissolved by vodka. "Oh my god, yes! And Ms. Lulu's face when she sneezed on her period, and blood went fucking everywhere like a shotgun blast!"

Their shared recollection of some school incident swirled around me, meaningless in my inebriated state. I found myself drifting, separated from their inside joke until I realized Lindsey was beside me, her neon blue hair a beacon in my hazy vision.

She leaned in close, her brown eyes surprisingly clear. "Hey, Jason," she said softly, her voice cutting through the fog in my mind. "Is Erica treating you right?"

A goofy grin spread across my face, my inhibitions long since washed away by alcohol. "Oh man, Lindsey," I slurred, my words tumbling out uncontrollably. "She's perfect. Like the perfect dom to my sub, you know?"

Lindsey's eyebrows shot up, but I was too far gone to care. I leaned in conspiratorially, nearly losing my balance. "I love it when she holds me down," I continued, my voice a drunken whisper. "She just... takes me. And just fucks the shit out of me. It's amazing. You ever play Super Mario? She's like a Thwomp." That last bit refusing to leave my mind.

"Do you mean Super Peach?" She asked in return.

The room spun faster as I soldiered on ignoring the stupid fucking thing she just said. Barely aware of the widening of Lindsey's eyes or the slight tremor in her hand as she steadied me. "Erica's so strong, you know? And when she looks at me with those fierce eyes... god, it's like I'm melting."

Lindsey's smile seemed frozen on her face as I continued my drunken confession. "I always knew I wanted this, Lindsey. To be dominated like this. But, god, Erica. She's beyond even my wildest dreams. She even makes me call her mommy. And I have so many mommy issues. It's a dream come true L Dawg." I bite my lip as I stare out at Erica oblivious to the fact that I just came up with a shitty nickname for L Slice.

Lindsey's face blurred in and out of focus as I waited for her response. Her eyes seemed to glint with an intensity I couldn't quite place in my drunken state.

"That's... quite something, Jason," she said, her voice low and measured. "I knew you were dating, but I had no idea you and Erica were that... kinda couple."

Before I could respond, a strong arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me away from Lindsey. I found myself pressed against Erica's side, her familiar scent enveloping me.

"What are you two whispering about?" Erica's voice was playful, but there was an edge to it that even my smooth alcohol-soaked brain could detect.

"Oh, nothing much," Lindsey replied smoothly, her composure regained. "Jason was just telling me how happy he is with you."

Erica's grip on me tightened slightly. "Is that so?" She turned to me, her blue eyes searching my face. "What exactly did you say, babe?"

I laughed hard and spoke way too loudly so she wouldn't confuse my words. "I told her you fuck me real good every day. I told her how you do it like that Mario Guy with the spikes, but sometimes he doesn't have spikes. What's up with that? Is birdo a girl here still?" My adhd, high, and drunk brain was operating on a level too strong for man kind.

I felt Erica's body stiffen against mine as the words left my mouth. The room suddenly went quiet, the laughter and chatter dying away as all eyes turned to us.

'There I go fucking up the vibe again. Been a while since last time, though.'

"Oh fuck," I mumbled, realizing through my drunken haze that I'd said way too much. "….How could birdo even be a boy, Jason."

Erica's face was a storm of emotions, shock, embarrassment, and a flicker of pride. But as she looked at me, her expression softened into something closer to exasperated affection.

"Jesus, Jason," she sighed, shaking her head. "You're such a lightweight."

Tara let out a whoop of laughter. "Damn, Erica! Didn't know you had it in you!"

Nikki was doubled over, tears streaming down her face as she cackled. "Every day? Girl, you must have some stamina!"

I felt my face burning, wanting to put my hands up over my eyes and become invisible, boo style. But Erica kept her arm firmly around me, her touch both possessive and protective.

"Alright, alright," she growled, her voice carrying that dangerous edge that made my knees weak. "Show's over. Let's change the subject before I have to start breaking faces."

The threat was delivered with a smirk, but I could feel the tension in her body. She was embarrassed, sure, but more than that, she was staking her claim. Making it clear to everyone in the room, especially Lindsey, that I was hers.

As the conversation slowly picked back up, Erica leaned in close, her lips brushing my ear. "We're gonna have a talk about this later, babe," she whispered, her voice sending shivers down my spine. "But for now, let's get some water in you before you spill any more of our secrets."

I nodded meekly, allowing her to guide me to the kitchen. As we left the room, I caught a glimpse of Lindsey. She was watching us intently, her expression unreadable.

"Hey, Erica, when are you gonna start throwing ragers again like last year where you invite over way too many people," Tara questioned.

Erica looked annoyed.

"Nah, Nah, No ragers this year. You know how girls get during those. I don't want Jason getting hurt."

Tara stared at me, and her eyes softened. "Yeah, that's probably for the best. But you're losing your edge Erica, too busy fucking all day." Tara's grinned wide, but Erica just shrugged and gave me a deep look of pride.


As the night wore on, I gradually regained a little sobriety, sipping water and nibbling on snacks to clear my head. The others, however, continued their descent into drunken revelry, their laughter growing louder and more raucous with each passing hour.

Erica and the girls had moved on to playing darts, their aim becoming increasingly erratic as the alcohol took its toll. The thud of darts hitting the wall rather than the board punctuated their giggles and trash talk. Erica's competitive streak shone through even in her inebriated state, her blue eyes narrowing in concentration as she lined up her shot.

I was content to watch from the sidelines, nursing my water and feeling the fog of intoxication slowly lift from my mind. The room still swayed slightly, but the worst had passed. That's when Lindsey approached me, her steps unsteady and her eyes unfocused.

"Jathn," she slurred, "I think I need some help getting to the bathroom. Everything's spinning."

I hesitated for a moment, glancing towards Erica, who was too engrossed in her game to notice that Lindsey needs help. "Sure, Lindsey," I replied, standing up carefully. "I can show you the way."

As we made our way out of the living room, I couldn't help but notice how Lindsey leaned heavily against me, her body warm and soft.

'Nah. I don't trust like that. She's up to something.' I thought to myself as I tried to guard myself.

We stumbled down the hallway, Lindsey's neon blue hair tickling my cheek as she rested her head on my shoulder. "You're so nice, Jason," she mumbled, her breath hot against my neck. "Erica's lucky to have you."

I felt a twinge of discomfort at her words, remembering my earlier oversharing. "Thanks, Lindsey," I replied awkwardly, trying to keep her upright as we navigated the mansion's winding corridors.

When we got to the bathroom door, she pushed me against the wall, staring into my eyes. Pinning my arms down with a surprising amount of force.

'Is it still surprising at this point, Jason?' I rebuke my own thoughts.

Her Eyes stared into mine. They seemed hungry, but more than that, they seemed to be analyzing me and my reactions. I stared at her coldly annoyed with this development.

Just as I opened my mouth to plead with her to stop, she let go completely.

"Sorry Jason, I slipped. I'm just so drunk after all." Her words were completely slur-free as she entered the bathroom. "I can take it from here." She spoke, closing the door.

"Ahh yes, sounds good." I was surprised she showed restraint in the end. That must have been tough for a drunk girl.

'She didn't seem as wasted at the end, did she through? I don't know. Who cares.' I prattle on, getting bored as I walk back to find Erica Yelling at Nikki over darts.

'I'll tell Erica later,' I think as the weird memory I had with Lindsey slips into the try not too forget folder of my extremely orgainzed brain.

Erica's eyes connected with mine, and she angrily grabbed my wrist and walked me to her room. Her eyes were insatiable, as if she had Chinese food a few hours ago and was hungry again. And that was the end of the party as far as I knew.


Hours later as i laid on Erica's chest drunker than ever before off the nips she had stashed in her room, I get an inkling of a thought gone. The room spinning. "Fuck Erica, I had something I wanted to tell you but I forget it….."

"Shhhhh Jason, Mommy's sleepy. If you can't remember it, it must not be that important." She spoke looking cute. I smiled and fell asleep atop her fat milkers.