Chapter 19: Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law

The morning sun filtered through the grand windows of The Knight mansion, casting a warm glow across the high-ceilinged room where Vivian Knight and I sat. I was curled up on one of the velvet sofas, still in my pajamas, a pair of soft cotton pants, and a loose T-shirt. It had been an unsettling week after the break-in at our house, and my mother thought it best for me to stay with Erica, given her home's fortified security measures.

'Ever since the "informal engagement" Mother has been extremely accepting of my relationship with Erica.'

Vivian's elegant presence dominated our conversations. Her blonde bob swayed slightly as she nodded along to the mundane topics we tiptoed around until I ventured into territory beyond.

'Erica told me since she'll be my mother in law I can ask her anything i want now.' My eyes glittered with mischief.

"Ms. Knight, did you support the covid vaccine?" I asked casually, stirring my coffee.

She paused, her poised demeanor giving way to a crease of confusion between her brows. "What's covid?" she asked, her voice a blend of curiosity and bewilderment.

'What the fuck? That didn't happen here? You've got to be fucking kidding me. God, I have got to sit down one day and look everything up…. But on the other hand, it's kinda funny to be this shell-shocked each time.'

"Did the holocaust still …." I ventured another question but was promptly cut off by the sound of shuffling feet. Vivian's eyes are wide after I drop the H bomb.

'I'll take that as a yes.' I think nervously.

Erica emerged from the hallway, wrapped in nothing but a towel, her damp blonde hair leaving moist trails on her shoulders. Her blue eyes fixed on me with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

"Jason, stop asking my mom stupid questions," she chided, her voice rough but with an undertone of warm affection reserved just for me. She ruffled my brown hair, causing a few strands to fall haphazardly over my forehead. "You can't just make up vaccines, Jason it's weird people will think you're crazy." She pondered for a moment. "Wait no if they think your crazy that works out better for me, carry on."

I could feel my cheeks heat up, not only from the embarrassment of my faux pas but also from the proximity to Erica's freshly showered form. Her looming figure and the protective glint in her gaze made my heart thrum with a mix of fear and longing, a testament to the complex dance of our relationship.

"Sorry, I..." My voice trailed off as I tried to reconcile the differences between worlds.

Our conversation was interrupted by the front door bursting open with a clatter that reverberated throughout the Knight mansion's grand halls. Before I could turn my head, a whirlwind of golden hair and kinetic energy bounded into the room.

"Mother, Sister, I am home from college!" The voice was like a trumpet call, cutting through the air with vibrant enthusiasm. She was the human embodiment of an exclamation mark, her hand gestures painting her excitement in broad, sweeping strokes against the backdrop of the stately living room.

Her amber eyes, as animated as the rest of her, landed on me and stretched wide. She paused mid-gesture, fingers splayed theatrically. "Did Erica kidnap a boy?" The words tumbled out of her mouth, accompanied by a look of mock horror that would have made the most dramatic of stage actors proud.

I couldn't help but laugh at the sheer absurdity of the situation, my earlier embarrassment forgotten. "No, no kidnapping here, tragically." I glare at Erica. "I'm Jason," I said, extending a hand towards her which she shook with a vigor that threatened to dislocate my shoulder. "Actually, I'm engaged to Erica."

The declaration seemed to hang in the air like the afternoon of a gong, resonating with surprise. Vivian, who had been nursing a cup of coffee with poised elegance, did a spit take that was anything but. "What?" Her voice cracked, the word escaping her in a spray of disbelief and arabica.

I glanced over at Erica, now sitting next to me, still only wearing a towel. Her laughter rang out, a melodic contrast to the echoing silence that had briefly claimed the room. My heart raced, skipping beats as I searched Vivian's face for signs of disapproval or shock. The gravity of my impromptu announcement clung to me like a second skin, heavy and uncomfortably tight.

"Vivian," I stammered, the words spilling out in my haste. "You... you don't object to me being engaged to Erica, do you?" The question hung between us, precarious and vulnerable.

To my relief, both Erica and Vivian erupted into laughter, their genuine happiness filling the opulent space with an infectious energy. Vivian wiped a stray tear from her eye, looking at me with a mixture of amusement and what seemed like... pride?

"Jason, my dear," she said, still chuckling, "I find it absolutely endearing how eagerly you want to marry my daughter." Her voice held a warmth that eased the tension from my shoulders, and I dared to let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Weirdly, she glared at Erica as if she were Jealous. Erica sat there with her standard shit-eating grin.

'She's still just in the towel?' I try to take a peak below the veil, but I don't want anyone to think I'm a perv.

Meanwhile, the new blonde girl stood there, her animated expression now one of complete bewilderment. She looked from her mother to Erica and back to me, her exaggerated hand gestures frozen mid-air.

"Rachel Knight." She formally introduced herself. "How much did I miss while i was away at Harvard?" Rachel asked, her voice a pitch higher than normal. The confusion etched on her features would have been comical if I weren't so acutely aware of the fact that she named dropped her school to impress me.

Erica snorted, her blue eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, just a few minor details, sis. Like me finding the love of my life and deciding to tie him down forever." She winked at me, sending a rush of heat to my cheeks.

Rachel's jaw dropped even further if that was possible. "But... but... Erica, you've never even dated anyone before! And now you're engaged?" Her voice crescendoed with each word, hands flailing wildly.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Rachel's dramatic reaction. "It's been a whirlwind romance," I offered, trying to smooth things over.

Vivian cleared her throat, regaining her composure. "Well, Rachel dear, it seems you've returned just in time for some exciting family news. Why don't you sit down, and we can all catch up properly?"

Rachel plopped down on the nearest armchair, her eyes still wide with disbelief. "Next, you'll be telling me Erica's taken over the family business or something equally preposterous."

Erica's laughter turned into a scowl at that comment. "Hey, I could run Knight Industries if I wanted to," she grumbled, pulling me closer possessively.

I leaned into her embrace, inhaling her fresh shower scent. The contrast of her soft skin against the rough cloth of the towel sent tingles through my body.

"Now, now," Vivian interjected, her tone diplomatic. "Let's focus on the happy news, shall we? Rachel, darling, tell us about Harvard. How are your studies going?"

As Rachel launched into an animated retelling of her college adventures, complete with grand gestures and theatrical voices, I couldn't help but marvel at the surreal turn my life had taken. Here I was, cuddled up to my towel-clad fiancée, surrounded by her family in this grand mansion, listening to stories about a world that was both familiar and utterly foreign to me.

'Why are they so cool with her being in a towel.' I wondered.

Suddenly, a slight shift in Erica's posture caused her towel to slip. Before I could process what was happening, one of her breasts popped free, exposed to the room. My eyes widened in shock, but to my utter bewilderment, no one else seemed to notice or care. Rachel continued her animated story without pause. Vivian sipped her coffee, nodding along. Suffice it to say I was beyond half-chub.

Heart racing, I leaned in close to Erica's ear. "Um, your... your tit is out," I whispered urgently.

Erica glanced down, then back at me with an amused smirk. "It's fine," she whispered back, making no move to cover herself.

I tried to keep my eyes averted but found them repeatedly drawn back to her exposed flesh. My mind reeled. How could everyone be so nonchalant about this?

"Do... do girls just show their breasts here?" I asked Erica in a low, strained voice. Accidentally referring to this world as "here."

She furrowed her brow, looking genuinely perplexed. "What do you mean? Show them where?"

It slowly dawned on her that I was fixated on her exposed breast. Her eyes lit up with curiosity and mischief. "Wait, do you have some kind of breast fetish?" she asked, barely containing her glee. "Is that why you're always sucking them?"

I gasped at her, utterly dumbfounded. How could I even begin to explain my stance? As I struggled to form words, Erica's grin widened, clearly delighting in my flustered state.

"You little psycho, you have really do have a titty fetish, don't you? That's so weird." She cradled my head into her tits, and I sat there confused yet hard as a rock. My face burned. I could feel the softness of her skin, the warmth radiating from her body. My heart pounded so loudly that I was sure everyone in the room could hear it.

"E-Erica," I stammered, my voice muffled against her skin. "Maybe we shouldn't...not in front of your family..."

She just laughed, running her fingers through my hair. "Oh, Jason, you're so adorable when you're embarrassed. Don't worry, they don't care."

I risked a glance at the others. Sure enough, Rachel was still animatedly describing her latest theater production, complete with dramatic hand gestures. Vivian sipped her coffee, nodding along as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

"But...but..." I sputtered, trying to reconcile this casual nudity with everything I knew. "In my wor—I mean, where I'm from, this would be considered really inappropriate."

Erica's eyes lit up with intrigue. "Oh? And where exactly are you from, Jason?" There was a dangerous edge to her playful tone that made my pulse quicken.

Before I could stammer out a response, Rachel's voice cut through my panic. "So anyway, that's how I ended up starring in the spring musical! Oh, and Jason, I almost forgot to ask, how did you and Erica meet? It must be quite the story!"

I extracted myself from Erica's embrace, grateful for the distraction. "Oh, um, well..." I began, frantically trying to piece together a plausible narrative that didn't involve alternate dimensions.

Erica jumped in, her arm snaking possessively around my waist. "I Heroically saved Jason here from being murdered by a girl at school. He was being….. assaulted…. but I knocked the girl out in one punch." She simulated a punch in the air, Her massive tits jiggling as I stared at them, nearly drooling because of the weird setting. "He asked me out shortly after that, and I decided to keep him." She added with a coy smile.

I felt my face flush as Erica bouncily recounted our 'meet-cute.' I cleared my throat, trying to regain some composure.

"Yeah, Erica really swept me off my feet," I added with a nervous chuckle. "It was love at first punch, you could say."

Rachel's eyes widened comically. "Oh my god, that's so romantic!" she exclaimed, clasping her hands together. "Like something out of a movie!"

Vivian raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing at her lips. "Well, I'm glad my daughter's penchant for violence finally came in handy," she said dryly.

Erica grinned, pulling me closer. Her now exposed breasts pressed against my arm, sending a jolt through my body. I tried desperately to focus on the conversation and not the soft warmth against my skin.

"So, Jason," Rachel leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, "What do you do? Are you looking to go to college? Working?"

I froze for a moment, starting to hate this question. "I, uh..." I stammered, my mind racing. "I'm still deciding taking some time to figure out my next steps one I graduate." I smiled weakly, hoping my vague answer would suffice.

Rachel nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, how exciting! The world is your oyster, as they say. Any thoughts on what you might want to pursue?"

Before I could formulate a response, Erica interjected with a mischievous glint in her eye. "His mother tasked me with making sure this one has lots of babies because he said he didn't want to."

Vivian gasped, her coffee cup clattering against its saucer. "But it's your responsibility, Jason!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock.

I felt my face grow hot, a mix of embarrassment and panic rising in my chest. "I..." I began, but Erica cut me off once again. It was actually welcomed, though.

"That's why his mother was so eager to let us get engaged," Erica grinned, her arm tightening around my waist. "She knows he'll give me whatever I want."

Vivian and Rachel looked at me, their expressions a mixture of surprise and something that looked unsettlingly like jealousy. The weight of their gazes made me squirm in my seat.

"I... it's not that I don't want children," I stammered, trying to salvage the situation. "I just... I mean, we're so young and..."

Erica laughed, a sound that was both melodious and slightly terrifying. "Oh, don't worry, everyone. I'll convince him. After all, what kind of wife would I be if I couldn't persuade my husband to fulfill his duties?"

Her casual use of the word 'wife' sent a shiver down my spine. The reality of our engagement suddenly felt very real and very overwhelming, in a blissful way.

'This is the kind of drowning in love I dreamed about.'

Rachel leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh, this is just like one of those romance novels! The reluctant Man is swept off his feet by the strong-willed heroine. How many children are you planning to have, Erica?"

Erica's grin widened, and I felt my stomach drop. "Oh, at least five," she said nonchalantly as if discussing the weather. "Maybe more if Jason here proves to be particularly fertile."

I choked on air, coughing, and spluttering. "F-five?!" I managed to gasp out.

Vivian nodded approvingly. "A good, strong number. The Knight family could use some new blood. And with Erica's genes, I'm sure they'll be quite formidable."

My head was spinning. Five children? Formidable genes? I felt like I had stumbled into some sort of bizarre breeding program.

Vivian leaned forward, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and something else I couldn't quite place. "You know," she said, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "I'm rather surprised Erica isn't pregnant already. I've heard you two from down the hall, and let's just say, the walls aren't as thick as the surfs who built this place promised my great great great grandparents." She laughed while looking me dead in the eyes, knowing exactly the breadcrumb she fed me would never be enough to satiate my immortal curiosity.

'Surf's? What the fuck? Was I on the money after all?' My eyes go wide as I only hear the part of her words that really matter to me.

'Wait, She hears us fucking?' My face instantly flushed a deep crimson, the heat spreading down my neck and chest. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. The idea that Vivian had heard our... intimate moments was mortifying.

Erica, on the other hand, seemed utterly unfazed. She shrugged, her exposed breast bouncing slightly with the movement. "I'm still on the pill, Mom," she said casually as if discussing the weather. "Mostly just to regulate my period, you know? We're waiting until after the wedding to start trying."

"We are?" My mouth shits out the words.

Rachel nodded empathetically, reflecting her sister's words, her dramatic flair momentarily subdued. "Oh god, periods are the worst," she sighed, flopping back in her chair. "Remember that time in high school when I bled through my white skirt during the school play?" She laughed. "I was going through my vegan phase, so I wasn't wearing any underwear, and when I sneezed on stage, it was like a shotgun blast of blood." She doubled over laughing like her words weren't made of abject horror.

'What the fuck is happening.' I felt genuine culture shock enveloping me.

"Jason, darling," Vivian's voice cut through my daze. "You look a bit pale. Are you alright?"

I blinked, realizing all eyes were on me. "I'm fine," I squeaked, my voice unnaturally high. "Just, uh, a lot to take in."

Erica laughed, a rich, warm sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Oh, you'll get used to it," she said, ruffling my hair affectionately. "In this family, we don't believe in secrets or shame. Everything's out in the open."

"Speaking of out in the open," Rachel interjected, her eyes sparkling with mischief, "when are you two lovebirds planning to tie the knot? I need to know how long I have to plan the most epic bachelorette party ever!"

A flash of possessiveness takes me by hold in a way I've rarely shown before. "No strippers!" I speak coldly, my voice cutting through the room like a knife. The sudden shift in my demeanor catches everyone off guard, including myself.

Erica's eyes widen, her gaze locking onto mine. I see a flicker of something primal ignite in those piercing blue depths. Her lips part slightly, her breath quickening. The air between us suddenly feels charged, electric.

"Well, well," Erica purrs, her voice low and husky. "Look who's getting all possessive now." She leans in close, her lips brushing against my ear. "I love it when you show mommy how much you don't want to share," she whispers, her warm breath sending shivers down my spine.

Without warning, Erica stands, her towel finally falling away completely. She doesn't even bother to pick it up, standing there in all her naked glory. Her hand finds mine, fingers intertwining as she pulls me to my feet.

"If you'll excuse us," she announces to the room, her voice dripping with barely concealed desire, "I need to have a private conversation with my fiancée."

Rachel lets out a whoop of laughter, clapping her hands together. "Get it, sis!" she cheers, her enthusiasm infectious.

Vivian merely raises an eyebrow, a knowing smirk playing at her lips. "Do try to keep the noise down this time."

'What kind of family am I marrying into.'