Chapter 24: You are a Toy!

My head feels like it's stuffed with cotton candy. Blurry shapes swim in and out of focus as I blink heavily, trying to make sense of my surroundings. Where am I? What happened? What am I? 'I think'th therefore I Amn't.' A giddy laugh bubbles up from my chest.

"Whoaaa... I'm so... floaty, Hehehe." I mumble, words slurring together.

As the fog in my brain starts to clear just a little, I realize I can't move my arms or legs. 'I'm... tied to a chair?' My heart races, but not with fear. Excitement floods through me as a long-held fantasy suddenly seems real.

"Oh my god, did I actually get kidnapped? Erica finally did it?" I wonder aloud, grinning dopily. "That's so cool..."

A door creaks open, and a figure steps into the dimly lit room. It's Erica. But something's different. She's wearing a face mask that obscures most of her face, leaving only her piercing blue eyes visible and beautiful blonde hair.

Those eyes lock onto mine with an intensity that makes me shiver. Without a word, Erica strides towards me, her movements fluid and predatory. Before I can process what's happening, she's straddling my lap, her weight settling onto my bound body.

"E-Erica?" I stammer, equal parts thrilled and nervous. "What's going on?"

She doesn't answer. Out of my sight, she's lifting her mask, still trying to hide herself from me. I feel soft lips press against my neck, trailing kisses along my skin. My breath hitches.

My mind was spinning as I let out a gasp, my head lolling back in ecstasy. "Whoa... this is really happening, right?" I couldn't believe the intense rush that was coursing through me despite my slower than usual uptake.

As Erica continues her silent attention, my drug-addled mind races. Is this real? Am I dreaming? Either way, I don't want it to stop.

"I can't believe you actually did it. I'm so happy, Erica, tanks" I murmur, a breathy laugh escaping me.

I feel Erica smile against my skin, and a warm, possessive feeling washes over me. This is exactly what I've always wanted. To be completely at her mercy, treasured, and trapped all at once.

Erica put her face mask back on properly, not letting me get a good look at her face. 'Bless her heart for trying to make me think she's someone else.' She stares at me for a while. Ten seconds. Thirty seconds. I start to feel self-conscience, but more than that, even in my drug fucked brain, I just feel so thankful and in love with Erica for granting my twisted wishes.

"Ericaaaa….." I slur out. "I love you."

"Shhhhhhhhhhh," She finally utters a sound. She takes out a blindfold. And wraps it around my eyes.

Plunged into darkness, I feel more vulnerable than ever. My other senses heighten, making every touch and every sound feel amplified. I strain my ears, trying to decipher any hint of Erica's movements.

Suddenly, I feel something brush against my cheek. It's soft and warm, like a feather. I gasp, my heart pounding in my chest. I can't help but feel a thrill of fear and excitement coursing through my veins. I squirm in my chair, trying to pull against the restraints that bind me, but I'm helpless. Completely at Erica's mercy.

And then, I feel it, her lips on my neck. She kisses me softly, almost tenderly, before trailing her mouth down to my collarbone. Her warm breath sends shivers down my spine, and I can't help but moan. I feel her smile against my skin, and I know she's reveling in my reaction.

Erica's mouth continues its path down my body, and I feel her fingers deftly unzip my pants. I suck in a breath as she frees my hard cock, and I feel her gasp slightly. 'Awwww, she's still surprised after so long. She almost sounds like it's her first time seeing my hard dick.'

"I love you, Erica." The words escape me again, and as I do, Erica pauses. Almost like I could feel her wince a little in the air.

Next, she takes me into her mouth. I cry out, unable to contain myself, as I feel her tongue swirl around my sensitive tip. She gags slightly, which is unusual for her, but it only seems to spur her on. She starts to move her head up and down, her mouth sliding along my shaft. I can feel myself getting close, but just as I'm about to reach the edge, she stops.

I groan in frustration, my body begging for release. Erica chuckles darkly.

She doesn't say a word, her silence only amplifying the anticipation. I can hear her breathing and feel the warmth of her exhales on my sensitive skin. My heart races as she leans forward, her lips barely grazing the tip of my cock. It's maddening, the teasing, the anticipation. I beg her, "Please let me cum Erica."

But Erica remains silent, her mouth continuing its torturous dance around my aching hardness. I can feel the frustration building inside me, the desperate need for release. And just when I think I can't take it anymore, she stops altogether, leaving me gasping for breath.

"Erica…" I moan

The room falls silent, save for the sound of our heavy breathing. I can feel my cock throbbing, pulsing with need. And then, without warning, Erica's mouth is on me again. She sucks gently at first, her tongue flicking against my sensitive tip. I moan, my hips bucking involuntarily. I can feel myself getting closer, my body trembling with anticipation.

But just as I'm about to reach the edge, Erica pulls away once more. I groan in anger, my body aching for release. She doesn't speak, doesn't say a word. But I can feel her smile, and I can hear the amusement in her breathing. She's enjoying this, reveling in my torment.

And then, just when I think I can't take it anymore, she kisses the tip of my cock gently, her lips soft and warm. I can feel myself on the verge of release, my body trembling with need. And then, with a final, tender kiss, I explode.

My orgasm rocks through me, my body convulsing with pleasure. I can feel Erica's hands on me, steadying me as I ride out the waves of ecstasy. I can hear her laugh, soft and triumphant. But I don't care. At this moment, all that matters is the feeling of her lips on my skin and the sound of her breathing in my ear.

"I love you, Erica." I moaned out in repeat. "I love you so much."

As I gasp for air, still reeling from the intensity of my release, I feel Erica shifting on my lap. She tightens her grip on my shoulders, her fingers digging into my skin. There's a new urgency in her movements, a desperate hunger that mirrors my own.

I can feel her breath hot against my neck as she leans in, her body pressing against mine. The blindfold is still tight around my eyes, but I can sense her closeness, the way her chest rises and falls with every breath.

And then, without warning, she's kissing me. Her lips are rougher than I'm used to but just as demanding. Her tongue explores my mouth with an intensity that takes my breath away. Though her usual cigarette taste was nowhere to be found.

I moan into her mouth, my body responding instinctively to her touch. I can feel myself getting hard again, my cock twitching with need. But before I can even process what's happening, Erica is pulling away.

I can hear the rustle of fabric as she stands up and the soft clink of her belt buckle as she undoes her pants. And then, without a word, I'm suddenly in her tight pussy.

There's no teasing, no gentle kisses. Erica's movements are rough and desperate, her hips grinding against mine as she rides me hard. I can feel her nails digging into my shoulders, her teeth sinking into my neck.

It's painful, but I don't care. All I can focus on is the feeling of her body against mine, the way she's taking what she wants without hesitation. I can hear her moans and feel the way her body trembles with every thrust.

She straddles me on the chair. Her legs touching the ground as she keeps pushing my cock deeper and deeper into her pussy.

"Ahhhhh." She finally cracks a loud moan. With my head free, unlike my arms or legs, I find her neck with my lips and start kissing it. It almost tastes different than I remember, but that must be a side effect of the drugs. she has me on. Regardless, her sweat tastes immaculate.

As she bucks her hips harder into mine, my face digs into her neck. I start biting her as revenge from earlier. I smile as my breath gets heavier.

Erica's breath hitches as she feels the sting of my teeth on her neck. The sensation seems to spur her on, and she grinds her hips even harder against mine. I can feel her muscles tensing around me, her body coiling like a spring ready to release.

Her moans grow louder, more urgent, and I know she's close. Suddenly, she leans forward, her fingers digging into my chest as she whispers one word in my ear. "Cum." Her voice takes on an otherworldly presence. Different yet extremely sultry. As if she was roleplaying someone else.

It's a command, a plea, and a promise all at once. I feel my body responding, my hips bucking up to meet hers as I get closer and closer to the edge. She leans back again, her hips moving faster and faster as she approaches her own release.

"Cum, Jason," she says again, her voice barely above a whisper. "Cum for me." I can feel her muscles tightening around me, her body shaking with the effort of holding back. I'm so close, so close...

And then, with one final thrust, I feel myself let go. I cry out, my body shuddering as I release deep inside her. Erica followed soon after, her own orgasm washing over her body as she writhed on top of me. Moaning as she collapses against me.

For a moment, we just sit there, panting and sweaty, our bodies entwined. And then, slowly, Erica leans back. "Good boy," she says, her voice soft and tender. "You did well." Her voice was almost unrecognizable, if I hadn't seen her earlier, I might have even thought it was someone else.

I can't help but grin back at her, feeling a sense of satisfaction and contentment that I haven't felt in a long time. Thrilled by the lengths Erica was willing to go for me.


[Lindsey's POV]

The air in the security room is a bit stuffy compared to the cell we have Jason in.

"He really seems to love that Erica girl, huh?" Lyra looks at me with an anxious frown.

I turn to Lyra, my eyes gleaming with a mixture of triumph and amusement. "It's of little consequence who Jason believes he's in love with," I say, my voice dripping with honey-coated venom. "Did you notice how willing he was? How much he loved feeling me wrapped around his rock-hard cock?"

Lyra nods, her delicate features contorting with a blend of admiration and fear. "Yes, Miss Lindsey. He seemed... incredibly enthusiastic."

I can't help but let out a soft chuckle, my fingers idly twirling a strand of my neon blue hair. "Enthusiastic is an understatement, my dear Lyra. He was absolutely intoxicated with desire."

My eyes drift back to the security monitors, drinking in the sight of Jason's spent form still bound to the chair. His chest rises and falls with deep, contented breaths. Even from here, I can see the flush of satisfaction on his cheeks.

"He's perfect," I murmur, more to myself than to Lyra. "So deliciously pure in his infatuation to be taken control of."

Lyra shifts uncomfortably beside me, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her impeccably pressed butler's uniform. I can practically feel the anxiety radiating off her in waves.

"Miss Lindsey," she begins, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I hope we won't have to... dispose of this one. Like the other five before."

I turn to face her fully, noting the way she flinches under my gaze. Poor, sweet Lyra. Always so worried, so desperate to please. I reach out, cupping her chin in my hand, forcing her to meet my eyes.

"Oh, Lyra," I purr, my thumb tracing the curve of her jawline. "You needn't worry about that. Jason is... special. Unlike any toy I've played with before."

I feel a smile spreading across my face, wide and predatory. Lyra's eyes widen in response, a mixture of relief and renewed fear flickering in their depths.

"He's not just a plaything," I continue, releasing Lyra's chin and turning back to the monitors. "He's a challenge. A delightful puzzle to be solved."

My fingers dance across the control panel, zooming in on Jason's face. Even in his drug-induced haze, there's a softness there, a vulnerability that makes my heart race with anticipation.

"We'll keep this one, Lyra," I declare, my voice filled with dark promise. "We just need to convince him that two lovers are better than one." I give Lyra a cold grin as I stare at her supple body.

Lyra's eyes dart nervously between me and the monitor, her delicate hands wringing together. "Miss Lindsey," she begins, her voice quavering, "I was... I was wondering if perhaps... I didn't have to... you know... with this one?" She swallows hard, her face flushing. "Maybe I could... sit this one out?"

I turn to her slowly, my gaze sharp and cold. "Oh, Lyra," I purr, my voice dripping with false sweetness, "we're far past the point of no return, my dear." I step closer, invading her personal space, watching as she shrinks back slightly. "You're my co-conspirator now, no matter what. There's no backing out."

Lyra's shoulders slump in defeat, a soft sigh escaping her lips. But I notice something else flickering in her eyes, a spark of excitement poorly concealed beneath her anxious exterior. It's delicious to witness.

'She loves to fuck the boys. She just always feels so guilty afterward. Poor tragic Lyra, with a better master, perhaps she could have led a normal life.' I chuckle in my head.

"Now," I continue, my voice low and commanding, "I want you to go taste the merchandise and then knock him out." I run a finger along her jawline, feeling her shiver beneath my touch. "Consider it a little reward for your loyalty."

Lyra's eyes widen, a mix of fear and anticipation swirling in their depths. She nods slowly, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. "Y-yes, Miss Lindsey," she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper.

As Lyra walks away, I feel a thrill of anticipation course through me. I watch her petite form disappear around the corner, imagining the delicious scene that will soon unfold.

"Lyra," I call out, my voice echoing in the empty hallway. She pauses, turning back to me with those wide, anxious eyes. "For tomorrow, plan on joining me. We're only going to use the ED injection before he wakes up, so he can't deny us even if he wants to."

I see the conflict play out across her delicate features, the nervousness, the guilt, but also that unmistakable hunger. It's like watching a storm gather on the horizon, dark clouds swirling with barely contained energy. Her fingers twitch at her sides, and I can almost hear her heart racing from here.

"Yes, Miss Lindsey," she responds, her voice breathy and trembling. But beneath the anxiety, I detect a note of excitement, a quiver of anticipation that sends a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

Lyra takes a deep breath, squaring her shoulders as if steeling herself for what's to come. "After I finish up and clean him, I'll prepare everything for tomorrow."

I smile, slow and predatory. "Good girl," I purr, watching with satisfaction as a blush creeps up her neck at my praise.

As Lyra disappears into Jason's room, I lean against the wall, closing my eyes and letting my imagination run wild. I picture Lyra's small hands roaming over Jason's unconscious form, her touch hesitant at first, then growing bolder as her desire overtakes her guilt. I imagine her lips, soft and pink, trailing kisses along his jaw, down his neck, across his chest...

A low chuckle escapes me. Poor, sweet Lyra. She is always so torn between her sense of justice and her own dark desires. It's part of what makes her so delightfully useful and entertaining.

My mind drifts to tomorrow's plans. The thought of Jason, hard and wanting, unable to resist as Lyra and I have our way with him... it's intoxicating. I can already feel the heat pooling in my belly, my body humming with anticipation.

"Thank god, no more Blonde wig and Blue contacts for tomorrow. I cannot wait to see his face when I take his blindfold off."

My grin widens to the size of the meteor that killed off most of the dinosaurs.

"How can he deny us when so much of what we're going to do to him will be ripped directly from his own diary." I laugh as my work is finally paying off.