Chapter 81: New Mom in Town

Tessa's eyes flick down to my obvious arousal, her expression shifting from exasperation to something more complex, a mixture of pity, fascination, and a hint of dark amusement. With deliberate slowness, she moves her free hand to my cock, her fingers ghosting over the fabric of my pants.

"Oh, Jason," she murmurs, her voice soft and almost maternal. "This really isn't healthy, you know."

Her hand begins to move, rubbing gentle circles over my clothed erection. The sensation sends involuntary shivers through my body, a stark contrast to the cold metal of the gun still pressed against my temple.

I let out a soft sigh, more from annoyance than pleasure. My body responds to her touch against my will. The ropes bite into my skin as I shift uncomfortably.

Tessa's eyes never leave my face, studying every minute reaction with an unsettling intensity.

"You poor thing," Tessa coos, her voice dripping with false sympathy. "Getting turned on because your rapist is holding a gun to your head? That's really, really not normal, Jason. I think I should be worried about you."

Tessa leans in closer, her breath hot against my ear. "You know, Jason," she whispers, her voice low and husky, "I've always wondered what it would be like to have you at my mercy." Her tongue darts out, tracing the shell of my ear.

I swallowed hard, and my throat suddenly dried. "So... you're going to rape me then?" I manage to croak out.

'The women in this world are blood hounds. They are far worse than the men from my world.'

Tessa pulls back slightly, her eyes widening in mock surprise. A slow, wicked smile spreads across her face, transforming her features into something both beautiful and terrifying. She pushes the gun harder against my temple. My dick hardening with the threat of death looming closer.

"Oh, Jason," she purrs, her voice dripping with false innocence. "I really, really didn't have that intention, but..." She presses down on my cock, eliciting a strangled gasp from me. "I mean, come on. I can't just pass up an opportunity like this."

Her gaze is hungry, almost feral, as she surveys my bound form. "I've seen the kind of fucking you and Erica do," she continues, her voice dropping to a low growl. "And I want to dominate you like that, too."

Tessa begins to untie the ropes, binding me in a hogtie position. Her fingers work deftly, loosening knots and unwinding the cords. As she works, her eyes never leave mine, a predatory gleam dancing in their grey depths.

"Let's get you more comfortable, shall we?" she purrs, her voice low and dangerous.

She guides my arms above my head, stretching them towards the ornate headboard. My ankles are next, spread, and tied to the bottom corners of the bed. The position leaves me exposed and vulnerable, mirroring the way Erica often restrains me.

Tessa steps back, admiring her handiwork. Her gaze rakes over my body, lingering on the taut muscles of my arms and the curve of my hips. A satisfied smile plays at the corners of her lips.

"Much better," she murmurs, more to herself than to me.

Her hands move to my waistband, fingers deftly undoing the button and zipper. With a swift motion, she yanks my pants down to my ankles, the cool air of the room washing over my newly exposed skin.

Tessa's eyes zero in on my cock, her brow furrowing in confusion. My dick lies soft against my thigh, a far cry from its earlier state of arousal. The absence of the gun's cold threat has allowed my body to relax, if only slightly.

"Oh yeah," Tessa mutters, realization dawning in her eyes. Without hesitation, she retrieves the gun from where she had set it aside. The metal gleams in the dim light as she presses it once more against my temple.

The effect is immediate and mortifying. Blood rushes south, and I feel myself hardening under Tessa's watchful gaze. A groan of frustration escapes my lips as I feel my cock twitch and swell, betraying me once again.

'Did god make me this depraved? Is this nurture? Yakub?'

I let out a resigned sigh, closing my eyes in a futile attempt to escape the reality of the situation. "Goddammit," I mutter, more to myself than to Tessa.

Tessa's eyes light up with a predatory gleam as she takes in the sight of my now fully erect cock. Without warning, she leans forward, her face hovering mere inches from my cock. The gun remains trained in my direction.

Gently, almost reverently, Tessa wraps her fingers around my shaft. She brings my cock closer to her face, her nostrils flaring as she inhales deeply.

"Oh my," Tessa breathes, her voice husky with arousal. "The smell... it's intoxicating."

She runs her nose along the length of my shaft, inhaling deeply with each pass. Her eyes flutter closed, a look of pure bliss spreading across her face. The gun wavers slightly in her grip.

"Visually, this cock isn't much," Tessa muses, her eyes still closed as she continues to sniff as if taking in a good cigar. "But the smell. My god, this stink should be worshipped."

Her free hand trails down her body, slipping beneath the waistband of her pants. I can see the subtle movements of her fingers as she begins to touch herself, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps.

"It smells like sweat and maybe a hint of sex you couldn't quite wash away from yesterday," Tessa groans, her hips beginning to move in small, circular motions. "I can't get enough of it."

She continues to inhale deeply, her nose pressed against every inch of my cock and balls. Her tongue darts out occasionally, tasting the salt on my skin. All the while, her fingers work furiously between her legs, her arousal evident in the flush spreading across her cheeks and chest.

Tessa's lips brush against the tip of my cock. Her grey eyes lock onto mine, filled with a hunger. Without breaking eye contact, she begins to strip, her movements fluid and purposeful. She places the gun out of my reach on the night stand.

Her black top falls to the floor, followed quickly by her bra. Her breasts spill free, full and round, nipples hardened to stiff peaks in the cool air of the room. She shimmies out of her pants and underwear in one smooth motion.

For a moment, she stands there, naked and glorious, like a statue come to life. The dim light casts alluring shadows across the planes of her body, accentuating every curve and dip. It's a sight that takes my breath away, stirring memories of how I used to stare at her every day freshman year, desperate for her to fuck me.

'Be careful what you wish for, I guess.' I sigh to myself.

Then, with a predatory grace, she pounces. Her body covers mine, skin against skin, the heat of her wet pussy close to my aching cock. Her breasts press against my chest, nipples hard points of sensation that send sparks of unwanted pleasure through me.

Without warning, she sinks down, impaling herself on my length in one swift motion. A gasp escapes my lips at the sudden tight, wet heat enveloping me. Tessa throws her head back, a low moan of satisfaction rumbling from her throat.

"Oh, fuck," she breathes, her voice husky with desire. "You feel even better than I imagined."

She begins to move, her hips rolling in a hypnotic rhythm. I hate to admit it but the sensation is incredible, her inner walls gripping and massaging my cock with each rise and fall. The alcohol in my system dulls my inhibitions, making it hard to resist the pleasure coursing through my body. Her movements are in stark contrast with Lindsey and Lyra. She's not moving to only get herself off. Tessa clearly is doing this to get us both off.

The room fills with the sounds of our coupling, the wet slap of skin on skin, Tessa's breathy moans, and my own reluctant grunts of pleasure.

But even as my body betrays me, my mind rebels. Guilt crashes over me in waves, each one threatening to drown me. Images of Erica flash through my mind, her smile, her laugh, the way she looks at me with such love and devotion.

Tears begin to well up in my eyes, blurring my vision. They spill over, hot trails of shame running down my cheeks. A sob builds in my chest, threatening to break free.

As Tessa continues to ride me, her movements slow, and she leans in closer, her face hovering just inches from mine. Her grey eyes, usually so cool and distant, now shine with an intensity that makes my breath catch in my throat. She reaches out, her fingers soft over my cheek, wiping away the tears that have begun to fall.

"Please stop," I whisper, my voice cracking with emotion.

Tessa's rhythm falters for a moment, but she doesn't stop outright. Instead, she slows her pace even more, her hips now moving in a gentle motion. Her touch becomes softer, almost reverent, as she traces the contours of my face.

"Oh, Jason," she breathes, her voice filled with wonder. "I've never... I've never felt this kind of connection before."

Her pussy tightens around me, her inner muscles clenching in a way that pulls an involuntary moan from my lips. The pleasure is undeniable, a stark contrast to the turmoil in my mind. I turn my head away, unable to meet her gaze, but Tessa gently guides my face back to hers.

"Look at us, Jason," she urges, her voice low and intense. "Look at our chemistry. Can't you feel it?"

As Tessa's words wash over me, a well of drunken anger begins to build in my chest, hot and volatile. The room seems to spin around us, the soft lamplight casting surreal shadows across Tessa's face. Her grey eyes, usually so cold and distant, now burn with an intensity that makes my skin crawl.

"Fuck you!" I scream, my voice raw and primal. With all the strength I can muster in my inebriated state, I lunge forward to headbutt her. But Tessa, seemingly anticipating this move, gently catches my head with one hand. Her palm is cool against my flushed skin, her long fingers tangling in my sweat-dampened hair.

A frown creases Tessa's brow, but she doesn't stop her gentle movements. Her hips continue to roll in an incredible hypnotic rhythm. The contrast between the tenderness of her touch and the violation of her actions makes my stomach churn.

"I saw the video with you and Lindsey," Tessa says softly, her breath hot against my ear. "I figured you might try to headbutt me."

Her words hit me like a physical blow. The realization that she's seen me at my most vulnerable and has witnessed the depths of my humiliation sends a fresh wave of shame coursing through me. More tears spring to my eyes, hot and stinging. They spill over, tracing salty paths down my cheeks.

The ropes bite into my wrists and ankles as I struggle uselessly against my bonds. The bed creaks beneath us, the sound a mocking reminder of my helplessness. I feel utterly exposed, laid bare not just physically but emotionally as well. The alcohol in my system amplifies every sensation, every emotion until it feels like I might shatter under the weight of it all.

"Shhhh," Tessa whispers, her voice surprisingly gentle. She guides my face to her breasts, cradling my head against her soft, warm flesh. "I know you like this," she murmurs. "I've seen how you are with Erica."

Her skin is smooth against my tear-stained cheeks. Despite myself, I feel my body responding to her breasts.

"You're so good," Tessa coos, her fingers stroking through my hair. "Such a good boy."

I try to shake my head to pull away from her suffocating embrace, but she holds me firmly against her chest. My sobs are muffled against her skin, each shuddering breath causing her breasts to quiver slightly.

"Break up with Erica," Tessa says suddenly, her voice calm and steady. "Be with me instead."

I freeze, my mind reeling at her words. When I try to pull back to look at her face, she tightens her grip, keeping me pressed against her.

"We could be so good together, Jason," she continues, her hips never stopping their hypnotic rhythm. "I understand you in ways she never could."

I shake my head more forcefully this time, managing to wrench myself free from her grasp. "No," I gasp, my voice hoarse from crying. "Never."

Tessa's eyes harden slightly. With fluid grace, she reaches for the gun on the nightstand, her fingers wrapping around the cool metal. The barrel presses against my temple for what feels like the millionth time.

"Break up with Erica," Tessa says, her voice gentle yet laced with an undercurrent of steel. Her free hand caresses my cheek, a stark contrast to the deadly threat of the gun. "Or else I will kill you right here, right now."

My heart pounds so violently I can feel it in my ears, drowning out everything else. Each breath comes faster and shallower than the last until I'm hyperventilating.

Tears stream down my face in hot rivulets, blurring my vision and soaking into the pillow beneath my head. I shake my head frantically to tell her no, unable to form words through the overwhelming fear that has consumed me. My lips move soundlessly, desperately trying to articulate the refusal that burns in my chest.

I squeeze my eyes shut, bracing myself for the worst. The darkness behind my eyelids offers no comfort, only amplifying the sensation of the cold metal against my skin and Tessa's warm body still wrapped around mine. Time seems to stretch, each second an eternity, as I wait for the deafening bang that will end it all.

But it doesn't come.

Instead, I feel the gun's pressure disappear from my temple. The mattress shifts as Tessa leans away, setting the weapon aside once more. A heavy sigh escapes her lips, tinged with frustration and something that sounds almost like regret.

"Fine," she says, her voice weary. "Then break up with Erica, or I'll upload the video of her admitting to killing Riley."

Tessa's hands begin to roam my chest. Her fingertips trace the contours of my body, mapping every dip and curve as if committing them to memory. Despite the violation, her caress is undeniably skilled, sending unwanted sparks of pleasure coursing through my body causing me to moan through tears.

"Shh, it's okay," Tessa murmurs, her voice soft and soothing. "Just let yourself feel good. But I do need an answer, Jason."

"Please," I choke out between sobs, "don't do this. She's your friend."

Tessa's movements slow, and a frown creases her brow. Her grey eyes shine with intense longing.

"I think I love you, Jason," she says in a whisper. "You're making me do this. I don't want to, but I want us to have a chance."

I shake my head, my thoughts a jumbled mess of fear, guilt, and unwanted pleasure. "I... I wouldn't even know how to break up with Erica if I wanted to," I stammer. "She'd probably kill me."

The words hang in the air, heavy with the weight of truth. Images flash through my mind, Erica's fierce protectiveness, her lovingly possessive touches, and the dangerous glint in her eye when she speaks of our future together.

Tessa's eyes widen slightly, a flicker of understanding passing across her face. Her hips suddenly pick up speed, her movements becoming more purposeful. The change in rhythm sends a jolt of pleasure through my body, and I bite back another moan.

"I love Erica more than life itself," I gasp out, my voice strained. "I'll do anything to save her from getting in trouble with that video. But if i break up with her like that I have no idea what she'd do."

My words seem to ignite something in Tessa. Her pace becomes relentless, her inner muscles gripping me with a tightness that threatens to throw me over the edge.

Tessa's brow furrows in concentration, her grey eyes boring into mine as she considers my words. Her hips never stop their maddening rhythm, and I can feel the pressure building inside of me, a white-hot coil of impending release.

After what feels like an eternity, Tessa speaks, her voice husky with exertion. "The best we can do," she pants, "is to leave a note and run away together."

"If... if we do that," I begin hesitantly, my voice barely above a whisper, "will you delete the video?"

Tessa's eyes light up, a smile spreading across her face. She leans in close, her breath hot against my ear. "Oh, Jason," she purrs, "I'll delete the video the second you fall in love with me."

My heart sinks at her words, but she continues before I can protest. "But don't worry, I won't upload anything as long as you do what I say."

I close my eyes, feeling utterly defeated. "Fine," I say, the word tasting bitter on my tongue.

Tessa's smile widens, triumphant and predatory. She leans down, pressing her lips against mine in a searing kiss. I remain still, unresponsive, my lips unyielding beneath hers.

She pulls back with a frown, her grey eyes flashing with annoyance. Suddenly, I feel her inner muscles clench around me.

"You have to kiss me back," Tessa demands, her voice low and commanding. "That's part of the deal."

Before I can respond, she captures my lips again. This time, her kiss is hungry, desperate. Her tongue traces the seam of my lips, demanding entrance. Reluctantly, I part my lips, allowing her to deepen the kiss.

I force myself to respond, to move my lips against hers. The kiss is passionate but hollow, devoid of the love and connection that make Erica's kisses so intoxicating. As Tessa explores my mouth, I can taste the lingering sweetness of the alcohol we drank earlier, mingled with something uniquely her.

My body betrays me once again, responding to the skilled movements of Tessa's hips and the insistent press of her lips. A moan escapes me, swallowed by Tessa's eager mouth. She takes it as encouragement, her kisses becoming more fervent, her hips moving faster.

Tessa's kisses grow more fervent as her movements become erratic. Her breath comes in short, sharp gasps against my lips. I can feel her inner muscles beginning to flutter around me, a telltale sign of her approaching climax.

She pulls back suddenly, her grey eyes locking onto mine. They're dark with desire, pupils blown wide. "I want us to cum together," she pants, her voice husky and desperate.

Panic floods through me at her words. In fear of retaliation, I begin to thrust up into her. The ropes bite into my wrists and ankles as I strain against them, but I barely notice the pain.

"Good boy," Tessa moans, her head falling back in ecstasy. "Cum for your new mommy."

Her words send a jolt of conflicting emotions through me disgust, arousal, shame. But my body is beyond my control now.

Tessa's orgasm hits her first. Her back arches, her mouth falling open in a silent scream. Her inner walls clamp down on me, pulsing and gripping my cock with incredible pressure. The sensation pushes me over the edge.

I cry out, my vision blurring as I explode inside her. Wave after wave of pleasure crashes over me as I paint her insides white, filling her with my seed. It feels endless, each pulse of my cock drawing another groan from my lips.

Finally, Tessa collapses on top of me, her body heavy and slick with sweat. We lie there, panting heavily, our chests heaving in unison. I can feel her heart racing against my chest, matching the frantic beat of my own.

The room falls silent save for our labored breathing. The gravity of what just happened settles over us like a heavy blanket, suffocating and inescapable.