Chapter 89: Common Ground

[Erica's POV]

The Leaning Tower of Princess Pizza casts a soft glow over the parking lot as I pull up in my sleek black Audi. The familiar scent of garlic and tomato sauce wafts through the air, bringing back memories of countless high school nights spent here.

Brooke is already waiting for me by the entrance, her long brown hair tied back in a messy ponytail. She's dressed casually in jeans and a faded Princess Pizza t-shirt, a nostalgic nod to her former workplace. As I approach, I can't help but notice the way she fidgets with the hem of her shirt, a telltale sign of her nervousness.

"Hey," I greet her, trying to keep my tone light and friendly. It's still strange, this tentative truce between us. The old hatred that once burned so fiercely has cooled, replaced by an uneasy alliance born by the shared interest of Jason's recovery.

'He's all mine, though. But she is his sister.'

"Hi, Erica," Brooke replies, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Thanks for coming."

We make our way inside. The interior of Princess Pizza is a time capsule. Red and white checkered tablecloths and faded posters of Italian landscapes.

We slide into a booth near the back, the vinyl seats squeaking slightly under our weight. A waitress I don't recognize approaches, notepad in hand. Brooke orders a large pepperoni pizza and two sodas with practiced ease as if she's still working there.

As the waitress leaves, Brooke lets out a long sigh, her eyes roaming over the familiar surroundings. "It's funny," she says, her voice tinged with nostalgia, "not needing to work here anymore."

'Last time I was here with Brooke I smashed her headlights.'

I lean back in my seat, studying her face. The lines of stress that had become a permanent fixture during Jason's ordeal have softened somewhat, but there's still a weariness in her eyes that speaks of sleepless nights and constant worry.

"I imagine ten million will do that," I reply, unable to keep a hint of dry humor from my voice.

Brooke lets out a surprised laugh, the sound echoing in the nearly empty restaurant. "Yeah, I guess so," she admits, shaking her head in disbelief. "It still doesn't feel real, you know? All that money... it's like I'm living someone else's life."

The conversation with Brooke fades into the background as my mind wanders, recalling a recent memory. Jason's earnest face swims into focus, his hazel eyes pleading as he makes his request. "Please, Erica," he had said, his voice soft but insistent. "Try to spend some time with Brooke. Maybe go out with her once a week? I know things have been... complicated between you two, but she's still my sister. It would mean the world to me if you could try to build a relationship with her."

The memory is so vivid I can almost feel the warmth of his hand on mine, the gentle pressure of his fingers as he squeezed my hand imploringly. His request had surprised me, but the hopeful look in his eyes had made it impossible to refuse. And so here I am, sharing a pizza with the woman who was once my easiest target.

'Still, she was helpful with killing Tessa.'

Brooke's voice cuts through my reverie, pulling me back to the present. "So, graduating this week, right?" she asks, her tone casual but her eyes sharp with interest.

I nod, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Friday," I confirm, a mixture of pride and anticipation coloring my voice.

"Wow," Brooke breathes, her eyes widening slightly. "June 6th. I can't believe how fast the year went by."

"What do you plan to do now?" I ask.

Brooke leans back in her seat, running a hand through her hair. "I'm going to take the next couple of years off," she says, her voice tinged with a mixture of relief and uncertainty. "Might as well, you know? With the money and everything..."

She trails off, her gaze drifting to the window. For a moment, she seems lost in thought, her eyes unfocused as if seeing something beyond the parking lot outside. Then she turns back to me, a small, almost shy smile on her face.

"I'm planning to adopt a baby," she says softly, her voice filled with a warmth I've rarely heard from her.

I lean forward, my interest piqued. "Why not just do IVF?" I ask, genuinely curious. "With the money you have now, it wouldn't be an issue."

Brooke's reaction is... odd. She suddenly becomes very interested in the pattern of the tablecloth, her fingers tracing the red and white checks as she avoids my gaze.

"Oh, well," she starts, her voice unnaturally high, "I actually know a woman who's having a baby soon. She's, uh, desperate to pawn it off on someone else." The words tumble out in a rush, and even as she says them, they don't quite ring true.

There's something more to this story, some hidden depth that Brooke isn't sharing. But as I watch her fidget uncomfortably, I realize I don't really care to push the issue. Whatever her reasons, I just genuinely couldn't give a shit.

Instead, I offer her a smile. "That'll be great for you," I say, keeping my tone light and supportive. "You'll be a great mom."

The tension in Brooke's shoulders eases visibly at my words. She looks up at me, a warm smile spreading across her face.

"Thanks, Erica," she says softly. "That... that means a lot coming from you."

"So," she says, her voice taking on a more casual tone, "how's Jason doing?"

I sigh, my fingers tracing the condensation on my glass. "I think I convinced him to go to graduation," I say, my voice a mixture of relief and lingering concern. "Honestly, I want him to stay inside as much as he wants. His safety is my top priority. But he told me he really wanted to walk before all the Tessa stuff happened."

"He was so excited about it back in January," I continue, my voice softening with the memory. "He'd talk about it all the time, you know? Imagining what it would be like to walk across that stage, to hear his name called out. To feel that sense of accomplishment."

Brooke nods, a look of guilt flashing across her face. Her fingers fidget with the paper wrapper from her straw, tearing it into tiny pieces. "I really wish he'd go out more," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "But at this point, between Lindsey, Lyra, and Tessa... who can even blame him?"

'Say's the girl that brought Lyra to my front door.' I chastise past Brooke in my head.

"I know. I only convinced him once he saw how much security we're putting in place. We're not taking any chances with Jason." I say.

"We've hired an entire private security team," I explain, my words tumbling out in a rush of excitement. "Ex-military women, some former Secret Service agents. They'll be strategically positioned throughout the venue, blending in with the crowd."

"Wait a minute," Brooke says slowly, her eyes narrowing. "How did your mom even convince the school to let you both graduate? You haven't been to school since April."

I can't help but burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the nearly empty restaurant. Brooke's expression of bewilderment only adds to my amusement.

"Bribery," I say simply once my laughter subsides. I wipe a tear from the corner of my eye, still chuckling. "Pure and simple bribery."

Brooke stares at me for a moment, her eyes wide with disbelief. Then, slowly, a smile begins to spread across her face. She lets out a small, almost reluctant laugh.

"Oh," she says, shaking her head. "I don't know what I expected."


'God it's so hard pretending to be nice to that girl. Something about her just Irks me to my core.' I cant help but think to myself as I step into our bedroom.

The afternoon light filters through the curtains, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the room. My eyes immediately find Jason curled up in the center of our king-sized bed, the white comforter pulled up to his chin.

He's such a peaceful sleeper, his face relaxed and untroubled in a way it rarely is when he's awake. His long lashes rest gently against his cheeks, fluttering slightly with each slow, steady breath. A small smile plays at the corners of his lips, hinting at pleasant dreams.

I can't help but smile, my heart swelling with an overwhelming surge of love and protectiveness. This is Jason at his most vulnerable, his most innocent. In sleep, the weight of recent traumas seems to lift from his shoulders, leaving behind the boy I fell in love with.

Quietly, I shed my clothes, letting them fall to the floor in a careless heap. The cool air of the room raises goosebumps on my skin as I lift the edge of the comforter and slide beneath it. The sheets are warm from Jason's body heat, enveloping me in a cocoon of comfort and his familiar scent.

With gentle hands, I maneuver Jason onto my chest, careful not to wake him. He stirs slightly, a small furrow appearing between his brows. His eyes flutter, threatening to open.

"Shhh," I whisper, my lips brushing against his forehead. "Stay asleep, love."

Jason mumbles something unintelligible, nuzzling closer to me. His arm drapes across my waist, his leg tangling with mine as he settles back into deep sleep. His breath warms my skin, slow and steady.

I press a soft kiss on his forehead. My fingers find their way into his hair, gently carding through the silky strands. The repetitive motion soothes me as much as it does him.

In moments like these, with Jason safe and warm in my arms, the rest of the world fades away. There are no threats, no dangers lurking in the shadows. It's just us, cocooned in our own little bubble of peace and love.

I let my eyes drift closed, not to sleep, but to savor this perfect moment. The steady rhythm of Jason's heartbeat against my chest, the warmth of his skin against mine, the soft whisper of his breath, these are the things that anchor me, that remind me what I am willing to kill for.

As I hold Jason close, savoring our peaceful morning embrace, I suddenly become aware of something firm pressing against my thigh. Glancing down, I notice the unmistakable outline of Jason's morning wood, tenting his boxers. A mischievous grin spreads across my face as I gently maneuver myself lower on the bed, careful not to wake him.

With delicate movements, I ease Jason's boxers down just enough to free his hardened cock. In the afternoon light filtering through the curtains, I can see every detail, the prominent veins running along the shaft, the glistening bead of pre-cum forming at the tip. Unable to resist, I lean in and place a soft kiss on the head of his cock. Then I prepare for my full course meal.


[Jason's POV]

I slowly drift towards consciousness, pulled from the depths of sleep by an intense sensation of pleasure. My mind is foggy, caught in that hazy space between dreams and reality. A low, guttural moan escapes my lips as waves of ecstasy wash over me, each one more powerful than the last.

Suddenly, a lewd, gurgling sound cuts through the silence. My eyes fly open in surprise, my heart racing as I try to place the unfamiliar noise. It takes a moment for my sleep-addled brain to catch up, to connect the dots between the wet, slurping sounds and the incredible feelings emanating from my strongest bone.

Tentatively, I lift the comforter, my breath catching in my throat at the sight that greets me. Erica is there, her golden hair splayed across my thighs, her face buried between my legs. She's attacking my cock with a ferocious hunger, her cheeks hollowed as she sucks with an intensity I've never seen before.

Her eyes are closed in concentration. Saliva drips from the corners of her mouth. The muscles in her throat work frantically as she takes me deeper, swallowing around my length in a way that sends sparks of pleasure shooting up my spine.

I fall back onto the bed, my head hitting the pillow with a soft thud. A strangled groan escapes me as Erica redoubles her efforts, her tongue swirling around the head of my cock before she plunges back down.

My heart pounds in my ears as I watch Erica's lips stretch around my cock, seeing stars every time she takes me deep into her throat. Each bob of her head sends pleasure racing through my body, making every inch of me tense with need. She looks up at me periodically through hooded lashes and blue eyes full of love and lust, and I swear I can see the fire in them.

Her tongue swirls over the sensitive underside, making my toes curl involuntarily. Every time she pulls back, there's a wet sucking sound that echoes around us. It's almost disturbing how good this feels, how much control she has over my body despite her position beneath me.

Her movements are fluid yet demanding. She holds my hips still while she works on me, one hand squeezing gently but firmly. The bed creaks under our weight as we both move together in perfect syncopation.

Erica makes a soft humming noise deep in her throat that vibrates against my tip, sending shivers up and down my spine. The sound is maddening, soft moans that turn into groans as she pushes me closer to the edge without even trying. I close my eyes briefly at the sensation, feeling both exposed and worshiped at once by this woman who loves me so fiercely.

Erica's moans grow louder as she swallows more of my cock, her throat working in tandem with her jaw. Her hand on my hip squeezes tighter, urging me deeper into her mouth while she uses the other to stroke her own clit in rhythm with our thrusts.

Her tongue flickers out to tease the sensitive ridge of my glans again, sending shockwaves through my body. She looks up at me through those hypnotic eyes, full of unbridled lust, and takes me even deeper than before. I can feel the walls of her throat massaging me, squeezing and releasing in the most exquisite way possible.

My hips buck, unable to contain the building pressure any longer. Every nerve ending is alive with electricity as Erica works me expertly, driving me closer and closer to the climax.

"Erica!" My voice cracks like thunder in the small room, echoing off the walls and bouncing back to us in a symphony of passion. She answers by taking me even deeper this time.

My orgasm hits like a freight train. Hot waves crashing down upon me as I let out a long moan that shakes both our bodies. Rope after rope of thick cum shoots straight into Erica's throat without warning, filling her up instantly as she swallows greedily around me. Her grip on my hips tightens painfully yet pleasurably as she milks every last drop from me.

Erica smiles as she slowly unsheathes my cock from her mouth, her lips dragging sensuously along my sensitive shaft. As she pulls back, a glistening strand of cum and saliva connects her lips to the tip of my still-twitching dick, stretching like a thread in the soft morning light.

Her blue eyes lock onto mine, filled with mischief and hunger. With deliberate slowness, Erica opens her mouth wide, revealing a pool of pearly white cum coating her tongue. The sight sends a shiver of arousal through me despite my recent release.

I watch, transfixed, as Erica closes her eyes in apparent bliss. Her throat bobs as she swallows my seed, savoring it like the finest delicacy. When her eyes flutter open again, they shine with a possessive intensity that takes my breath away.

"Delicious," Erica purrs, licking her lips. "Thanks for the meal."

Her voice, husky and low, combined with the erotic display I just witnessed, makes my heart race. Overcome with emotion, I lunge forward, wrapping my arms around her in a tight embrace. We tumble back onto the bed, a tangle of limbs and breathless laughter.

"I love you so much," I murmur into her hair, inhaling her familiar scent. "You're everything to me, Erica. Everything."

"I love you too, Jason." She says with a smile.