Chapter 19

Harry Potter + A song of Ice and Fire Crossover

Chapter 19

Elia eyed the thick and sticky yellow mixture contained in the glass with some distaste. "Are you certain that this will work?"

Lily swallowed hard as she glanced at it. "As certain as I can be."

The potion had taken weeks to brew but the results were eerily similar to the fertility potion Lily had brewed for her seventh year elective. She had received a perfect grade and when she and James had been struggling to conceive, she had swallowed her pride and downed the same mixture. The result was Harry.

She closed her eyes briefly at the memory of him before pushing aside the pain. "I know it looks distasteful and it tastes even worse but at this point we're out of options. This is the best solution that we have."

Elia nodded but still didn't look completely convinced. She had been planning to inform Rhaegar of their dilemma until Lily informed her that she might have a plan to give them all some hope.

But sitting here in her chambers with a sickly yellow liquid in her hand made her feel at least a bit squeamish.

"I know," she said but the answer was more for herself than Lily. The last few weeks had been brutal. She had been struggling not to cry at least once a day and she had to maintain a tight façade around nearly everyone but Lily and Rhaella. It had left her emotions frayed and agitated as she struggled to cope with the political implications of her infertility.

Tywin Lannister would no doubt swoop in once the news got out and offer his daughter Cersei as a suitable alternative.

The Martells would be insulted but what could they do? It's not as if Doran would be foolish enough to wage a war to put Rhaenys on the throne even though Elia secretly wished he would. Women were raised to be independent in Dorne and her daughter wasn't just a Targaryen.

Women could and had ruled in Dorne. So why couldn't the rest of the realm accept such a thing as a Queen instead of a King?

But she could lament the sexism of this country to her heart's content and it still wouldn't change the fact that she would be doing so from her own chambers in Sunspear, far, far away from any sort of power.


If this was the only option in order to conceive an heir than it was going to be the one she would have to take.

She took a deep breath and raised her eyes to meet Lily's troubled green ones. "And there aren't going to be any sort of…ghastly side effects?"

The red head's response wasn't comforting. "I've brewed this before and it hasn't yielded any lasting changes other than what it is supposed to do. But everyone's body is different. It's entirely possible that yours might reject the potion. But we won't know until you drink it.

"Very comforting," Elia muttered staring into the depths of her glass and suddenly wishing she could drown in it.

Do you want control? A small voice asked in the back of her mind. Do you want heirs? Do you want to silence all of your critics and doubters?

Yes to all of those questions.

Then drink the bloody potion. You'll be no worse off than before.

"Have you tried it?" Elia asked.

"Of course I have," Lily said somewhat indignantly. "You don't think I'd give you something to try if I hadn't first tried it did you? The trouble is that I don't have a fertility problem…at least I think I don't. So in order for us to see tangible results, someone who is having trouble conceiving needs to take it. But I will say this, it tastes as disgusting as it looks."

Elia snorted, "well at least that's some certainty."

A moment of silence reigned between the two women in which both succumbed to certain states of anxiety. Lily's primarily centered upon her friend's health and the wild hope that this modified potion would indeed work and that Elia would once more be able to conceive.

For Elia, her fear was that the potion would perhaps worsen her health problems or at worst not work at all, giving her false hope only to snatch it away.

But if she didn't take it, then she might as well leave this room, go in search of Rhaegar and tell him that she wouldn't be able to bear him any more children.

That alternative was enough to push her over the edge.

"Very well then," Elia muttered to herself. Mother please protect me.

Then without giving herself time for second thoughts, she raised the glass to her lips and downed it in a single swallow.

Instantly her mouth and throat bloomed with the acrid sensation of burning smoke and she coughed, nearly bringing the liquid back up. Through a sheer force of will she was able to swallow but it took a massive effort.

Its thick consistency brought with it the essence of what she thought powdered metal might taste like if it had been set ablaze. It seared her throat on its downward journey to her stomach and once it had reached her stomach, the burning was somewhat muted but still present enough for her to feel it and be uncomfortable.

With a trembling hand, Elia set the glass back on the table and took several deep breaths as she fought to control her nausea.

After a few moments she was able to look up and see Lily gazing at her with a look of empathy and concern on her face.

"How do you feel?" the red head asked tentatively.

Elia had to swallow a few times before she trusted herself to be able to speak. "Like I just swallowed liquid fire, but a liquid fire that also had a taste."

Lily nodded grimly. "That was my sensation when I first tasted it too. But its like medicine. And medicine is always supposed to taste beastly."

Elia coughed again but this time it was from laughter. "I suppose that's true."

When Lily got up to clear their glasses Elia waited for a moment before asking what was perhaps the obvious question. "How long should I wait before going to him?"

Lily paused. "It's been over a month since Rhaenys was born yes?"


"Then I would wait one more week and then do not stop him from visiting you. Seven days should be sufficient."

Elia nodded and rubbed her stomach, still feeling the muted burning sensations of the potion sitting there. Her throat still felt burned from the acrid taste and she suddenly wished for a glass of water to make it go away.

She stopped herself from asking for one however as she remembered something her brother had told her when he was studying to be a maester in the citadel. Water would dilute the concentration of another substance. In order for the potion to work to its fullest potential, her body would need to absorb every one of its unaltered properties, disgusting as they may be.

She sighed. "Thank you Lily."

The red head chuckled. "Thank me when it's worked and you're pregnant again. This is the most delicate stage. Either it works and you can conceive again or – "

"Or it doesn't and I have to tell Rhaegar that he needs to marry someone who can," Elia said. "Perhaps it's the potion talking but would that be such a bad thing?"

Lily raised an eyebrow at her as she drew the curtains. Thankfully it was evening and so Elia could have the excuse of going to bed if she still didn't feel well. "You might be able to escape this political minefield…but Rhaenys never will."

"Don't be too certain," Elia replied bitterly. "Her grandfather might see it fit to disown her as his view of a punishment which would make her no more than a royal bastard if he finds out that I am unable to conceive."

Lily's eyes narrowed as she thought of the old dragon and made a silent vow to herself that he would not interfere.

She briefly wondered at the notion of what would happen if the Martells tried to place Rhaenys on the throne. She would of course support her friend but she couldn't be sure of what her father would do.

Then she shook her head, a war wasn't going to happen. Elia was going to conceive again and hopefully this time it would be a son and all of this conversation could be put to rest.

Elia sighed and stretched. "I think I shall retire for the night. Perhaps I'll dream up a conception of an heir to the throne."

Lily snorted. "I would think you need someone else's help for that."

Nevertheless, she bid Elia a good night and slipped from the room before shutting the door behind her.

The sun was indeed beginning to fall and she contemplated the idea of turning in also before she decided to address the stack of letters that was sitting on her writing desk.

When she saw down, Lily saw that the first message was written in a familiar scrawling hand and she grimaced, knowing it was the one that she had been avoiding.


He had sent her two letters, both of which she hadn't replied to but looking at this third one, Lily knew she could avoid his missives no longer.

Taking a deep breath, she reached for the letter opener on her desk and slit open the top of the message.

Dear Lily

How fares life in the capital? I trust you haven't embroiled yourself in any plots that you cannot handle. The news out of King's Landing has been unbearably dull which is good news for us to say the least. No one is eager to hear of more tales of masked men with bloody blades.

Axel is doing well though he asks every day when you are returning. Fear not, Catelyn and Lysa have taken him in hand and Ed is giving him lessons on how to ride a horse. I of course have removed myself from such activities seeing as how my only talent when it came to horses was falling off them.

I've spent most of my time in the library and in the company of Maester Vyman who has given me some most interesting books on the political history of Westeros and the time of the Targaryens in Valyria, what little history that we do know. It certainly is fascinating and I am taking notes to share with you upon your return.

Lily grimaced. Petyr seemed to be subtly hinting at her rather soon return to Riverrun. She didn't know when she would go back, only that it wouldn't be for a while. The attacks on Elia had died down but the gods only knew if they would start up again and she was even more vulnerable now that she had had Rhaenys.

She contemplated reading on but then set the letter aside in favor of the next one, a missive she knew how to answer.

Her conscience smarted but she shook her head, determined that she would answer Petyr at another time when she was sure of what she would say.

The letter sitting just beneath it was one that made her face light up and a slight blush fill her cheeks. It was written in Elbert's elegant hand and she knew right away that it would be full of informative news about the Vale and playful suggestions for when she could inevitably come to live there.


He had been gone for a while and yet he still managed to send a letter once sometimes twice a month.

His persistence was endearing and the phrase absence makes the heart grow fonder certainly was true. Lily was beginning to feel a bit of a flutter in her heart when she thought of the handsome blonde and some of the guilt she had felt for liking him had ebbed.

It was a relief to be able to understand that she was healing, the black clouds that Lily had harbored for so long, born of bitterness, grief, guilt, anger, were finally starting to clear.

She slit the letter open eagerly and peered at its contents, an easy smile coming to her face.

As she had expected, it was brimming with information about his doings in the Vale and the instructions he was learning from his uncle.

Though Lily's personal knowledge of Lord Arryn was limited despite the few weeks she had spent in the Eyrie, he certainly seemed to be a calm man, a man driven by his morals and his sense of honor. Though he wouldn't be her good father, he certainly performed that function for Elbert.

Lily did feel a bit gratified to know that the old man would be in their lives even after he relinquished his titles.

As far as marriage contracts in this world go….it does seem as if I've struck gold.

She finished reading the letter and set it aside deciding that was enough for the night.

She would reply to Elbert in the morning and as for Petyr, well she would reply to him too and speak only of pleasant things. She was determined not to address whatever infatuation Ashara thought he had.

After all, there wasn't likely any attraction to speak of at this point. She had been in the capital for over a year now. Petyr had probably moved on to someone more suitable and who could return his affections.

Perhaps he now felt feelings for Lysa….she hoped.

With that desire in mind, Lily shoved the letters aside and readied herself for bed.

When she closed her eyes, she hoped that when she opened them again a greater one would come true.


Several weeks later…..

Elia's breath came in pants and gasps as she raced down the hall. She knew she likely should have waited for her guards but she hadn't been able to wait for them.

Down one hall and around another corner, she ran and ran until she reached a familiar door and rested a hand against the paneling beside it so that she could catch her breath.

Barely recovered from her run, the brunette took one more deep breath and rapped briskly upon the wood, hoping against hope that its occupants would be within.

It was still rather early in the morning so most of the keep's inhabitants would still be asleep which she could count as a boon of sorts. The last thing people needed to see was the new princess running down the hall like a banshee.

She wished Ashara were still here but the Dayne girl had been summoned home to care for her ailing father and didn't have a timeline for her return. Ah well, there certainly would need to be a story that would be told later.

But for now she only had one to tell if the person would just come to the bloody door!

There was a long moment of silence where Elia rapped again and finally, finally she heard footsteps in the room beyond and shadow could be seen from under the door frame.

A latch slid back and the door was opened a crack allowing a familiar red head to peek out. "Your grace? What are you doing here is everything all right?"

Lily was certainly surprised to be awoken at the crack of dawn by the princess, especially after the last few weeks had been so quiet.

But Elia's tone betrayed nothing of alarm, in fact her eyes were sparkling and there was color in her cheeks which had been nonexistent before. Her hair was mused as if she had just woken from sleeping but she was fully dressed.

"May I come in?" Elia asked breathlessly and Lily wordlessly held the door open watching as her friend entered and shut it behind her.

"Lily I have the most marvelous news," the princess began but the fog of sleep that had been clinging to the red head since she had opened the door suddenly melted away. She observed Elia's sparkling countenances, the sheer joy on her face and the hand that was pressed against her stomach, and pressed her own to her mouth.

"It worked," she whispered and her own joy and relief spiked through her. Elia hadn't suffered from any residual side effects as a result of the potion but that had borne little comfort. "The potion worked."

Elia nodded, clearly too overwhelmed to even speak. "The….The Maester confirmed it this morning. I suspected it for weeks but was too afraid to ask, thinking it might just be my own longing. But no….the Mother has smiled upon me….I am with child again."

Lily let out a shriek and pounced on her friend with a massive hug and the two lowered their noble lady facades for a moment in favor of dancing about the room holding hands as if they were children once more.

Finally when they stopped, Elia bent slightly to catch her breath and wiped happy tears from her eyes. "Lily I don't know how to thank you. I've already done House Martell a great service saving my life from assassins twice and then enabling me to have children again. You have gone above and beyond what I could ask for from any friend or family member. House Tully will forever have the support of House Martell."

And then she thoroughly stunned Lily by sweeping into a deep curtsy, head bowed almost as if in reverence.

Lily blinked for a second before she registered the situation and took her friend's hand pulling her to her feet. "Please stand up your grace, I would never have you bow to me. Now how far along did the maester say that you were?"

"A few weeks." Her friend was practically glowing. "He said I'm a few weeks along and to be careful and take lots of rest."

She practically collapsed into the chair opposite Lily's small writing desk and pressed her hands to her mouth.

Lily glanced at the silver pitcher of water and twin goblets sitting on her bedside table and hurried to pour one for her friend. She pressed it into Elia's hand and the brunette took it gratefully and nodded at her absently.

"I don't know how to thank you Lily," she said after she had taken a few sips. "This potion has made my dreams come true."

"Don't thank me yet," the red head said with a chuckle. "When the child is sitting in your arms then you can thank me.'

"Agreed," Elia said with a laugh. "Seven hells its almost as if all of the last few weeks of grief were worth it. All the stress, the fatigue, the fear, just to know that I would have another child."

"Don't get too ahead of yourself," Lily warned as she sat down across from her friend. "There are still things that could go wrong. We can hope against them but a pregnancy is never certain until that child is resting in your arms."

Elia took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes, yes of course. I'm merely excited. Rhaegar will have an heir and a daughter through me and I will finally silence those critics who questioned my health and ability to build a line."

She paused when she saw that Lily was looking at her with one eyebrow raised. "I certainly hope that this entire scheme was not about the critics," the red head said.

Elia shook her head. "I can't deny that there was some small part of me that was able to hear the words and voices of nasty nobles and ladies in my head mocking the Martells for their lack of robust health. But no….my desire for this to work went far beyond my ego. Rhaenys is going to grow up in a snake pit and I will not see her go through it alone. Her mother will be able to protect her."

Lily blinked and looked around. "Speaking of which…where is the princess?"

"With the queen mother," Elia said easily. "I think she has noted how difficult the last few weeks have been for me and is trying to take some of my burden."

Lily nodded. "You didn't tell her what we were doing did you?"

"If I did that, then I would need to tell her about your magic and that is your secret to share, not mine."

Lily nodded again. "Good. Now what?"

Elia smiled at her. "Now I go through with this pregnancy and pray that it is a boy so the questions of an heir to the throne will be answered."

Lily pursed her lips and nodded. A part of her wanted to ask Elia what she would do if the child was a girl but then decided that it might ruin her friend's good mood.

Any child will be a blessing after this, she thought to herself after Elia left the room humming a tune to herself. Even a girl.

The King won't think so, whispered a nasty little voice in the back of her mind. Suppose it is a girl. Do you want to imagine what his reaction might be?

No I don't, Lily thought back fiercely. And I don't need to…because everything is going to work out fine.

So you say….but what makes you think that this life will be any less complicated than the one you left behind?


If you have not subscribed to my Youtube Channel, the channel name is Kaetie Mac, just type it into the search bar and its the grey icon with the tree in it. Any new subscribers would be very much appreciated as I am trying to build my own author platform in the hopes of making writing my full time career. Now I realize that this chapter is extremely short with a bit of filler thrown in but the interesting parts begin in the next segment so stay tuned for that. Don't forget to drop a review and as always, happy reading everyone!