Chapter 5: Clone And A New Home With A Twist

Star Wars + Harry Potter Crossover

Chapter 5: Clone And A New Home With A Twist

795BBY - 794BBY

2,858 ATC - 2,859 ATC

Dantooine/Cadi System

As the Homeward Bound landed near the ruins six months later no living soul was nearby and the only sound was the wind gently moving playfully in the long grass.

The relative peace of this moment was soon shattered by the sharp sound of hydraulics from the heavily modded Dynamic Class Freighter as it's exit ramp lowered.

If someone were to take a tour of the ship they would note that the port dormitory and the hallway leading to it had been heavily altered and merged with the cargo bay doubling its cargo size from 60 tonnes to 120.

They would also notice (if allowed) a custom x0.75 Hyperdrive (with a x4 backup) and may even muse that although the utilitarian freighter was bought, more often than not, because it was easy to modify it did cut down on its traditional passenger capacity, lowering that from ten people to three.

All of this along with some pretty impressive shielding made for a unique freighter.

What they would not be allowed to see was the two medium laser cannons for defence and two independently powered light laser cannons for point defence however of all the things that they would not be allowed to see these, of course, would be the least interesting.

First and foremost, hidden in a false wall of what used to be the port dormitory, was a fully functioning cryo-cycle stasis pod with an attached brainwave reader. Inside was a blood bag of a fifteen-year-old boy in stasis.

The the second and last secret of the ship (in the security room) was a hidden panel concealing darts for his gun. These darts came in packs of four and there were three of them.

One pack was a heavy sedative designed to knock someone out for a week, one was a pain-inducing psychedelic that incapacitated and hurt the victim for up to ten minutes although it did no permanent damage.

It was the last packet however that really required secrecy as these darts were etched individually with a indestructible rune and tipped with Basilisk venom. The venom was filtered slowly from Harry's blood and added to the tip.

The problem with this, of course, was that the venom was so corrosive that it destroyed the instruments as you used them unless you put an indestructible rune on them and even with that both the instruments and the dart itself would be eaten by the venom in about a month.

The exterior of the ship was built almost exactly the same as a standard stock Dynamic Class Freighter except that it was painted a deep rich blue with bronze accents. There was even a picture of a small eagle seemingly flaring its wings around a lion painted on the bottom off the exit ramp.

Down the exit ramp strolled a man, his heavy boots clunking with every step, who the crime Lords of Nar Shaddaa and beyond knew only as James and whose heavy boots, dark trousers, battered utility belt and light shirt were almost hidden by a distinctive reddish-brown duster that was beginning to become almost as famous in the right circles as the man who wore them (at least in the Outer Rim).

If the Crime Lords had any complaint it was that no one, save perhaps Ziya, had ever seen his face as it was hidden behind a plain silver mask that only had eye holes for features and nothing else.

Of course, they were also annoyed by the other thing, the thing that not many of them spoke of, that was almost completely alien to them and they would never want. This Bounty Hunter and Assassin had ethics.

Not that he was afraid to kill you or that he would hesitate in any fashion it was more that he simply would not kill children and even spared a thought for collateral was so mystifying to the, by and large, Hutt group that someone would shackle themselves in that way and do so willingly.

They never mentioned their complaints however as he was fast becoming the most competent option available and, added to that, you knew that once he took a job he always saw it through.

This could have angered the people that bought his services but they were soothed however as it also meant that no one else could buy his loyalty mid-contract and terminate their lives.

The man wore no armour and his only weapons appeared to be a small stick in a sheath on his left-hand side and a well-used blaster in a holster on his right.

Those that had fought him and survived were the first to point out that though he lacked armour, he was pinpoint accurate and very very fast.

His contacts, in the underbelly of most of the Galaxy, knew him only as James. The Core Worlds and the Senate, however, knew him as James Harrison Potter the CEO of Potter Industries (the company was very poor and had only one non-droid member at present).

His real name was Harry James Potter.

As Harry descended the ramp he was followed by two floating ball droids and he turned to them and said

"Get me samples. Plants and animals". without a sound of acknowledgement, they were off loaded with sample kits and tranquillizer darts.

Finally, the last droid that came down the ramp was an A1-B archive droid that followed him silently, lacking a brain it instead was programmed simply to follow.

As he walked into the Ruins Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, as soon he would have a functional way to keep himself going while he searched for his home.

That was not to say there were not a few kinks in the plan that he would prefer to work out at some point but for now, as long as a clone was ready, he could live for hundreds if not thousands of years while he hunted for his friends.

If he could pull off becoming Force Sensitive to any degree then he was all for it as not only would that help him to increase his lifespan (meaning that he needed fewer clones hopefully) but more importantly for his immediate future having seen the Jedi fight twice in his travels, he knew how impressive they could be.

One of the fights was simply to break up a brawl, the other was to stop a murder.

In both cases the Jedi had, had quicker reactions than their attackers (reactions that Harry ruefully admitted he would be hard-pressed to match), they were also better trained as well. They controlled a power that made simple wandless magic, which was the best the greatest of wizards that Harry had seen could hope for, seem like a silly parlour trick.

They stopped the brawl simply by showing up and announcing themselves meaning, Harry mused, that they were either greatly feared or greatly respected. Given their power, it was probably both. It was the murder where things became interesting though.

Harry had watched off to the side as they had entered the rundown Cantina. Sipping his drink, while reinforcing his Occlumency shields and feeling what he assumed was the Force sweep past his mind (or at least the innocent bit that he had left uncovered).

Not everyone had these particular skills however as the two Jedi seemed to hone in on their target as one.

From everything he had read and the very particular braid on the younger ones head they were clearly Master and Padawan. The murderer, whoever he was, was heavily armoured and noticed their attention almost as quickly as Harry had done. The armoured man reached for his blaster and within a few seconds, it was over.

It was over because the younger one, the Padawan, had lept an almost impossible distance lightsaber flaring to life with a blue glow and even as the murderer's blaster came up the young Jedi landed and removed his enemies arm and leg from his body.

Harry hadn't even had time to put down his drink.

He needed that advantage if he was going to fight one of the darkest wizards, if not the darkest wizard, of the modern age.

As he finally stood in front of Minnie Harry could think of only one thing left to say.


"I am afraid that there has been a slight malfunction with your clone" stated Minnie in her unfeeling voice.

"What do you mean malfunction? Is the clone damaged?"

"No Harry, however, it appears that there has been a slight miscalculation in the maturation cycle of the clone. It is a mistake that will be corrected with every future clone however It cannot be repaired in this one"

"What mistake in maturation? How old is my clone?"

"It has been grown to an approximate age of twenty-one. Do you wish to terminate?"

"No Minnie twenty-one is fine, in fact, let us make eighteen to twenty-one the standard age range from now on for my clones"

"Understood. I must add that your blood bags, as requested, are made from essentially unaltered Harry Potter DNA so they will always be fifteen".

"People always seem to underestimate and disregard children which will be quite useful as a measure against detection however it is not as useful in making your mark in the Galaxy". He then eventually went on to add "Are there any other problems?"

"None Sir, though as predicted, your Force clone will not have a great aptitude or very strong connection to the Force. No items currently in my records contain strong enough traces to adequately substitute for Nemo's degraded DNA".

"So I need a stronger sample?" he queried.

"More like a fresher or better-preserved sample. I must warn you, however, the risk of taking it from a live Jedi is extreme and they also tend to safeguard their dead against genetic tampering by burning them. I would also add that it would be best for you to get a sample from a human Jedi as I do not know and cannot predict what the outcome would be to your physiology if you were to splice DNA from anything other than a human or near human".

"That's okay" said Harry even as he moved past Minnie towards the Rakatan Cloning Cylinder and the hollow oblong that was the transfer device connected to it. "I have an idea about that... did you receive my instructions?"

"Yes Harry five more cloning vats have been assembled and now six brain dead dragons are growing inside. As you requested their health has been sacrificed to maximize their growth and though this means they will never fly they will be ready to move out of their vats by the end of the day".

"My other requests Minnie?"

"All pieces of wand wood and all organic substances are now stored in my archives as well as the backup archives. Your other request will be ready when you awaken from the transfer procedure".

"Thank you, Minnie. Once all other tasks are complete please install the backup archives" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a droid brain "as well as this into the A1-B droid behind me".

"Droid designation?"


"Understood" stated Minnie.

Harry walked into the hollow centre of the transfer device and hit the blinking red light inside the otherwise featureless black oblong. The light turned green and his world erupted in fire as his body was broken down into atoms shunted into the, noticeably larger, Geological Engine and his spirit was forcefully shunted up and across before finally being forced down into the clone.

He awoke a few minutes later gasping for air with new lungs and seeing the world with new eyes. As he sat up he realised that he was in the same bed that he had found himself in one year ago and though everything else in his life has changed he still ended up here in this bed.

He found great comfort in that.

That was especially true lately as he had begun to realise that even if he were to find his way home, and he hoped he would, he was rapidly becoming someone very different to the person who left.

He was also smart enough to realise that human beings were the sum of their memories and quite a few of his used to belong to other people. He could limit that effect especially with legilimency however even if he did he would still have skills that his friends did not and quite possibly, if it took long enough, hundreds of years of experience that would colour his viewpoint.

So he took comfort in the little things like a familiar bed.

Taking a moment he evaluated what was different about this body compared to his last. He stood 6 feet 2 inches tall (or 1.88 metres) thanks to the fact that this body had not suffered the tender loving care of the Dursleys or the malnutrition that came with it.

He also felt no scars or wounds from either Hogwarts, the Department of Mysteries or his year here. By design, he also had a small cluster of runes hidden by a larger Rune of Fire developed on his clone in the same way a birthmark develops on a normal body.

There was something more than that however and if asked to explain it later Harry would probably smile and simply answer "The Force". It was the truth but at the same time much more complex than that.

Could you explain colour to a blind man or the soft speech of a lover to a deaf man? Thought Harry.

The closest analogy that might serve and that Harry could come up with was drawn from when he was five swimming with his Primary School class including Dudley.

He remembered that it was an extremely hot day and that all the children were desperate to get in the pool. It was small and rickety with old wooden steps that all the 10-year-olds ignored as they ran and jumped into the pool as quickly as they could. Harry had followed slightly behind not wanting to draw attention to himself.

Fairly soon all the children were enjoying themselves and even Harry began to relax under the soft water that leached the heat, ever so gently, from his skin. That was his mistake as Dudley took advantage of his relaxation to quickly plunge his head and most of his body under the water.

The teachers did not notice this as they were distracted by the other children, not on purpose mind you, and if they had they may have simply thought the cousins were playing as Dudley always categorised their 'games' as play to grown-ups.

All he heard was the swishing of water in his ears and all he could feel was his cousins iron like grip keeping his head away from the surface. Slowly his eyes began to darken and the air in his lungs was quite suddenly replaced with water, he began choking until he managed, through blind luck, to knock Dudley over with his frantic flailing of limbs.

His head suddenly broke the surface and he vomited what felt like half his body weight in water.

For a short time after that experience (maybe only five minutes) 10-year-old Harry had found sound sharper, colours truer, and tastes stronger.

If he had to describe what it felt like to be connected to the Force, and he could trust the person who he was talking to with this story, he would say it was like that but with the added bonus that when he meditated, was under threat or able to concentrate for a long while he could begin to feel connected to everything.

Added to all of this was the fact that his reflexes, already exceptionally fast, had increased significantly.

Harry supposed that he had a unique viewpoint on it as to a natural force sensitive they were born to the Force and couldn't adequately compare the differences the same way he could.

"Minnie my clothes and things?" he asked even as he was handed and began to dress in a slightly altered (for his new height) set of clothes.

Minnie came up to him and mutely handed him his belt, minus his wand holster, which he looped around his waist and then proceeded to put on a clean white shirt hiding the rune on his skin.

"Right then Minnie I guess it's time to test this clones aptitude with the Force. Please get me the Rakatan notes on basic Force exercises but do not bother with the Holocrons at the moment as I fear their lessons may be too advanced". He paused and then added "Is it ready?" Again silently she passed him a wooden ring which was made of combined cloned Holly wood and Phoenix Feather.

As he placed it on his finger it glowed a very bright yellow if only briefly.

Harry may not have the true spell repertoire of a trained wizard but he had managed point casting, which was mostly about minimising your movements until there were none, it was also supposedly considerably easier than wandless magic (a feat very few if any wizards were capable of to any degree).

That wasn't to say Harry did not have problems with that method as he still hadn't mastered point casting for many spells but then he had mastered a few, enough he hoped, to make a difference if he was ever caught off guard.

He was also quite sentimental about his wand as it represented a very visceral link to his home and the people he was trying to get home to, so he would prefer not to take it into battle if it could be avoided.

Of course, he could make another one but that was hardly the point, it wouldn't be the same, so he requested Minnie have this made.

He quietly put his wand into his satchel. Testing his ring could wait, he had work to do.

Summoning the Ratakan notes and slowly centring himself he set to work.

Six hours later he was monumentally disappointed.

He discovered from touching them that he could activate the Holocrons, and learn from them, at least in theory.

This is brilliant, thought Harry, if only my ability to grasp and manipulate the Force was on par with the theoretical lessons the Rakatan notes provided, let alone what might be learned from the Holocrons, and not so abysmal.

Progress was incredibly slow, he would take one step back for every two steps forward. It wasn't that it was bad, as he had been half expecting it, it was more that if it was a complete failure then he could stop and focus on other ideas to help himself.

The promise of this one day working to its full potential was simply too useful to ignore.

He did eventually try and learn all the Force skills he could from the Rakatan notes and he found, as expected, that most of the skills they offered were simply beyond him.

It was clear to him then that at this point his connection to the Force was too weak. Even his emotions, which could enhance both certain spells and the Force when used, enabled him only to use telekinesis to push or pull very light objects.

To say that this annoyed him would be the understatement of the century.

However just because his strength was so limited it didn't mean he could learn absolutely nothing merely that he would have to find a good teacher. Maximizing his limited potential by the notes and possibly the Holocrons would take far too long and would involve too much trial and error.

"Minnie are the dragons ready for transport?"

"Yes sir" she paused "though I feel I must reiterate that they will never fly and will live for less than a day once out of the Cloning Chambers".

"Not a problem Minnie. What is the status of Hermione?"

"Her installation was a success as was the synthskin coating. She is now on board your ship stored with the twenty builder droids that are already there. All of the samples and the Archives themselves are not only compressed and recorded in Hermione's internal memory but also your ship's computer. I would advise that you transfer the memory from Hermione within a few weeks or you may risk errors both with the data and the droid itself. The Geological Forge is also safely stored there as well".

"How much power do you have left?" Harry paused then added quickly "what about the cloning Chambers?"

"I have three weeks power left after the rapid maturation of the dragons and the Cloning Chambers will fail without a power source within two days".

"What about your power source for the Cloning Chambers?"

"My power source would provide one month of energy sir"

"Minnie perform the final protocol"

"Understood sir" was the toneless response

With these final words lightning arched from Minnie to the computer that was in the room with her and (as Harry requested in the protocol) he knew it also destroyed any computer it was networked to.

More than that though, the effect was designed in such a way that the information stored in the computers was first scrambled before it was destroyed. This meant that if anyone wanted to recover the information it was almost impossible as it was encrypted as a matter of course then scrambled while being destroyed by the final protocol.

Harry turned to a now scrambled and almost lifeless Minnie reaching inside her chest removing the power source and giving the room one final look to make sure everything was taken. The Holocrons were safely stored on the ship (having been moved while he was experimenting) as were the droids, the archives, and the Cloning Chambers.

Even the ball droids had returned in the six hours it had taken for Harry to explore his severely lacking strength in the Force.

All that was left in the Ruins then was some empty rooms, Sirius's Tomb, a bed and a mirror as well as some scrap that used to be Minnie and the computers that once governed the Ruins.

It wasn't some monument to the Builders, if Harry had ever treated it as such, no memory of an ancient and twisted Empire, no cradle for their rebirth or even a monument to their defeat. It was now, in Harry's opinion, what it should always have been. A monument to a great man, a man who though he hadn't been his father had tried his best and was one of the only people (certainly the only adult) who actually tried to go out of his way to help him.

Thinking back Harry had come to the conclusion that Sirius was the only adult trying to guide him to a better life rather than tell him what one was. Given that a massive tomb seemed to reflect, not just his Godfather's importance but also the crucial nature of the way he had informed and affected Harry's life.

After all the most Harry knew about Tombs was that the bigger they are the more important the person was, and Sirius had been the most important figure save perhaps Luna (or the idea of her) in his life so far.

Finally ready to leave on his way out Harry glanced at the mirror on the wall and he couldn't help but be curious as to exactly what a twenty-year-old Harry Potter would have really looked like. Of course in this body, he was taller than in the original as he had noticed before but it was not just that he was optimally grown and properly nourished that was different.

The face that stared back at him had a great deal in common with that of James Potter, though less than the original fifteen-year-old Harry Potter from what he remembered.

His hair was longer falling down in a simple fashion to the top of his shoulders (oddly enough, when longer it was easier to manage) and his cheekbones were less like James Potter and actually much more reminiscent of his mother Lily.

Thinking of his mother, he was relieved to note that he still had her eyes. They were still green and still full of life, but if someone looked closely, there was a hardness to those vibrant eyes that wouldn't have been present before his trip through the Veil.

He moved slowly to the room that had become Sirius's Tomb, his footfalls echoed in the now empty corridor, almost as if the Ruins themselves knew the solemness of this last visit, the finality of it.

Reaching out a trembling hand to the door of the tomb its rough surface coarse on his hand. This was the final time, the only time, left that Harry would have with his Godfather ever. He knew it had to be this way because he had to keep moving, keep going forward, for as far as he could and for as long as he could.

That didn't mean that he would forget Sirius, the thought, he would always live in Harry's memories but that was where he would have to stay as he couldn't afford to dwell on the past if he was going to find his way home.

The irony of that thought was not lost on him.

In the end, he had no profound words, no teary goodbyes to make as he felt they had all been said before and he had no tears left.

"Goodbye" he paused, clearing his throat, and continued with "I hope you're happy wherever you are".

He stood there for the longest time trying to think of anything else to say.

Nothing came and so he patted the door with a bittersweet smile on his face as he took a final moment to remember the totality that was his Godfather and left Sirius's Tomb for the last time.

Throughout all his life he would go to many places and be many things but he would never step foot there again.

The Cadi System

His first view of the Cadi System was promising even though there was only one habitable planet which the Rakatan histories imaginatively called Cadi 1.

The four other planets were a mixture of dead rock and a single gas giant.

The only planet that was within the Goldilocks zone was Cadi 1 and it was also the closest planet to the sun with the other three fairly evenly spaced throughout the system stopping with the furthest (the gas giant) Cadi 5.

Cadi was one of the last systems discovered by the Rakatan before the fall of the Empire, with a 40% landmass, it was a world studded with beautiful indigo lakes, dense forests and rolling plains. The air was also perfect for humanoids with no discernible viruses or parasites, a 26 hour day and a stable 420 day rotation although, on the downside, there were very few mountain ranges.

That was not what made Cadi promising however.

What made the planet interesting was the fact that there was a stable Hyperspace route (which as far as Harry could make out was very rare) and, both from the records and his latest scans, there was no life with the exception of grass, trees, a few thousand fish and countless algae. That and the fact that no one else had discovered the planet in the meantime.

He quietly brought in the Homeward Bound to land.

Half a day later, on the largest landmass on the planet and overlooking a 3,000-foot gorge, Harry stood chanting.

He was surrounded by several runic circles drawn from memory (the fragmented ones from the Horcrux) and painstakingly imbued with his magic. Throughout the circles were six straight chalk lines shaped almost like gutters or channels that met in the very centre of the circles and glowed with emerald fire. Next to him were the brain dead and quick grown dragons that were arranged so as to put three on his left and three on his right.

He had no wand as this was not that kind of magic but rather Ritual Magic with all the perils and bonuses that rituals could bestow on their users.

Harry felt magic falling like raindrops from his very pores while chanting almost incomprehensibly and yet, at the same time, nearly musically in Old English.

Sweat poured down his face in a torrent even as he stretched his arms wide and clenched his hands in fists. His breathing was laboured and his magic was almost depleted Harry's voice raised half in supplication and half in desperation as, little by little, the magic responded.

First his hands began to glow then the air around them began to spark and finally, the green glow around his hands stretched like taffy and met the sparks above his fist forming blades. As his voice rose to a fantastic crescendo his arms snapped forward in one smooth motion cutting deep into the necks of all six dragons.

As some of their lifeblood spattered on the runes the emerald fire that was almost imperceptibly shimmering on them increased spectacularly and then flared as the runes disappeared. The main torrent of blood, however, fell into the channels that were created for it and, unlike the others, they did not disappear. Instead, it was more like they burned into the ground even as the dragon bodies were consumed by emerald fire. The planet for a moment seemed to hum.

The Ritual of Awakening was complete.

The Ritual of Awakening was an old druidic style healing rite in a more modern form.

It was originally designed to use the lifeforce and magic of highly magical creatures to repair and recharge magic in areas where either the flow of magic was damaged or ley lines did not reach.

It did this by imposing an artificial ley line network that would connect the damaged portion with the more natural network and as well as hopefully coax the magic that was in everything out and join everything into a unified whole once more.

Harry had to wonder how much of Voldemort's magical invention was really just him repurposing old rituals to suit his needs as the only reason Harry knew about it was because snake face had turned to the ritual, at one point, to try and increase his power.

He had tried to absorb the energy instead of using it to heal a magically dead area.

Thankfully he had not succeeded and had given up on the Ritual as a lost cause. Harry nearly used the Ritual as it was originally intended (though to suit his needs he might need to use it more often than would be practical in normal circumstances).

Now Cadi, a place that had little magic to begin with, had a small ripple of Magic working across the planet leaving six magical grooves that would (if left to do so naturally) after a few thousand years stretch and form a natural ley line network.

At this present second (where Harry stood and for a few hundred feet either side) magic thrummed, slowly waking Cadi to one of the fundamental forces of the universe, even as the next stage was revealed by the construction droids with Harry beginning to dig a 70 foot shaft directly down in the middle of the circle.

Only after that was complete did they lower the Geological Forge inside with wires and cables that came up the shaft and connected with a computer at ground level.

The reason that Harry did this, oddly enough, was rooted in the history of the Star Forge.

As the Geological Forge (or just Forge) was based at least partially on its design he was banking that it would have a similar effect to the planet as the Star Forge had on Abo (the star of the Lehon System) as it had somehow, in a way unknown to its creators, rejuvenated and restored the energy of the Sun that it took to function.

That this effectively made the star immortal intrigued Harry.

He hoped (and the newly archive free Hermione agreed) that using the Forge where the six new ley lines were joined would speed up the awakening and the saturation of magic in Cadi. This would, in turn, provide an ever-increasing energy source to grow and also to build more things of use to him as power had always been the problem.

To further enrich the magic (and to provide a bit of home) he also fully intended to clone (with careful genetic tampering to allow multiple different derivatives from each sample and thereby limit the dangers of inbreeding) both dragons and phoenixes from the Death Eaters wands as well as unicorns from Neville's father's wand.

He also intended, to help create a thriving ecosystem by using the samples taken from Dantooine to clone, most notably, the Kath Hound and the Iraz.

7 months later

After seven months as a glorified magical butcher and with more than one hundred and fifty dragons quickly grown and then slaughtered Harry could not only actively feel the magic in Cadi but was also now finally free to look around and take in his work (although it would take some time for the magic that had sunk deep into the earth to settle and to naturally begin to seep into the ecosystem fully Harry himself could do no more for it).

Harry smiled as he walked around his new home.

It was built on top of the Forge's pit and held, in a hidden part of his basement, was a fully functioning computer tailor-made to interface with it. As this was not a temporary home but rather where Harry would most likely be staying for the foreseeable future as well as the site of Potter Industries 'mining' Harry had tried to create something that was simple but would last.

The Potter home was a three-story (not including the basement) spacious building with five double bedrooms on the second floor. On the first floor was a pool, a gym, what would pass for a library, a secure connection to the Holonet with a holographic image caster for subspace communications and a hidden armoury.

The armoury contained his bounty hunting and assassination equipment which included his mask, darts, a collection of weapons, mines and grenades.

Finally on the ground floor was a tasteful (if very large) living room with another connection to the Holonet, a fully stocked kitchen that would make a House Elf jealous and an opulent bathroom.

That's not to say that he stopped there as now the Forge was getting power and also larger (now around the size of a small boulder) it could now do more than one thing at a time and he had used that multitasking ability to it's fullest extent.

He had carved a warren of tunnels and caverns out of the rock beneath his house with the largest letting out into the Gorge about halfway down. He had even diverted a large river, with the help of his droids, to flow over the Gorge making a beautiful waterfall that was both a very lovely sight to wake up to and an effective way to hide his impromptu Hangar.

He had even taken the precaution of creating mining shafts and processing plants that did very little except look good and re-smelt a small piece of Phrik over and over again.

He had however taken to heart the idea of diversity in that although he could (and did) make a lot of Phirk thanks to the Forge, one of the main reasons it was valuable was its rarity and he did not wish to devalue the market.

So apart from small amounts of the rare metal, Potter Industries had also moved into selling rare and precious gems in small amounts (as he could not really explain where he found them) as well as basic foodstuffs.

His best idea, however, was droids. Potter Industries was the newest contender in the droid market and like with the Phrik Harry had a small factory producing a few with the Forge making the majority.

It was making a lot.

Not only could he sell them cheaper than his competitors but they were also more easily adapted than standard models which provided a versatility most other basic models of droids lacked.

This was evident not only in the inexpensiveness of the replacement parts but also in a unique feature offered by Potter Industries. That feature being premade modular upgrade packs and this meant that although every droid was loosely based on the 'GE' protocol droid chassis they were sold with a choice of modular packs to get the average buyer started.

With these packs, the droids could go from personal assistant to cook, to pilot, to a waiter or pretty much anything else that you could think of (at least in theory).Military upgrade packs were not sold and Potter Industries stayed away from that side of the market with the closest that they came being a bodyguard upgrade.

That did not mean he didn't produce them however as he had (officially) around 1,000 armed droids protecting his mining interests and he did not officially produce any ships at all, nor did he officially produce experimental holo-droids that could impersonate him and provide a handy alibi when needed.

In short, Harry was beginning to make a fortune and Potter Industries was either being courted over subspace or loudly derided as the newest evil to appear in the Galaxy.

He still kept working as a Bounty Hunter and Assassin though obviously not particularly for the money but rather diversity and to maintain a reputation that would discourage both the curious and the Treasure Hunters.

It was also more to avoid the dangerous temptation of locking himself away to just search for his home, after all, with that amount of isolation madness was a real possibility.

Aside from that if somehow Potter Industries were to survive he needed regular information and contacts throughout the Galaxy. Very few had better contacts than Bounty Hunters or Assassins as, for them, information was the difference between life and death.

It was the main reason he had stayed on Nar Shaddaa as long as he had and he had gotten very good at acquiring it.

As Harry sat in his tasteful living room relaxing on his sofa and once again leafing through the ritual book Luna had left him one of the eighty phoenixes of Cadi flared in front of him.

It had a small Holo-communicator clutched in its talons and was obviously annoyed by its constant beeping. Without so much as a thrill of acknowledgement and, before Harry could say a single thing, it dropped the communicator on his lap.

It disappeared in another flash with a hard glare at the device even as Harry turned it on.

A cloaked figure shimmered into existence shrouded in blue light.

"What can I do for you?" Harry asked

"Why can't I see a picture?" The figure abruptly asked

"That would be my signal scrambler. I can't have you seeing my face now can I?" came the sardonic reply. "Now what can I do for you?"

"First I would like to say that I will pay 70,000 credits for this job alone". the figure said quickly.

"Must be some job. Do you want me to kill the King of Naboo or something?" Harry said slightly incredulous.

"No" snapped his prospective client "I want you to kill a Jedi and am transmitting the details now". After a moment the computer on Harry's left wrist beeped an acknowledgement "Will that be a problem?"

"I'll get my things. Send my payment to the usual account...half upfront" was his only reply as the line went dead.

Far away, across half the Galaxy, the hooded figure smiled.

His plan was coming together nicely.