Chapter 13: Questions, Accusations and Recriminations

Star Wars + Harry Potter Crossover

Chapter 13: Questions, Accusations and Recriminations


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"Sir" came the voice of a man in the uniform of the now defunct Sabre Battalion "we have arrived at Coruscant's main spaceport and your Honour Guard stands ready". With the end of that simple statement he quickly saluted and stood to attention before his former commanding officer.

"At ease Major Henrich" replied Harry in a long suffering tone to the suddenly flustered man.

It always amazed Harry what using a small amount of magic can do. For example Harry regularly used Occlumency to protect his thoughts from intrusion but, to do that one had to organise them first which naturally lead to being able to recall things he had seen or heard with astounding accuracy.

This trait had the fortunate side effect of allowing him to remember almost every name of everyone he had ever met. This had not only vastly improved the morale of troops that served under him but also gave the (not inaccurate) impression that Harry cared for each and everyone of his men especially as most other officers merely referred to their subordinates by rank alone or simply the title of soldier.

This led to the flustered Major who, having not only heard of William Potter's exploits but had also briefly served under him near the beginning of the war, was understandably flattered to be remembered. "I am not your commander anymore my friend". Harry smiled and then continued in his soft smooth voice "I am merely a simple Jedi once again" he clapped the man on his shoulder as he added " and no simple Jedi needs an Honour Guard".

"You are the Jedi Lord" came the unyielding reply as if the archaic title explained heaved a great sigh still uncomfortable with the title (though his pride would never allow him to admit that to other Jedi) even as he moved towards the exit of the Patience while thinking of his reply.

He quickly smoothed his robes understanding better than most that on Coruscant appearance was often more important than substance before giving his response.

"Even so. You are on my ship and you are leaving it for the last time to go home on a civilian transport and start a new life as a security officer are you not?"

"Yes sir. In fact most of the soldiers in your service are becoming peacekeepers" came the almost whispered response.

"Then when you leave this ship you are no longer a soldier but a peacekeeper and I am asking you, one peacekeeper to another, no Honour Guard please".

Harry's face still a young looking 26, appeared to be so earnest in his desire for a lack of pomp and ceremony that the soon-to-be former Major could do nothing more than nod his reluctant agreement.

Harry may have looked like a brash 26 year old but, in reality, he felt every single one of his 47 years alive and more. He had been changed by the war that he had fought. He was no longer the young man fleeing the politics of the Jedi Temple. He was older now, a little less quick to laugh, a little more serious and, like most who age before their time, a little more sad and cynical in his view on life.

The trade off did have it's advantages though. In the war he had seen that good and evil were ideals that people strived for not absolutes to be easily defined. He had had to adapt more quickly than he had ever had to in the Temple to survive and he had actually been able to occasionally use his magic as he was no longer under the constant surveillance that came with being a Jedi on Coruscant (especially a traditional one). All of this served to do one very important thing….it put matters into perspective.

Now, about to re-enter a world of double talk, back handed compliments and empty words he found that he missed the war much more than he would ever like to admit. It wasn't so much the fighting that he missed (he hadn't become a warmonger after all) but Harry found that he missed the clarity of purpose that the war provided. There was no ambiguity on the battlefield, no hesitation allowed and if you planned well enough as well as not falling apart too much you might survive if the celestials were kind. It was that simplicity that he missed.

Here, as he had noted before, often appearance truly seemed to outweigh substance. For example Harry's robes were now much more disturbing to a progressive Jedi as they now incorporated armour into their makeup. Harry did not mind that they did as over the course of the war he had worn many different types of armour as the situation called for it. The idea that a Jedi would sacrifice his traditional robes for anything else would be almost sacrilege to Yoda and his ilk and Harry was deeply amused by that tidbit.

Added to that he was quite frankly touched that the people he served would commission the armour and robe combination that he wore as a parting gift. The robes themselves reminded Harry of the ones that a redeemed Revan had made using the Starforge shortly before its destruction in style. Instead of being white with a bronze coloured armour composite they were a dark green, almost black, with a silver sheen to the armour composite rather than bronze.

The gauntlet on Harry's right side had incorporated his vambrace and on his right breast the symbol of the Democratic State of Almania was engraved into his armour. The symbol of the new government was a sparrowhawk in mid flight with a crescent moon underneath. Engraved on his left breast was the symbol of the Jedi Order.

Also, as he was about to face a crowd at some point, he wore no mask and everything from his cuirass to his boots were polished to a beautiful shine.

The main reason that Harry was touched by the armour had very little to do with its similarities to the famous Prodigal Knight, though the progressives might focus solely on that, but rather that the metallic pieces had been made from a Phrik alloy scavenged from melted down droid parts ( at great difficulty as it was almost impossible to reforge by design) so that he literally carried a piece of his droids, the war and that moment in history around his chest.

The title of Jedi Lord was also now irrevocably his and the people of Almania had apparently known, at least in part, what that title used to mean. In that spirit they had offered him a place in the new government as well as a small mansion to live in as 'befitted his station' as well as the armour.

Needless to say that, aside from the armour, Harry had refused.

The victorious public was not to be denied so easily however and so he had reluctantly accepted though he had managed to pervert the spirit of the rewards as much as he could. He had, aside from a single room that they would not take, placed the mansion into a trust for use as a state of the art Hospital. He had even convinced them that the two outer wings would be converted to two orphanages for the lost and displaced children scattered throughout the system.

All of these ventures were funded solely by the Potter Industry's deep pockets so both orphanages and the Hospital were both superbly staffed and incredibly well funded.

As for the position that he was offered in the Democratic State Harry had cited the obvious conflict of interest with both his service to the Republic as a whole and the obligation he had as a member of the Jedi Order.

He could not, he had argued, serve two masters effectively especially given the Almanian general dislike of Jedi as a whole. He had then added that he would make a poor member of the leadership if he was forever being called halfway across the galaxy at the Council's behest.

In response instead of dropping the idea they had created the position of Special Advisor to the Government and (before he could begin to voice his objections) had even made the title hereditary. They had even passed a resolution that only he, his heirs or someone they designate would be the only Jedi welcome in the entire system as well as making him and any heirs citizens of Almania.

This most likely was because of the Council's own inaction when it came to their plight just a few short years ago but it could also partly be, Harry remembered thinking at the time, a slight overreaction to him trying to refuse the trappings of his 'station'.

As Harry stepped down the ramp and onto the main walkway to the Temple he would also lay bets that the progressives would see none of the positive changes that the war had caused, just as they would not think of the countless people he had saved. He had saved them not only by aiding in toppling the Je'har but also with his skills as a medic including, unbeknownst to them, a judicious use of magic.

Instead all the Council (barring possibly the Grandmaster herself) would see none of that but merely a warmonger bathed in the blood of thousands and addicted to the thrill of battle. They would see a prideful Jedi returning to an unjust hero's welcome as, during the course of the war, his popularity had risen astronomically even as the Order's reputation had plummeted just as much.

Harry smiled in the bright sunlight as he went to greet the gathered crowd that he could hear long before he had ever finished the short walk down the ramp. He moved slowly, towards the with a bright smile on his lips, which included not only the smiling average citizen but also a large scattering of Jedi, some smiling and others scowling, along with the aristocratic few.

Some were grateful, others were cooly watchful and most of the aristocratic few were simply there to be seen with the new hero, this newly minted Jedi Lord.

Further back past all the crowds but still within viewing distance Jedi Masters Yoda, Durvan and Myec watched the crowd in faint disgust disliking that any Jedi, even such a misguided traditionalist as William Potter, would allow himself to be made such a spectacle of.

Master Alof Durvan's distinctive Zabrak features were furrowed in deep disapproval and that only deepened with every single slow step that the rebellious Knight walk down the exit ramp clothed in armour and, perhaps even worse, with not only a lightsaber but a blaster clipped to his belt.

"What is he thinking?" spat the newest member of the Jedi High Council "Has he not brought enough shame on the Jedi Order with his antics already?".

"Disturbing, his wearing armour is" The almost glacial voice of Master Yoda drew the attention of the other two tense Jedi Masters.

"Can we not stop him wearing such warlike things?" asked Tuspin Myec Harry's former master. Myec studied his former padawan closely as if, like some broken engine, he could find and fix what he considered fatal flaws in his former padawan.

"Sadly not. Without a unanimous vote of the High Council we cannot ban what an individual Jedi is allowed to wear. Though uniformity is preferred the rule in place to allows for cultural and environmental differences. The Grandmaster would never agree to ban the wearing of armour besides which, given the fact that he has just returned from a warzone, the argument can be made that his wearing of armour is not only permissible but sensible". Durvan's face was tight with disapproval even if his voice was gently reminding Myec of the rules of the Jedi Order.

"Accurate, your evaluation of the High Council, is" stated Yoda looking at Myec and both men nodded at the state of the Council itself. It was common knowledge that another traditionalist had vacated his seat, this time simply by passing into the Force, and it was an open secret that Myec would be named the replacement.

"The progressive movement still does not have the unanimous support of the Council as long as Grandmaster Coven still retains her seat and represents the traditional way. When she does finally step down however…" Durvan began only for his thoughts to be finished for him by Master Yoda.

"Then begin, fixing the Jedi teachings, we can".

All the men nodded, satisfied with the way that the future of the Jedi Order was unfolding while keeping a distrustful eye on the returning Knight Potter and his (to their mind) outdated reviews.

"Should we investigate Potter?" the sharp voice of Tuspin Myec was as calm in that moment as if he was discussing the weather rather than a massive violation of another Jedi's privacy.

"Dangerous, this course is" warned Yoda even as his face turned contemplative as he began to truly consider the idea.

"Any investigation would have to start with his entire family" began Master Durvan and then he paused his face twisting as if he had eaten something sour. "With the Orders reputation, barring Potters, currently in tatters it would have to be very quiet especially due to the events in the Almanian System".

"Why should any of this matter?" asked Myec sharply "We should not waste our resources.. After all people are fickle and will soon learn that we were right in our careful deliberation in the long run".

"And how much funding from the Senate will the Jedi loose before then if it is found out that we are not only investigating a war hero but also his beloved family as well?" Durvan rebutted " And what of Potter Industries? They now employ almost 18% of workers in the relevant industrial sectors which means their droid's make up 87% of the droid market. How do you think the Senate will react if we anger them?"

"Potter Industries will not push for us to be punished harshly if it comes to that... after all the current heir is a Jedi…" countered Myec.

"Do nothing for now we must" said Yoda, with a great sigh. effectively ending the argument before it could continue any further. "Your idea, in reserve, will be" he added gravely.

"I will draw up plans to covertly infiltrate Cadi as soon as I can so that, if we need them, they will be available".

All men in the room took a moment to truly wonder how difficult it would be to actually try and infiltrate the private world of the Potters.

"Come Master Yoda" said Master Durvan breaking the silent introspection with a glance at his chronometer "The Council will be waiting for us to come and discuss this 'Jedi Lord' business with Knight Potter himself". Durvan said the last title with a definite edge to his voice.

The High Council's Main Chamber

Less than an hour later Harry strode into the Council's chamber with a confident stride that he didn't entirely feel and studied the faces of the masters that were arrayed, some only by holo, around the room.

He found the almost complete lack of traditional Jedi to be disturbing not simply because it spoke of the changes amongst the Jedi as a whole but also because of how it boded for his future. Almost every face of the Jedi Council regarded him with various levels of distrust and scorn with the only exception being Grandmaster Coven herself who smiled lightly at his appearance.

Then again Harry did distrust them just as much, if not more so. Where their facial expressions were easy to read his was a bland mask giving none of his inner feelings away. Magic, specifically Occlumency, allowed him to not only do that but also avoid the almost constant (and very rude) telepathic probes from some of the more disapproving members.

To them it appeared as if his mind was nothing less than a serene pond that radiated his surety and the righteousness of his true thoughts were hidden deep in that pond and behind an invisible wall that they could not sense let alone pierce.

Harry's personal amusement knew no bounds at this thought as he, a traditional emotional Jedi, was not only emanating the serenity that the progressives so longed for but the irony that the thing that they searched for was helping block their probes.

Their frustration was like a delicious fine wine to him and it also put them off balance emotionally. Perhaps, Harry thought, it was only a sliver of an advantage but given the fact

That he was heavily outnumbered and in a hostile room he would take any advantage.

Harry stood before the half circle of Jedi Masters with his arms held loosely behind his back the picture of relaxed contemplation as he studied them and they him.

"Masters" Harry said with his voice soft and melodious gently soothing against their ears. "You summoned me?"

"We summoned you four years ago" snapped Master Durvan "yet you only return now? Do the Jedi mean so little to you Knight Potter?".

Standing straight backed at his customary six foot two inches and looking not only healthy but arguably strikingly handsome he cut a striking figure.

This irritated the new Jedi Master as, to him, it was yet another scenario where others hard work (namely his) were overlooked for an arrogant pretty boy.

Durvan, like most progressives, wanted to lead the Jedi into a new age of enlightenment and they wanted to spread (what they thought of as) the right way of doing things throughout the Republic.

This meant that, deep down in his psyche somewhere, he wanted to be the Jedi that the Republic looked to and the one that they talked about. He wanted to be the standard that the public viewed as the ideal Jedi but, much to his chagrin, that wasn't the case.

In fact, adding insult to injury, that particular honour was held not only by a traditional Jedi but by someone that appeared to dislike the honour. This only served to infuriate the Jedi Master even further as, as far as he was concerned, he had worked harder than Potter and he had even painstakingly attained a rank that would forever elude the outdated Knight.

The fact that the main reason Potter and indeed any other traditional Knight would never achieve the title of Jedi Master was mainly due to the bias of the current High Council never even entered his mind.

All of these facts and feelings Harry had learned in a glance as, though telepathy couldn't break through his Occlumency barriers, passive Legilimency had no problem reading Durvan's thoughts. This was mainly due to the fact that with his calm so damaged by his turbulent emotions he was almost screaming his thoughts into the chamber.

The fact that he had no barriers also helped but, in Master Durvan's defence, there existed (or at least there had not been discovered) a passive form of Force based mind reading so their defences were less like general walls and more like mines attempting to trap and destroy directed attacks.

"I was unaware that you were a member of this Council four years ago" Harry chided gently. He took a breath and before anyone could answer he continued " I was also unaware that my regard for humanitarian aid constituted caring nothing for the Jedi Order itself. Is this the Council's official position now? That to care for others is to not care for the Jedi?"

During the course of his impromptu speech Harry's voice had turned dry and tired. It was almost as if he were discussing the weather for the umpteetnth time with a bothersome neighbour rather than disagreeing with someone who was technically his superior before their highest governing body.

"That is not what was meant at all" snapped another 'new' Jedi Master who was a human woman in her late twenties by the name of Mond Geralo. Under other circumstances she might have been considered beautiful but the deep scowl on her face and the disapproving glint to her eye marred any beauty she might have possessed.

"Oh I see" said Harry genially "then it must be a simple misunderstanding" his voice, once full of melody, turned cold and stone like "sort of like how many members of this Council are trying to root around my head without my permission completely disregarding etiquette as well as ancient custom and courtesy".

Masters Geralo, Durvan (who was only officially elevated minutes before) and a few others all reacted as if they had been slapped hard across the face. When Harry met their eyes however none were even a trace apologetic.

He was happy to note that the Grandmaster looked furious with those members. He was equally saddened however that she did not take immediate action for their faux pas.

"Careful, must we be, when facing a Jedi Lord" came Yoda's arctic response.

"Ah...Master Yoda… it has been too long" replied Harry.

If the Council had any thoughts along the idea that the recent war had left Harry, or as they knew him William, unchanged those thoughts were swiftly dying with every passing moment. Gone was the (seemingly) content and somewhat bookish scholar who objected to the progressive movement within the Jedi on moral grounds.

In his place they now saw a warrior and a healer who understood the difference between the image of the benevolent Galaxy that the Republic (and by extension the Jedi) promoted and the reality of not only the Republic but, at least in part as a member of the Potter family, a small taste of the vastness beyond it.

This Jedi had seen the hollowness of that image. This Jedi had wept as he failed to save newborns from being slaughtered by angry soldiers who simply saw them as useless or in the way because they were the wrong caste.

He had seen the results of the beatings, the rapes and the tortures that were so institutionalised in their culture that they were never reported and rarely remarked man had stared down literal armies in the name of those faceless, nameless and voiceless souls.

Twelve arguably wise individuals in robes did not make a dent in that hard found resolve.

"If you had been doing anymore than skimming the Holonet broadcasts or the Holojournal articles that have been documenting both the war and incidentally my life over the past few years I did not ask for the title. I even requested them to stop using it many times over the years but please don't allow that fact to get in the way of your unspoken accusations".

Harry's eyes and Yoda's locked and for the span of a moment the dislike that the two felt for each other, often hidden behind cultured masks, was between them like a raging beast ready to begin to roar, rip and tear. After that moment the masks slipped back in place and it was almost as if it had never happened.

"Enough" said Grandmaster Fae Coven finally, her voice sounded exhausted and tired to Harry, but such was her reputation and esteem that both men refocused themselves to her immediately. Both Harry and Yoda gave her their full attention as, regardless of their differences, she was still the Grandmaster of the order and, oddly enough, friendly with them both.

"I am disappointed in the pair of you" she said to them before her eyes moved, almost hawk like, to both Geralo and Durvan. " The pair of you need to remember that just because you have ascended to this council it does not give you the leeway to do as you wish. We are all brothers and sisters in the Order after all and I am disturbed by your willingness to try and violate another's mind".

The Jenet Grandmaster closed her eyes while considering the pair who (along with Yoda and Harry) finally appeared at least somewhat contrite. "I believe that the Outer Rim relief efforts are in need of more guidance almost as much as you are in need of humility. It is my judgement then, as Grandmaster of the Order, that Masters Durvan and Geralo are dispatched separately to two different relief efforts within the month for a period of no less than two years".

As the two looked as if they might protest their effective banishment from the Core Grandmaster Coven smiled humorlessly and then added " Neither of you are in lifetime seats and the alternative for me, if you object, is to realise that you were perhaps elevated too early and suspend you from your seats on this Council for a period of at least five years. As both of you are short term members of this Council it would effectively end your membership to this body today".

The two Jedi quickly quieted under her pitiless gaze like errant schoolchildren spanked by their mother. Which, Harry thought, was kind of what just happened.

"Now" she continued into the silence her eyes softening as she once again turned to Harry. "William I understand that you are due to take up a teaching position here are you not? I believe that you have earned the right to choose your own course from the list of those that are currently vacant".

"I have finally decided on which course to teach" said Harry quietly.

"Combat tactics and butchery perhaps?" said Durvan snarkily only to quail under Fae's resulting glare.

"Introduction to ethics and morals for new padawans actually" Harry's response, in contrast to his detractors was mild and professional.

"Unwise, this course is" stated Yoda only to have his opinion completely ignored by both Harry and the Grandmaster herself even as other Jedi voiced their opinions, if more quietly, by muttering in the background.

"Thank you for registering your choice Knight Potter. A schedule and suggested course assignment will be sent to your quarters within the next three days".

Grandmaster Coven looked around the Council chamber and her eyes almost seemed to twinkle at the almost universally disapproving faces. "Are there any other matters that need Knight Potters input? If not I am sure he could use a long rest after being so long away from home".

"The Almania matter Grandmaster" said another Jedi that Harry did not know though ,this time, the voice was less snide and more timid. Harry wondered if the nameless Jedi was always that timid or if the Grandmaster had actually succeeded in scaring them into some form of order.

He mentally shrugged. After all it was hardly his problem either way.

"Oh yes" began Grandmaster Coven "though your right as a Jedi to object on humanitarian grounds has been long documented and accepted in both custom as well as law we cannot reward you in anyway for your defiance of the Council's wishes".

This time Harry did shrug. He was completely unconcerned with the tone of warning in the Grandmaster's voice. He knew that if the same situation were to happen again he would make the exact same choices. Added to that unlike most Jedi he had not only experienced the Galaxy away from the Jedi but had also thrived in it and so he was less than paralysed by fear at the idea of having to do without the Council.

Her next few words did manage to crush the rising hopes of Yoda and his supporters that some punishment or sanction would be befalling Knight Potter as she simply closed with "We cannot punish you either however and hope that you are never forced to choose between someone's wellbeing and the High Council".

Harry nodded and, with almost military efficiency, spun on his heel and left the chambers with only the smallest whisper of sound. The silence in the room was almost deafening and, for a long moment, the loudest sound was that of the door opening and closing behind Harry.

No Jedi spoke for a very long minute until that same soft and timid voice from before

"Master...Why did you not ask him about the problems the Jedi Order is now having with the Almanian System or use him to help boost the abysmal reputation of the Jedi at the present?".

"Because" she answered with a tight smile "it would have done no good. The Almanian's decision to ban every Jedi from the system except Potter and the Orders fall in reptation is not his concern. That is the argument that he will make and he would later further argue that the reputation and the public image of the Jedi is the High Council's concern and, worse than that, he would be right".

"But, caused the problem in the first place he did" argued Yoda.

"He did not" countered the Grandmaster " we Jedi in our hubris caused this well enough on our own. We agreed as a body that we would be unable to intervene without Senate approval but nothing would have stopped us sending medical supplies except a rather callous desire for the war to end quickly. We then compounded the error by ordering Knight Potter home".

"But he took advantage of the situation" stated a human Jedi Master from the corner of Fae's vision.

"He did not" she rebutted "Potter industries did. Need i remind you that Jedi are prohibited from owning things, let alone companies". "Do not forget that other companies did the same thing… Potter Industries simply did it better".

From then on the business of the Jedi Council moved away from the Potters and onto other things

Later that evening Harry was sitting at the two person table in his spartan room slowly sipping some red brick tea as he tried to settle back into Temple life.

The fact was that it was hard to do and just as he began to ponder the rather disturbing implications of why it was hard to do, his door softly chimed.

"Come in" he said softly even as the door slid open and Harry smiled as he saw Knight Lanham walk through his door.

The slightly scruffy looking Orion appeared much the same as he had when they had first met. His eyes may have been a shade more weary but they were still the bright blue of when they had first met all those years ago. His hair was still the same mousy blonde though, even for him, there was more grey there than ever before. As always he radiated a sense of calm that Harry had always struggled for. In short, if Varlya was like a younger sister by this point then Orion was like a beloved uncle and always had been.

The sameness of the man was always a great comfort to Harry.

"That" said Orion nodding "was one of your father's favourite drinks. I remember him telling me that there was nothing better than good quality tea".

Harry remembered it too he wasn't going to mention it though as how he remembered might have been more difficult to explain. Not quite as difficult as explaining the englishman's love of a good cup of tea (especially as he would then have to explain what an englishman was) but close.

Without a word Harry's hand twitched and another cup floated from the small kitchen behind him and then the teapot that was on the table rose and poured Orion a fresh cup of tea.

"How are you doing?" asked Harry.

"I'm good. The life of the underappreciated self sacrificing Jedi suits me don't you know?" Orion joked "I feel that I should be asking you that question though…"

The laughter lines around Orion's face seemed to deepen into shadow as he peered intently at his friend. Harry knew that soon enough he would have to say something as Orion, when he got an idea in his head, was like a dog with a bone.

"I'm fine...I'm just having trouble adapting that's all" Harry responded lightly.

"Sorry..I'm not buying it." Orion argued "I mean don't get me wrong I'm sure it is an adjustment but I've known you all of your life...It's more than that isn't it?"

Instead of responding straight away Harry rose from is chair and moving towards his window he looked out upon the streets below.

"Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you weren't a Jedi?" he asked

"Not often no. That's hardly surprising though...we are after all raised to this life".

"And that doesn't bother you?" asked Harry silently wondering whether being raised for a role from near birth should constitute brainwashing.

"Not now a younger man….well I did say not often.." said Orion with a small grin.

"A sordid Jedi secret" teased Harry amused "do tell"

"There is not much to tell. I was a young padawan, I had only been chosen by Master Fyan two years prior, nearing sixteen years of age and on assignment on Tellus IV" Orion paused as if to collect his thoughts and then continued "I honestly can't believe I was ever that young and brash… but still, as I said I was nearly sixteen and I was in the capital Andreas. I was running an errand for my master, though what I was sent for I couldn't tell you after all these years except that it fit into a small pouch, and I remember that it was exceptionally hot. My robes were sticking to my skin and my face felt flushed. Given that I stopped in the center of the marketplace to take a drink at the large fountain in the center of it".

Harry saw a particular expression flitter across his friend's face and stayed quiet allowing his friend to gather himself and speak of something that he obviously hadn't spoken about in a very long time, if at all.

"Then I saw her. I remember seeing her hair first, just as the sun caught it. It was almost like the sun itself was caressing her blond locks. Her name was Jai and she was a weaver girl. I remember being captivated by her laugh and the way that her nose crinkled when she was really amused. She was around my age and we spent as much time together as we could in the next three weeks".

For a moment it was almost as if Harry was watching a younger version of his friend meeting a young weaver girl. He could almost smell the dust of the street and feel the baking of the sun on the back of his neck.

"You know...I think I loved her." Orion said wistfully "Fyan found out of course and soon enough he had requested another assignment for us both. When I found out we made these fanciful plans to run away with each other…"

"What happened?" asked Harry

"The Serneki Jedi attack"

"The embezzling company? They attacked a Jedi?" asked Harry.

"Yes" responded Orion "I couldn't just run off without explaining things to my master...not after he had chosen to train me. The morning I went to him was the day of the attack and when I arrived he was already gravely injured and under attack from three people. Needless to say I charged in".

"And so you stayed with the Jedi?" asked Harry.

"Yes. My master was fine in the end but, I couldn't help but wonder, how many lives would I be sacrificing for my own happiness if I had left with Jai. In the end I couldn't bare it and though we both cried and lamented our fate but our romance was done and I never saw her again". Orion's voice was full of sorrow.

"You regret it?" Harry said. It wasn't quite a question but it also wasn't quite a statement either but Orion answered anyway.

"Sometimes. The Jedi Order is a life of service and worthwhile but sometimes..I do wonder".

"There are other vocations that are of service and are worthwhile though" responded Harry.

"Precious few" Orion said and then his gaze turned piercing "After Almania...are you considering leaving the Jedi?".

"I am not sure. After the war...all this politicking seems hollow somehow. There was all that blood and death..all that pain and loss and all the while the vaunted defenders of peace were arguing amongst themselves".

"My advice? Don't make any rash decisions...leaving the Jedi would alter your life forever and you would be unable to change your mind later if you regret it". The genuine concern that not only dripped from his voice but radiated from him into the Force touched Harry deeply.

"I will give it some thought" promised Harry as he shared a quiet moment with his friend each occupied with the past in different ways.

Two Weeks Later

In the middle of the Jedi Temple, underneath the arches of ancient rare wood, surrounded by frescoes and paintings Harry parried another blow of Hakks lightsaber while gracefully falling back into Niman's classic stance. Even in the battlefield whenever Harry had a spare moment (if he ever did) he had kept up his practice and study of the form along with his practice of learning more of Form V and (in secret) Jar'kai. His only regret being that he was unable to try and refine his magic as he could not attempt to do that either in the well publicised battlefield as much as he could not do that in the Temple even in secret.

One of the reasons he kept up this lightsaber practice (aside from the obvious) was that quite a few Jedi had known before he left that he practiced and preferred Niman and he had noticed that Jedi, like quite a few sentients, often gave great weight to that first impression.

He knew, for example that most would still expect to see the quiet and mild scholar that he had projected as his identity before he had left for the war and though that impression may soon end, if for no other reason than the readily available recorded evidence of his prowess, any misconception or underestimation of his combat abilities and, perhaps more importantly, his mastered or preferred styles would no doubt help him.

"I thought you had moved on from this old man's form?" joked a laughing Hakk even as the sparring friends moved in for another round, with Hakk, as was his way, blending small amounts of Form II with Form III enabling him to hit with not only vicious probing thrusts but also devastating counter attacks.

"Tell that to Exar Kun" joked Harry who smiled broadly even as Hakk caused Harry to duck under his friend's pale emerald lightsaber smoothly all the while bringing his into position to counter attack.

"He was a Sith't...count…" gasped Hakk and they began to speed up the tempo of the fight the lightsabers becoming a blur of hot crackling light.

The speed increased so much that the human eye became useless and both men began to sink fully into the Force, sensing and feeling each other rather than seeing. Then they abruptly pulled away to catch their breath.

"Doesn't that armour of yours get heavy" asked Hakk referring of course to Harry's rather unusual dress for a Jedi.

"Not really...battlefield armour is designed to be light" Harry responded "besides you are a fine one to criticise Niman with your brand new hybrid style. Does it have a name yet? No...don't tell me… poke and hope by any chance?".

Hakk laughed but he did not reply, though to Harry, the hilarity seemed a bit forced on his friends part.

Harry's mind was not able to dwell on that nagging thought as Hakk, at twenty four, proved once again why he was considered the most skilled padawan when it came to his skills with a lightsaber. The rumour was that he was due to begin his trials for knighthood any day now.

After a further five minutes of light sparring and with sweat pouring down Hakk's face they paused to rest. Hakk sank to a nearby chair while Harry casually wiped his hair, face and neck with a nearby towel.

"How are you not exhausted?" grumbled Hakk.

"Practice...if nothing else drawing on the Force every single day for combat gives you stamina" said Harry in a careful tone. He did not want to upset his friend as Hakk was quite proud of his abilities with a lightsaber.

As the two friends moved to the corner of the room they sat down at one of the tables in the corner overlooking the sparring mats they heard the sounds of sparring fade into the background and Harry took a good look at his friend. It looked like Hakk hadn't slept well (if at all) in the past few days but, given the now almost completely progressive dominated Temple, Harry couldn't blame him as their home was becoming uncomfortable to say the least.

"Have you heard from Arstonia?" Harry asked understanding his friend enough that if he wanted to talk about what was bothering him he would and if he did not asking would only result in a stubbornly belligerent response.

"She's been traveling around the Mid Rim" Hakk responded, his face softening as always when discussing their mutual friend. " The pirates their have developed something of a monopoly and she and Master Celar were on Boranda posing as smugglers. That was six months ago but the Council assure my Master and I that she is fine" he said with a grimace.

"Well that's comforting" said Harry sarcastically

"Exactly" Hakk agreed.

They would have continued to talk quietly however the door to the sparring room opened and in walked Master Yoda, along with a few other progressive knights and masters.

"Look who's here" said Harry eying their smooth expressionless faces with well hidden distaste.

"Do I have a pulse? If so they're probably looking for me" Harry grinned at his friend even as Yoda's eyes met his. "I guess I should go see what the green rat wants this time".

Hakk's barked laughter was abruptly stilled as Yoda's piercing eyes settled, all too briefly, only to dismiss him and refocus on Harry once again.

As Harry rose and moved over to the small Ataru specialist the conversations from other Jedi scattered about on similar tables stopped. Around the hum of still clashing lightsabers many eyes began to focus on the two Jedi and their well known dislike of each other.

"Master Yoda" said Harry, in a perfectly neutral voice "I take it you wish to spar?".

"If too much trouble it is not" replied Yoda with the smallest hint of anticipation in his eyes.

If Harry was a betting man he would have had to say that this was a progressive stunt . This idea began to solidify into a certainty in his mind when more and more Jedi began to filter into the room, both progressive and not, far more than would ever normally be interested in a weekday spar.

How childish, Harry thought both exasperated and strangely amused, apparently they haven't got anything better to do.

"Of course not Master Yoda. I could use the practice against such an esteemed Jedi Master such as yourself". Given Harry's tone it was unsurprising that a thunderous expression flittered across his face for a moment. Yoda then moved stiffly towards the nearest sparring mat.

Though it was common knowledge that Yoda sought to master all forms of lightsaber combat he had not come close to that at this point in time. Still he had managed to master both the often overlooked Form I as well as Yoda's personal favourite Form IV. Needless to say such achievements had already marked him as one of the rising stars of the Order. With his combat experience and abilities in Niman, not to mention his natural gift with both aspects of Form V, William Potter was beginning to be classed as another.

Given Yoda's determination and drive most people would still bet against William Potter and it would have been a perfectly reasonable response except for one salient point.

This was not William Potter. In fact William Potter never existed there was only Harry Potter and while William Potter had, in theory, spent his formative years in the Jedi Temple bathed in the slightly impersonal warmth of the Jedi Temple. William was well treated and well fed and was at worst scolded for the bad behaviour and assigned chores.

Harry Potter on the other hand had a fragment of the night of his parents murder as his earliest memory. He had lived as a virtual slave underneath those stairs, his toilet was a bucket and his scoldings usually had, at the very least, Vernon's studded belt across his back. All of this did not make Harry overtly cruel (though in all honesty the temptation was there) but it did give Harry a deep resilience and perseverance that demanded that he keep going.

Couple that with his desire to remove or neutralise anything or anyone that would stop him getting what he wanted the most in his life (a peaceful home hopefully with Luna and everything else that was ripped from him that halloween night so long ago) and the contest of wills would be nothing short of spectacular.

That was made all the more true because the thing that Harry desired more than anything else at this present moment was to break Yoda of his holier than thou sanctimonious attitude.

As they faced off each other on the sparring mat a tense moment passed between the two who, at this point, had their sabers lit in their hands with the moment thick with anticipation. It was almost as if for this moment alone the two embodied their differing ideologies and, like some archaic rite of combat, the two champions were about to fight to prove which was correct and which was to be torn down and forgotten like so much waste.

Without warning Yoda lept at Harry trying to overwhelm him quickly by forcing him to defend attacks from odd angles. Harry's footwork was sorely tested in those first few moments as he adjusted to avoiding and parrying the almost feather light probing attacks of the Jedi Master.

In contrast Yoda had to deal with a smooth defence that seemed adept at anticipating the unorthodox attacks that he was furiously trying to break his opponent with.

The surrounding Jedi were entranced by the skill that was being shown by the two combatants during the spar. Yoda was a swarm of fast movements, like a thousand bees surrounding a threat, probing for an opening. He lept and somersaulted mainly attacking from above and the side trying to surprise his opponent.

In response to the speed of the attacks Harry would sway away from those attacks that he could not block dodging Yoda's attacks with the minimum of energy used. He would then suddenly lash out with powerful thrusts and swipes that would have sent Yoda flying if they had managed to connect.

If you were to take away the sound of clashing sabers then you could have been mistaken in thinking that it was a well choreographed dance rather than a spar that, though their sabers were set on their lowest setting, would still hurt and cause light burns if struck. Indeed if you did take it as a dance it was a beautiful one with each participant seemingly anticipating not only each others next move but the five after that.

The skill that they were both displaying had the watching Jedi enthralled and as the fight went into the ten minute mark more and Jedi arrived to watch the beauty and skill of the spar. There had been an idea that in this golden age of peace the combat skills of the Jedi were degrading. That idea was being shown as a lie with the depths of skill that both opponents were showing. There was a grudging respect in each others eyes.

Yoda found it almost impossible to breach Harry's defences while Harry, for his part, found that with the few hits that Yoda had had to block and had managed to send him flying, he had somehow redistributed his momentum so that instead of crashing into the wall he catapulted from it.

With an unspoken agreement both of their free hands came up and they let loose with their gifts, mostly low level telekinetic skills as the training room made stronger Force Powers unwise and the low setting of their sabers made cutting objects in half impossible.

The use of even that much Force ability did push the combat to a new level as the two were both darting around each other. Both were seeking any advantage over the other, no matter how small that may be, and both regardless of the Force were beginning to tire so even the weak Force pushes were having an effect.

It was inevitable then that something was going to give and, spectacularly enough, it began when Harry and Yoda both reached for the Force at exactly the same time in the same way. Both felt more than a moment of surprise at the strength of the other hands (or in Yoda's case claw) splayed almost touching each other as they strove for dominance.

Both of them felt like they were pushing against a thick granite wall that each man was futily throwing themselves against. Their lightsabers, once so important, dipped as the mental battle took all of their concentration. Both men felt the briefest moment of doubt at the strength of the other wondering, if only for a moment, if they would lose.

Harry may have been more Jedi than Wizard by this point (partly due to the fact that he was not the best student before coming through the veil, part of that was his general lack of learning material and part of that was simply the fact that he had been a Jedi longer than he had been at Hogwarts) but he was still Harry Potter. If nothing else he was the definition of stubborn and was used to beating the odds.

With a sound like a thunderclap Yoda was thrown, rather violently given both of their exhausted defences, into the wall directly behind him and his small lightsaber shut off with it's distinctive snap hiss as it left his small green hand.

As Harry turned to leave no one was more surprised than him when when Yoda suddenly sprang up, even as his lightsaber moved back to his hand and reignited, and jumped once again to the attack while his opponent was apparently vulnerable.

Harry however was both tired of the fight and frankly found the whole 'spar' set up to be extremely childish as well as pointless. To that end his palm came up once again and this time, with Yoda both weakened from their long battle and dazed from hitting the wall so hard, Harry didn't just push him away or pick up something he instead picked up Yoda.

"Enough" he said softly even as he held Yoda in mid air suspended and unable to move, let alone cause harm.

After slowly putting his lightsaber away Harry called Yoda's to him and, once he had removed the power cell, left it on the table and gently lowered the chagrined Yoda to the floor. After that he strode to the exit with the other Jedi moving out of his way and with Hakk following silently behind him.

"You do realise" Hakk said, breaking the silence as they walked down an empty Temple corridor "that everyone will want to hear your lectures now? At least they will at first...for your sake I hope you are a good teacher".

"What do you mean? How does sparring relate to teaching?" Harry asked his friend. He immediately regretted it however when Hakk began to speak in a put on over the top 'wiseman' voice.

"Everything that you do now will be adding to the legend of the defeater of Yoda...The Jedi Lord" Hakk smirked even as Harry winced at the idea.

Annoyingly enough for Harry's life Hakk was proven right as both the legend of the fight and the visitors to his class were to increase significantly over the next few months.