Chapter 15 : A Parting Of Ways And The Remodel Or Harry's Rant

Star Wars + Harry Potter Crossover

Chapter 15 : A Parting Of Ways And The Remodel Or Harry's Rant

763 BBY

2,890 ATC


Things proceeded with a sense of broken clarity for Harry soon after that. He barely remembered the other Jedi being calmed by the quiet words of the Grandmaster or the looks of shock among the Jedi that one of their very own rising stars was in fact an avid practitioner of the Dark side of the Force. The fact that they had believed that of William and he was not had not seemed to sink in yet.

Instead he was lost in his own private grief.

One of his best friends had killed another but, instead of feeling angry, he just felt lost. His anguish was a sea that was slowly drowning him and he found himself, without knowing why, standing there and taking large breaths while looking into the middle distance but seeing nothing of what was currently around him.

Instead he was lost in a lifetime of memories. He remembered meeting his friend for the first time (they were in the same clan after all) and he also remembered how Hakk had laughed at the stupidest of things and how, when he was very young, he used to talk to Harry in the middle of the night to try and ignore his fear of the dark.

Harry's eyes refocused and drifted back to the face of his old friend and, oddly enough, his face did not look at peace but rather it looked lost and alone as well as a little sad.

Thanks to the brief mental contact between the two men Harry understood that, although Hakk's love for Arstonia was a factor, Sett Harth had used not only his desires but also the dissatisfaction and division amongst the Jedi (as well as the stress and turmoil it had caused) to twist his friend into a hate filled murderer. He had done such a good job of it in fact that Harry had no doubt that Hakk would have killed him too.

What Sett gained in return, aside from an agent with which to further his own desires, was information on the Jedi order. He learnt of its strengths and its weaknesses as well as the increasing strength of the Progressive minded Jedi.

He knew from his friends memories that Harth had laughed loud and long about that and the fact that due to this change in both his opinion and, Harry was loathe to admit his own, they willingly weakened themselves by divorcing (or at least trying to) emotion from both their acts and themselves.

When Harry looked up again he found something that managed, for the moment, to pull him out of the spiral of his grief and straight into anger which he barely was able to clamp down with his occlumency.

Yoda's accusing eyes.

He met that look with one just as equally accusing. Harry almost verbalised the thought that it was Yoda's fault not his. After all, he thought, if you had not been so backward or timid about emotion and allowed Jedi to fully express themselves without fear of reprisal or condemnation we could have nipped this in the bud before it became an issue.

Still the fact remained that three Jedi were dead with one of them having murdered the other two. The reason Hakk had done that was very simple, like his attack on Master Myec, Hakk had killed Master Lanham only because he feared discovery.

There was no great reason for it, Harry thought mournfully even as tears slipped down his face despite himself, they were both just in the way and therefore had to be removed.

It was all just so senseless.

It was perhaps quite understandable then when, within half an hour of all this happening, Harry was brought to the council for debriefing. That he was both without a trace of his usual humour or his limited patience was ignored or overlooked.

It also didn't help that, in the meantime, he had had the trackers removed and was in a great deal of pain from it.

Standing before them now (less two members as Durvan was absent as well) they seemed so small... so useless in the grand scheme of things. Then again weren't we all in the grand scheme of things? Harry wondered.

Quite a few of the High council Members looked sheepishly at him, not quite meeting his eyes, and having in his absence derided both him and the Traditional Way coming to the collective conclusion (like most sheep) that that was the reason that he had so clearly fallen to the Dark side.

Now they had to eat their own words and backpedal.

Under other circumstances Harry would have found this deeply amusing but instead he just felt mind numbingly tired.

"Knight Potter you have done us a great service" began Grandmaster Coven causing Harry to wince despite himself. "You have not only born ridicule and unjust accusations but you devised a plan to find the real culprit and neutralised them".

Here she paused and cast a withering glance in Yoda's direction before continuing "The majority of the Council, in light of this and your other many contributions, wish to offer you a seat on the council as a Jedi Master. This is a great honour as well as a deep responsibility especially during this time of transition".

Harry cocked an eyebrow as a whole series of alarm bells began ringing in his head.

"A time of transition Master? I'm not sure I understand.."

"We are moving forward as a unified whole" she responded with a decisive tone to her voice. "We have suffered too much disagreement and, having lived through a schism of the Jedi, I will not allow it to continue until it has reached that point again".

"And all of this means?" Harry prodded.

"That we are allowing only Odan-Urr's refinements to be taught as of today. All current Traditional Jedi will be required to use the refinement by Council edict and anyone who does not will never be a Jedi in this Order. Exceptions will be made for the very old as we, as a council, understand that it might be too much for them in their advanced age to adapt to a new system".

"How generous" spat Harry sarcastically "and my role is to what? Be a poster child of the transition showing others how easy it is?" The other Jedi bristled at his accusing tone though Yoda and the Grandmaster remained calm.

"I would not have put it that way" Fae responded softly whilst seeking to calm the Knight in front of her.

"I would" Harry said softly.

With these cold words the atmosphere in the room changed considerably. Where as before there has been a sense of certainty, even one of victory, now the Jedi Masters shifted uncomfortably and were forced to entertain the idea that there may be an ideological war that could tear the Jedi apart.

This possibility frightened them as, despite some of the Masters best efforts, Knight Potter was still loved by many and (especially after defeating Yoda) he was seen as the Traditional Knight which of course was one of the many reasons that they were offering him a seat despite the fact he had never taken a Padawan.

If they could not convert him, came the collective thought, how hard would it be to convince the others?

They were saved going further with that train of thought by the ominous beeping coming from Harry's personal communication device. Harry's face took on a worried look as that particular channel was only used in dire circumstances.

"If you will excuse me for a moment Masters this is my emergency channel and may be something of importance. I will return to you with my answer presently."

If the Council thought that Harry leaving the chamber to take a call was irregular they wisely held their tongues perhaps hoping that when he returned he would be more open to their ideas.

They were sorely mistaken, if his thunderous expression was anything to go by, as he entered the room again a few minutes later.

"Would anyone like to explain to me" Harry began in a soft dangerous and silky tone of voice "why the Jedi Master Durvan was caught snooping… spying... around Cadi without previous verbal or written permission and in direct violation of the Potter Trade Agreement?!"

The Council was stunned to silence with the vehemence in his tone.

When no voices were forthcoming Harry's demeanor became one silken and one full of mock sorrow. "Then it falls to me to pass on the message of my brother Arthur Potter the current head of Potter Industries. The contract is voided, as far as Potter Industries is concerned, as it is the Republic's fault full restitution is required as outlined by the penalty clauses".

A dimmer (Harry thought they were all dim at times) member of the Council snorted at that not realising the implications of that.

"So we buy no more Potter droids. I hardly see the problem" the nameless male Master scoffed.

"The problem dear Jedi" Harry said still in his silken tone of voice " is that all Potter property is being recalled and that, by the terms of the penalty clauses, is everything we have ever loaned, gifted or sold any member of the Republic excluding the speeders sold by Potter's Triumph".

"But the Hospitals! The Schools!... Dear Force the no interest loans made to the Republic" the dim one gasped only to be interrupted by Harry.

"Which are now due back with ten percent interest immediately"

"You will bankrupt the Republic! Why would the negotiators ever agree to such a travesty?"

"You have done that yourselves! As to why they agreed? When my ancestor negotiated the contract he insisted on the harsh penalties for both parties and the activation, on the Republic's part, was only one line that they thought would be easy to avoid. All he wanted was the privacy of his family… and their place of birth to be left alone. That did not seem too much to ask for the negotiators then as he was giving so much in comparison to other agreements and when you factor in that he was representing such a small system when compared to the vastness of the Republic it was easy for them to agree. After all he did not even ask for so much as much as partial membership in the Republic. My own citizenship, if you remember, is conditional on being a Jedi".

He stopped and thought for a moment and then added "Believe me the penalties were positively pedestrian compared to some that the Republic negotiators put in if the Potter family broke the agreement".

"And what were those clauses?" asked Fae generally interested. Master Yoda, on the other hand was silent, obviously lost in thought at this new and unexpected problem.

"Irrelevant as the agreement is now null and void" Harry said simply.

"We will stop you doing any such thing" argued the same dim Jedi further only to pale slightly at Harry's shark like smile.

"So the vaunted fairness of the Jedi and the altruistic noble Jedi Order condones thievery now does it? For shame".

Harry then, seeing that he had the Masters spellbound in shock at his scathing rebuttal continued educating them on the facts of their situation. "Besides it hardly matters if you do try as the penalties are already being acted on and, in the relevant cases, the self destruct command has been sent. As for the buildings that are now in the hands of Potter Industries? They are being demolished as we speak and the land transferred to Potters Triumph, in which my brother is the largest shareholder, for the total amount of one single credit. It's a handy thing having a separate corporate entity isn't it?".

Harry was beginning to get tired explaining the facts of life to these...people. After all on one of the worst days of his life they had effectively dragged him in here, without a care for his obvious grief, and offered him what amounted to a trojan horse so he thought it was time to try and wrap it up.

"On top of that a formal notice has been sent to the Senate detailing exactly how the penalties were activated and by whom" Harry paused as if he had forgotten something. "Oh it has also been sent to every news outlet to be broadcast over the Holonet and, if previous experience teaches us anything, they will be broadcasting the news right now. I think that the Order has enough to deal with right now don't you?".

"But the Republic has done nothing" pleaded Fae interjecting her own viewpoint firmly on the proceedings with a resolute attitude. "Rather it was the Jedi that made the error in judgement".

"Error in judgement indeed" mocked Harry "The Jedi are agents of the Republic even a Youngling knows that. Their agents broke the agreement ergo the Republic has broken the agreement and caused the penalty clauses to be enacted. You also can't plead ignorance as I personally know there is a copy of the agreement in both the Senate Public Law Library and here in the Jedi archives. For that matter ignorance is not a defence nor should it be one that the Jedi Order is making...or have you forgotten the Code? There is no ignorance..".

The Jedi Council were swiftly coming to the conclusion that, as succinct and scathing as William Potter could be, it was much worse when he was angry, grief stricken and in pain.

"As a final thought" Harry added "I personally think you should be very glad that Potters Triumph was set up after the original agreement was signed and not subject to it or you would have lost your speeders too".

"Surely you mean us don't you William?" beseeched Fae with a dawning realisation percolating in the back of her mind "after all you are also a Jedi".

"Once maybe" Harry disagreed. He then slowly unclipped his lightsabers from his belt (he had both placed them there and removed the focusing crystals out in the hallway as he had earned those) and let them fall with a almost unnaturally loud thunk to the ground.

It would be over an hour later and much arguing over who was to blame before they realised they were without crystals though.

Harry would be long gone from their sight by then.

"This Order" Harry continued now glaring openly at them "is at least as responsible for Hakk's death as I am for stabbing him. What's worse is that by your actions, or inactions, a situation arose where you made me kill him for you". If they thought he was done they were wrong as he continued " Apart from violating decades old agreements and my personal dislike for you all I find myself disappointed and amused that any of you would think that I would help usher in the death of the Jedi Order as I know it with a smile on my face. In return I would get what? A token elevation to Master? What a nice and shiny bobble." His spleen was now almost completely vented Harry did not feel like ranting anymore no matter how captivated or uncomfortable his audience had become.

"In case that's not clear to you that's a resounding no on your offer by the way. Please do not add me to the Lost Eighteen as I don't want to be associated with you in any way. Any association would sully me almost as much as the blood you have put on my hands. I will be gone within the hour".

As he turned to leave the Grandmaster seemed to break out of her rant induced stupor and called out to him in shock

"But what of the Republic" she asked trying, possibly, to invoke some sense of duty within him. If that was her plan she realised it had failed, if not by the meaning of his words, then by the acidic tone of his reply.

"You can all go fuck yourselves" was his eloquent and succinct response.

With that the Republic entered into a new Dark Age of trouble and strife that would see people starve, borders shrink and would last over fifty years. Only a few worlds, such as Almania, would be relatively untouched and even in some cases enriched.

Ten minutes later Harry had packed his meager belongings and was turning to leave with them over his shoulder as he was suddenly faced with the last person he wanted to see in that moment.


"So it's true then?" she asked without waiting for any pleasant greetings.

"That I'm leaving?" said Harry "Yeah" Arstonia studied her friend's face for a long moment before her voice turned almost heartbreakingly mournful.

"Why?" she asked and Harry couldn't help but flinch at such a loaded question.

"Lots of reasons" came the reply "Yoda. Knight Lanham's death. The Progressive Movement. The Grandmasters willingness to go along with it all just to name a few".

"And Hakk?" She asked.

"And Hakk" he agreed.

There was a very pregnant pause at that moment. Arstonia seemed to be studying his face as if she could memorise every single detail, from his bright green eyes to his to his messy hair, and then seemed to struggle internally before she abruptly snapped out of the train of thought that she was in.

"I could go with you?" she half commented and half asked.

"You belong with the Jedi" he said simply and he saw her face fall as he said it.

"Is this because of Hakk...his feelings I mean?" she asked softly and his only response was an enigmatic smile.

"Here" he handed her a small disk almost the size of a small plate "If you or your family ever need me or my family...just press the button at the bottom".

"Jedi don't have family" she pointed out.

"They have Padawans and I have no doubt that whoever you choose will not only be a good Jedi but a wonderful person. I suggest passing it to them when they become Knights but that is Jedi business. Not my call".

"I understand" she said softly sounding broken.

Why shouldn't she, thought Harry, one of her friends was dead and another was leaving her life...possibly forever.

"For my part I will always regret that our flirting, our joking, helped send Hakk down his path" he said sadly as he left the room and, by extension her life, without another word.

"It was never a joke to me" she whispered as tears began to slowly fall down her face.

Within minutes Harry was on board the Patience (it was truly his now after all) finally heading home and, having closed the book on his time as the Jedi, feeling a great weight that he hadn't been consciously aware of lift from him.


On the surface Cadi had not changed much in the years that he had been away. His house was still as he left it and both it and it's gardens had been well maintained by the small army of droids that he had instead of a human staff.

When viewing it with his magical senses however Cadi couldn't have been more changed. Before the artificial ley lines on the planet roughly spread out around half the magical saturation that was present on Earth (what with careless industrialisation blocking many of the ley lines on Earth). It was like a soft glow in the back of his mind that most wizards (even himself) were not even aware of and, in fact, it was only when he landed on Dantooine that he first noticed it's absence.

Now, thanks no doubt to the Geo Forge that was consuming and returning slightly more magic than it used with every creation, he did not need his senses to feel the power of his home.

The very air thrummed with it.

Harry may have used the Infinite Empires technology and he may have understood the very basics of it but the makeup of the Geo Forge was still beyond him and probably always would be. He had come to the conclusion however that this excess power generation probably either helped decay of the Empire or caused it out right.

The Infinite Empire fed their Star Forge with the Dark side of the Force and the power of a sun. Given that they must have become riddled with it's toxic energy even if, at some point in their past, it wasn't the only side of the Force that they used.

Harry was never more glad after that conclusion that he chose to feed his Geo Forge with magic instead although it still did have some effect on the world itself.

The grass was an impossibly pure shade of green and the air felt too thick in some ways but it was also not oppressive. If Harry had to think of a word for it he would say that it just felt...good..almost nutritious.

It wasn't that he hadn't thought this, or something like this, would happen eventually it was more the fact that it all happened in the few years that he'd been away.

Then again magic tended to be unpredictable in its raw state (one of the many good reasons why no one since Merlin had tapped a ley line directly). This was how, on Earth at least, dragons, phoenixes, veela and all other magical creatures evolved and the unpredictable nature of it was also one of the many reasons why early wizards began to develop wands and staffs.

Judging from the fact that droid Hermione was coming to meet him directly off his ship rather than wait for him at the house he had a feeling that his surprises were just beginning.

"What is the matter?" He asked as she approached.

"I would not say anything is the matter Master Harry. It is simply that certain things may need your attention".

"Such as?" Asked Harry.

"The Jedi Master demands his immediate release…"

"Of course he does" snorted Harry.

"Indeed. He has been quite annoying about it" Harry was amused that her personality traits were still developing but surely he hadn't heard irritation in her voice? "Aside from him, magic has had an effect on the planets minerals".

"How so?" Asked Harry.

"The local iron has been in imbued by the local magical field. It has now been 'charged' for lack of a better term with magic itself".

"What has that done to the iron exactly?" He asked.

"It is difficult to quantify as magic has never been studied by the Infinite Empire however essentially, aside from being magical, the iron has gained a greater resistance to energy and trauma. It is, in theory, as strong as phrik but it is also over three times lighter despite the fact that the laws of physics disallow that".

"Magic tends to bend physics over and do horrible things to it" muttered Harry.

Their conversation was halted by the playful chasing of a dragon by a phoenix in the sky and, after Harry had watched for a moment, he turned back to Hermione "The breeding programme is a success I see".

"Yes Master Harry. We have been able to breed out the more violent tendencies of the breeds that we have here. Combining that with their unexpected passivity around phoenixes and they are almost positively docile".

She paused for a moment and then continued "There is one matter… many in the Republic are not just refusing to return your property they are actually trying to keep it by force".

"Target the affected units with the firesale protocol and bill the Republic for all the good that it will do. Include a list of perpetrators so that their errant citizens can face the appropriate punishment for theft. Have our initial reparations been interrupted?".

"No Master...though the Republic has managed to put a block on any further penalties we moved too quickly for them to stop the execution of the original Potter Trade Agreements penalties".

Hermione pulled a Master Runestone from a hidden slot in a panel on her leg. All units sold to the Republic had a set of concealed and powered runes next to their internal battery and with a hard press on the corresponding runes on the stone they were activated.

In moments the affected droids were little more than piles of burning scrap as all internal components in them overheated and then melted beyond all usefulness.

Theft, Harry thought, was not to be tolerated.

Harry then sighed and, wanting to get his problems over and done with, quickly said

"Take me to the Jedi".

Master Durvan was not having the best time during his enforced 'holiday' on Cadi and more than that he was mortified at how easily he had been discovered.

He had barely landed on the seemingly droid infested world before he was surrounded by six of them armed with phrik blades that demanded his surrender in their odd synthesised voices.

He had tried to inch his hand slowly towards his lightsaber but, before he could activate it or try for a diplomatic solution from a position of strength, he found blades at his throat.

He still didn't understand how a group of droids could manoeuvre almost as quickly as a Jedi. He did realise that never learning the ionize ability had been an error on his part.

He hadn't even managed to to see a single organic to explain that he was here at the behest of the Jedi Council. When he had tried to explain it to them he was met with the kind of cold silence only droids can produce.

Over his justifiable protests (at least in his mind) they had manhandled him into a pair of manacles and thrown him into a room the size of a broom closet. After that they had, quite aggravatingly, simply guarded him and kept up that cold wall of silence by refusing to answer any of his questions.

He would have been enraged if he knew that, at one time, his accommodations had indeed been a broom closet.

A different droid, one which looked a lot less combative and much more like a protocol droid, even had the audacity to attempt to question him. Him, he thought arrogantly, they thought to question a respected Jedi Master as if he was some common street thug or a hooligan trying to sell death sticks.

Worse yet for the normal fastidious and clean Jedi was the fact that he stank. They had not allowed him to shower (there certainly wasn't one in his cell), his toilet was a bucket and when they had 'escorted' him here they had not only taken away his lightsaber but had placed a Force Suppression Band on his head. For the first time in his life he could not reach into the Force for guidance or even simple comfort.

In short it was terrible as after all a Jedi without the force was a bit like a juggler with no hands.

He didn't notice the primitive wards (Harry found his rune book handy if somewhat outdated) that would act like a force field even if he did somehow manage to overpower his captors. He also didn't know that at present the only organic life form that wouldn't trigger the wards was Harry himself.

He was not worried though as the Council knew where he was and he was sure they would come for him. Then these harassing droids would fully understand the power of a Jedi Master and learn, in the remaining nanoseconds of their lives, why they should always be respected.

As he was daydreaming over exactly how he would destroy these droids over the indignity that he was forced to suffer the door opened and his head snapped up as he fully intended to give the questioning droid a piece of his mind.

Only it wasn't a droid who came through the door but rather the person that (as far as he knew) the entire Republic had been trying to find.

"Potter" he spat. He managed to look up at the fallen Knight with such disgust in his eyes that he was sure the man would quail under the glare.

Infuriatingly all the arrogant boy did was smirk at him.

"What ever is the matter Master?" Potter said with his face a picture of artful innocence and his voice dripping with false concern. "Do you not like your guest quarters?".

"I should have known that you were behind this…. this travesty!" Durvan paused and then sneered "But what else can anyone expect from a murdering Dark Jedi?".

What was it, Harry idly wondered, that made some Jedi so incurably stupid. After all here was the supposed wise Jedi Master, chained and effectively powerless no less, and the first thing that he did was insult him?.

Harry shook his head and then assumed an air of nonchalance.

"Bit behind the times there I'm afraid mate" Harry said conversationally. " It turns out that I am not a murderer or a Dark Jedi after all, in fact, I caught the real murderer in a rather simple trap".

"You deliberately misled the Council" Durvan raged with his vaunted calm absent after his humiliating captivity " you will be punished for this impudence".

"Wow. I honestly thought you didn't know that many big words" Harry replied with venom dripping from his voice "but, I am afraid you are mistaken, the Council or at least Yoda and the Grandmaster did know... the rest of you simply misled yourselves all on your own".

"I don't believe you! Yoda would never…" insisted Durvan.

"I don't really care what you believe" interjected Harry still marveling at how someone who could be considered so wise could really be this dense.

"Regardless" ordered the obtuse Master " as your superior I demand that you release me and see me safe back to the Temple".

"My superior?" Harry chuckled "Hardly. Though I am sure that both the Jedi and the Senate want you back considering how you are responsible for the largest financial crisis in the Republic in over eight hundred years".

Seeing Durvan gobsmacked caused Harry to chuckle even harder and Durvan to redden in anger and embarrassment. " Did you not think of the agreement you were breaking in coming here or did you simply not care?" Harry let that idea sink in for a moment. "Besides which I am no longer a Jedi".

Harry had to give the dunce some credit as he recovered quite quickly from that news.

"The Jedi have right of way throughout the Republic and can go where they please" Durvan's sneer, which had faltered for a moment, returned in full force. "Though I am glad that the Jedi have finally seen through you and thrown you out".

"To start with the most important point... we are not in the Republic we are in fact in my home. No agent of the Republic is allowed or is welcome here. You also have it wrong Master as your beloved Council didn't ask me to leave and, in fact, they even offered me a seat on their oh so illustrious body. I. Left."

Harry shrugged but continued on over Durvan's gobsmacked expression "Still I will send you home presently. There is just one thing to do first…"

"And what is that?" Durvan asked heatedly.

"To administer your punishment" Harry responded coldly.

As Harry began to move forward his hands began to glow an ominous golden colour. After much trial and error Harry was glad that he had finally mastered this particular gift. Oddly enough, for him, it required him to summon and then balance rage and serenity. It had the downside of leaving him feeling oddly detached after its use.

Durvan wasn't completely stupid as he recognised what Harry was doing and began to feel fear even as the former Jedi continued his approach.

"No Potter…. you can't" he screeched " I am a Jedi Master... you can't do this!".

His protests did nothing to stop Harry as he, almost lovingly, reached up to the struggling Jedi Master's head and in a swift movement pulled his glowing hands away ripping the Force from Durvan and permanently blocking his access.

"Why?" Sobbed Durvan truly heartbroken though Harry, in his current state, found it hard to care one way or the other.

"Because you invaded my home" Harry responded with his voice colder than the arctic. "It is also a warning to the other Jedi as to what will happen to them if they trespass uninvited".

Perhaps Harry should not have done it but, after everything that Jedi had cost him and the deaths of both Hakk and Orion, he found that he had little to no sympathy for the Jedi before him.

It may be the case that Yoda or the Grandmaster could repair the damage, Harry thought, maybe not. Either way he could tell from the broken demeanor of Durvan that he would never return.

Besides it's not as if the Jedi would retaliate, Harry mused, as they would be trying to survive the backlash of nearly bankrupting the Republic for many years as well as repairing their all time low image among the populace.

The Senate itself would also tow the line thanks to some very prominent bought and paid for Senators.

Sometimes greed was good.

Besides Harry had other things to worry about beyond the Republic and the Jedi. One was his Force Vision and the other was finding the twisted son of a bitch that has corrupted his friend.

Less than a week later the Jedi Master was returned, unceremoniously, in a almost derelict ship, to the main landing pad of the Jedi Temple with a succinct note about trespassers and their punishments. The fact that he was escorted by twelve JK droids was beside the point.

Thanks to Harry's Senators, before the Jedi could even object, he was taken into custody over the crippling financial crisis that now so wounded the Republic.

It was clear who the Senate was going to blame, after all, as although it was deeply corrupt what passed for justice in the Senate was remarkably swift.

The fact that the former Jedi turned prisoner was cut off from the Force and neither Yoda nor the Grandmaster herself could fix it was not mentioned although it was an open secret.

Jedi Council Chambers

"We are, regrettably, unable to do anything about the 'Cadi' problem as you so eloquently put it Master Shano" said the Grandmaster sharply looking into the eyes of both the newest Jedi Master and Yoda's newest acolyte.

"But why Master?" Pressed the young human while ignoring, or missing, the quelling look that Yoda was sending her. She was young, at least to Fae, being only forty. Then again, she mused, youth was a relative term.

"Aside from the Republic being almost bankrupt you mean and by our actions no less?" She fixed the girl with a cold look. "We have broken the Potter Trade Agreement on the Republic's behalf. Do not think that we are universally loved for that alone. Justice in the Republic, especially in this case, is not even in our purview even if we could get sanction from the Senate to act. That, of course, will never happen as much as we are distrusted (some would say hated) William Potter is still beloved. After all it was his brother Arthur, not him, who enforced the penalties in the contract and it was Master Durvan who made that possible".

"But…" she interjected, still under her mentor Yoda's watchful gaze, only to be verbally slapped down by the Grandmaster.

"William Potter's powers are not new. There is no evidence of the Dark side of the Force, nor is he even a member of the Republic anymore. The only thing that I will do" she hastily added " is to declare Cadi off limits to any and all Jedi. I believe that we have done enough there for several lifetimes".

We also, she added in her mind, lost a great Jedi to the hubris of others. She did still find herself wondering if Yoda's way was the right way but, she had chosen her course and would stick to it.

In her heart she wished one of the most talented Jedi and her friend the best.

Goodbye William and good luck she thought.


Harry on the other hand was not missing the Jedi as he was simply far too busy.

It had been three months now since he had experienced his Force Vision and he had puzzled out, aside from leading the Jedi, one important fact.

Cadi had to change. Not just Cadi but the entire System itself.

What had started off as a personal retreat and centre of business on Cadi would have to be expanded and turned into a fully functioning world. Harry wasn't sure what the darkness in his vision was but, he did know that he wished to save as many from that as he could, if he could.

To that end, though parts of the planet would still be reserved for magical creatures such as dragons and breeding phoenix's, he had planned ( and was now using droids to construct) a large city with his former home being in the centre.

His home also underwent modification. He had ordered it expanded into what might one day be the centre of government as well as the place that he lived. Structurally that meant adding wings to each side as well as twin soaring towers, one of which would hold his private living area, one would hopefully be where the new Government's Council would meet.

In a fit of sentimentality he called the city New Atlantis. He could have called it anything but, although Camelot was more revered especially in Britain, Atlantis was the original home and safe haven for Wizardkind.

He hadn't stopped there though.

Though the Infinite Empire had not been as adept at it as the Celestial's before them they had experimented and developed machines to move planets within individual solar systems. He had used this to move Cadi 3 and Cadi 4 to within roughly the same orbit as Cadi 1 and, more importantly, to within the Goldilocks zone itself.

He had then, using temporary biodomes on both worlds as well as judicious use of his cloning cylinders, taking the final month to start the magical ritual on both worlds and, although they would have no Geological Forge at their heart, magic would build over time.

He had also given orders to specialist worker droids to improve both the atmosphere and the fauna to make them both fully sustainable for any life that lived there. It would take many years for that to be fully realised but time was something he had.

He could almost see New Atlantis now, rising almost majestically from the earth that was set aside for it, its gleaming buildings made from locally sourced (and magically enhanced) marble.

It would be quite a sight.

The one place that he did not have much to do was with Cadi's moon as it turned out that being so close to Cadi had begun to imbue the moon with whispers of magic and, although Harry did help it along some, it required very little actual terraforming. In fact, in terms of magical presence, it was shaping up to be the closest to Cadi of them all.

The final planet of the system was Cadi 5 (the gas giant) and Harry had a surprise planned for any unwelcome visitors hidden on it's far out depths.

Harry intended for the entire moon to be a city, much like Coruscant, so that any large population could live there while helping to maintain the delicate balance between urbanisation and the creatures living on Cadi itself.

The final thing Harry did was to rename the planets (and the moon) themselves as it seemed ridiculous to him to have numerical numbers for planets that were both now sharing similar orbits and, for that matter, out of order anyway.

Cadi 2 had long lost that designation as, at least in Harry's mind, it was a factory and had therefore simply been renamed The Factory. He did however add permanent bio domes over it's surface for when, or even if, organic life began to work there.

Thus Cadi 1,3,4 and Cadi's moon became Spero, Clipeum, Mollitiam and Fide respectively as, not only were the names apt, it amused him to use latin to name them.

Cadi 5 kept its name but lost its number as there would never be anyone living on it.

That is not to say that Harry did not receive a surprise or two as, during a long Holocall to Almania, he had no more than mentioned the fact that he had left the Jedi and was terraforming his planets for more people before Tor Dalon had sent almost nine thousand of his people to Harry as colonists.

These people had all worked off world and, although Almania was easily weathering the financial storm of the Senate, they were both without a job and purpose.

Spero provided both.

They quickly made the budding New Atlantis their home and sped up the building of the city considerably.

They were also, Harry was pleased to see, led by Kalo Lak. His once enemy turned friend had thickened a little around the middle and had grey hair now but was still possessed of that work ethic that soldiers seem to have in spades.

They truly did seem to meet each other at the strangest of times, thought Harry, though this was a good surprise.

Though Harry would have loved to enjoy the unexpected reunion he, once again, left his home in the capable hands of Holodroids masquerading as his 'brother' under the direction of droid Hermione and took off in the Patience with ten JK droids and twenty five fist sized recon drones.

He had debts to pay and he owed Sett Harth the largest one of all.