🎧 Venomous by Swim
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"You are a low born," Thalassa screamed. "How can you be this,"
"Strong?" I mocked. "My father was part of the elite personal dam guard of Empress Cassandra Wintergrave, Thalassa spawn, he was stronger than your entire family together, in combat and in magical quotient. Or do you think the previous Imperials, the true rulers of the Empire, had weak people at their side? Get over yourself, your Kings and Queen only managed to kill them, because they ganged up on the two in a group of fourteen, and used the coward assassination of their 4-year-old son and their 2-year-old daughter against them. And,"
"Silence!" The headmaster ordered, and I was instantly unable to utter a word again. Not because of a rare magic, but because she's just that intimidating. "Don't be arrogant, Davina, you haven't passed the tests yet."
This forcing-silence shit is getting on my nerves. I hate being the one to get silenced like this, it's disrespectful. I am me, damn it.
"Now, we'll began the first step of the test, in which 15 kids of each age will be picked up," with a snap of her fingers more magical spheres than I can count were summoned above us, and with a move of her hands they separated, being one above of each of us, like, a meter above our head. "Do not worry, those stones cannot be tempered with. They will remain white if you are not chosen and become red if you are. And though it's incredibly rare and only happened like, thrice ever since the academy founding, and never in the Choosing, there's also the black color, that means you are very different kind of gifted."
"Any questions?" The arrogant bastard asked, looking at me.
Nobody said anything, so, I rose my hand, and everyone around me cursed, as if done with my shit. In fact, even the headmaster cursed, as if she did not want to hear my voice at all. Only Greg didn't, now that he's back to my side, and of course, the arrogant bastard didn't either, it was as if he wanted me to ask something, as if he made the question for me. Which is weird, and I must be imagining it, since he has no reasons for that.
"Speak, Davina. But about this, nothing else," she exclaimed.
Oh, she's annoyed. Fuck it, I am too. "What if I get black?"
The entire crowd present, students and Choosing contestants and staff of WIA, were divided into either mocking laughing at my audacity or at staring at me as if I was an alien with purple fucking skin, eight eyes, and a big bald spot in the crown of my head, with an arrow tattoo in my skull like the Air Benders in Avatar, a famous animation I liked to watch back in the human realm.
"Pardon me?" The headmaster chuckled in shock.
"What if I get black?" I pointed my finger to the stone above me.
"Look… Davina, was it?" She scoffed. "I just told about the black stone for reference, not because one of you could possibly get it. It's been generations since it last happened, and it won't happen now, don't worry."
That made the ones who were glaring, starting to mocking me too. But I ignored all of them, I ignored her mockery, and turned my eyes to him who was staring intensively at me, as if amused I had the guts to ask that. "That was not an answer to the question, with all due respect, it was a very mockingly diversion. You asked if anyone had a question, so you should take it seriously given the seriousness of Wintergrave Imperial Academy, no? So, I'll ask again. What if I get black? What would happen?"
"That's absurd," the headmaster began.
But he spoke above her, "You would be accepted, and take a spot into the 11 free spots for the 22-year-olds, without having to go through any of the other tests, and leaving the other 14 kids to compete for the 10 spots."
How amusing. "Is that the case?" I asked the headmaster.
She glared at him as if she wanted to kill, but he didn't even spare her a look, which definitely makes him the most audacious Fae existent. "Yes," she hissed. "However, don't get your hopes up, that will not happen."
"I thought you had power over light magic, not time magic."
Her eyes glared at me, "Excuse me?"
"You shouldn't underestimate people like me, White Dove."
She turned pale, ashen pale, "What did you just called me?"
I moved my lips to say White, but I only said Dove, but I knew that would sound different to her, "Dove, you're not my headmaster yet, and you are as much of a stranger to me as I am to you. Isn't that your name?"
"You are acting to arrogant for someone who hasn't even passed all the Choosing tests yet, Davina," she exclaimed angered and I didn't flinch. "Just because you're the strongest magic-wise in this Choosing, it doesn't mean you will get a black stone."
"So, I am the strongest?" I smiled widely, but with no teeth.
Ah, if she could kill me with her eyes, I would be dead right now. I mean, I wouldn't, but it would be a close call in experience. I am immortal after all, but I'm not stupid enough to think the worse one could suffer is death, because I know for a fact that it ain't.
"That's not all that we take into consideration, the tests will decide who will take the spot," she exclaimed, annoyed with me.
"Is that it? Or are you just trying to throw me aside, so you could temper with the tests and make so all the fallen nobles would take the spot?" I mocked, hitting where it hurts, and she fully glared at me with death in her eyes, her face turning hideous with anger. "Besides, only nobles could be Knights for the Empress and the Emperor, or maids, hence that, I am of noble blood. Way more noble than those garbage kids like Thalassa. At least my parents didn't run scared, they stayed and fought for the Empress, very different from their parents who died in the crossfire and not fighting for what was right."
"Stop bringing you the past," she yelled. "It means nothing. It will change nothing. They are all dead, the dead cannot come back."
"Is that what you tell yourself?" I couldn't help it.
And clearly neither could she because she summed a light swords and pointed it to me, and though I didn't flinch, everyone freaked out with her lack of control, probably, or with how she's letting a young girl like me, get under her skin. But then the arrogant bastard used some kind of dark magic to destroy her sword. "Do not touch her," he hissed. "She's a civil."
"Since when do you care about that?" She yelled.
"I owe no explanations to you, Dove Di Angelo," he said instead.