⁰³⁰ | Auradoom Quiz

Mass release: 16/17


🎧 Bad Feeling (Oompa Loompa) by Jagwar Twin

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Username ─ Vina Witchelm🌘

Full Name:

Davina Ivor-Witchelm.

Social Status:

Fallen noble, orphan of the Imperial Usurpation.

Birth Date:

June 28th of 94798 of the Imperial Calendar.

Hour of Birth:

02:22 am.


22 years old.

Moon of Birth:

Eclipse of the blood crescent moon.

WIA Year:

Year 18.

WIA House:

Stupid question, if I'm from year 18, I'm from the Crow House.

Favorite Colors:

Coincidentally, dark red and black.

WIA Year of Enrollment:

94820 of the Imperial Calendar.

WIA Manner of Enrollment:

The Choosing.


1st out of the 22-year-olds.



Reason of Choosing Enrollment:

I'm an orphan.

Orphanage You Were At:

Violet Winter. But I don't recommend it to anyone, unless you enjoy torture and starvation.


Lucian Witchelm and Isolde Ivor.

Type of Union:

Mates, also married.

Parental Social Status:

Late Nobles.

Father Occupation:

Late Empress' Personal Knight.

Mother Occupation:

Late Empress' Maid in Waiting.


None, I'm an only child.

Do You Have Godparents?

Yes, I used to.


Late Empress Cassandra Wintergrave.


Late General Olivier Bouchard.

Awakening Age:

3 years old.

Basics Master:

Late General Olivier Bouchard of the Late 1st Imperial Division.

Do You Possess Any Elemental Magic?

Yes, I'm an Avatar.

Which Ones? On the Order of Intensity.

Fire, Water, Air, Earth.

Do You Possess Any Deviant Elemental Magic?


Which Ones? On the Order of Intensity.

Thunder, Ice, Sound.

Do You Possess Any Psyche Magic?


Which Ones? On the Order of Intensity.

Telekinesis, Memory, Empathy.

Do You Possess Any Transcendental Magic?


Which Ones? On the Order of Intensity.

Spatial, Weather.

Do You Possess Any Mineral Magic?


Which Ones? On the Order of Intensity.

Gems, Metal, Gold.

Do You Possess Any Natural Magic?


Which Ones? On the Order of Intensity.

Poison, Decay.

Do You Possess Any Corrupted Magic?


Which Ones? On the Order of Intensity.

Blood, Darkness.

Do You Possess Any Spiritual Magic?


Which Ones? On the Order of Intensity.

Aura, Projection.

Do You Possess Any Divine Magic?


Which Ones? On the Order of Intensity.

Healing, Fertility Induction.

First Friend Made:

Imperial Crowned Princess Ravenna Devika Wintergrave.

Last Friend Made:

Rose (born Mitsumi) Kishimoto and Gregory Mitsumi (also soon to be Kishimoto).

Best Friend Made:

Ravenna, my oldest friendship, my only childhood friend alive, and the one I'm the most loyal to in my life.

Biggest Loss:

The assassination of my family in the Usurpation, in front of me.

Unforgettable Experience in Your Life:

The 7 years that I spent locked in the human realm, from the time I was 7 to 14 years old, unforgettable.

An Experience You Want to Forget:

My time being abused and starved in the Violet Winter orphanage.

Political View:

Imperialist, for the ones who should be rightfully on the throne.

What Political House is Your Loyalty At?

Wintergrave, the only valid one.

Historical Event You'd Change If You Could:

Dumb question. The Imperial Usurpation, of course.

Which God Do You Worship?

If being immortal makes her a Goddess, then Ravenna Wintergrave, because she became immortal the second she stole and drank the immortality dew that was made by the union of the God of Death with the Usurpers, and came to be after they murdered her entire family. Which I know because I saw it happening. When even Gods can die, she cannot, so she's my Goddess.

Which God Were You Raised to Worship?

The God of Death, ain't that funny? That definitely came back to bite me and Ravenna in the ass. Now we're haunted by him.

If You Were a God(dess) What Would You Do?

I would make the bloodline of the Kings and Queens in the power of the Empire, the ones involved with the Usurpation, vanish from existence and I would also destroy their souls if I could, so they wouldn't even get a chance of rebirth. I would also give a satisfying beating on the God of Death, for fucking with me the Wintergrave. Then I would kill the God of the Skies, because he's a petty slut, who loves messing with shit he shouldn't.

What Kind of God(dess) Would You Like to Be?

The Goddess of Doom, Revenge, and Eternity.

If You Could Choose When to Die, When Would It Be?

During some crazily good pleasure section.

If You Could Choose How to Die, How Would It Be?

Strangled sounds nice.

If You Could Choose Who to Die For, Who Would It Be?


If You Could Choose Who to Kill You, Who Would It Be?

The one who's able to phenomenally overpower me.

For How Long Do You Think You Will Live?

I'm unable to count that.

How Long Do You Want to Live?

Until I kill everyone who took something from us, with Ravenna.

Do You Fear Death?

Death means seeing my family again, so Death is welcomed to me.

Do You Fear the Wrath of the Gods?

No, let them succumb to wrath like I have. They deserve it.

Do You Fear Anyone?

The only one I fear is myself.

Do You Fear Losing Somebody?

How could I, when I already lost everyone? +, Ravenna can't die.

Do You Fear Anything?

Why would I, when fears only brings us down and out of focus?

Do You Fear Any Animal?

The one dormant beneath my skin.

What's Your Worse Fear?

Losing my family, but it already happened during the Usurpation.

An Underestimation About You:

That I'm an easy prey, when I'm the predator.


Is this a joke? Fae, obviously. Do you even accept students that are not fae in this hell of an academy?


Same as my mom.

Star Sign:

Is this Rose's doing? I think I'm a Cancer, not sure.

Are You Celestially Bonded to Anybody?

For as far as I know, yes.

To Whom?

Ravenna Wintergrave.

Since When?

Since we were 5 years old.

Blood Type:

Negative O.

A Saying:

Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath.

Do You Have a Mate?


Do You Want to Find Your Mate?

I don't know.

Are You Trying to Find Your Mate?

No, I might not have one.

If You Pick Someone You Know to Be Your Mate, Who'll It Be?

Hypothetically speaking? I still have no idea.

Do You Believe in the Mating Bond?

Stupid question, yes.

Have You Ever Dreamed of Having a Mate?

Before I lost everything in the Usurpation, I used to be a dreamer.

Would You Accept the Mating Bond with Someone You Hate?

Depends on why I hate the person to begin with.

Would You Be Okay Mating the Last Person You Kissed?

Bold of you to assume I ever kissed anybody. But yes, I would be fine mating that person, if it was the case, which ain't.

Have You Ever Kissed?

Ain't this ambiguous with the question above? Who made these?

Have You Ever Been in Love?


Have You Ever Dated?

What do you consider dating?

Have You Ever Dated Seriously?

Bitch, I'm only 22.

Are You in Love Right Now?

I don't see how this concerns anybody but me.

What's the Difference of Being in Love and Loving Someone?

Being in love is momentarily, loving someone ain't.

Are You in a Romantic Relationship?

Thankfully, no.

How do You Feel About Dating?

To me dating is a modern word for courting and shouldn't last that long, as it's supposed to be a leather for marriage, which for our kind, should only be done if you're mated to the other person. Otherwise, you are just losing your time with someone that ain't yours, and withholding them from their mate as well as withholding yourself from yours. Unless you don't believe in the mating bond, which automatically categorizes you as phenomenally stupid.

Would You Date Someone Who Isn't Your Mate?

Read my reply to the question above.

A Song That Comes to Your Mind When You Think of Love:

Same Old Love by Selena Gomez, you won't know, it's humane.

Would You Be with Someone Without Dating Them?


What do You Think About Sex?

Is this censored for the minors? Because what the fuck?