The Viscount

"Miss, I seem to have scared you off." The man said, offering his hand for help.

Akeelah, on the other hand, could not take her eyes away from the man. He has these mesmerizing blue eyes, almost the same shade as the sky.

He looked at her worried. "Have you sprained your ankle? May you allow me to carry you back to be treated, miss."

"Oh! No-no, don't bother. I can totally walk it off, sire." She said attempting to stand, though she could stand she felt stinging on her leg.

Noticing her ached face. He lifts her up, carrying her. "Please allow it, miss."

Akeelah's face was red. "Please put me down, I-I'm really alright." She continued to convince him to put her down but it seemed to have no effect.

The chances of her getting seen by her mother increases, everyone would be looking at them and so will her mother.

"Wait!" She shouted, then the man stopped. "Rumors might form seeing you carrying a lady, wouldn't your wife or betrothed get upset about this matter?"

'Please think about it!' She thought, pleading the man with her eyes to convince him to just let her go.

A smile was painted on her face. "I have neither of those miss, if rumors started to arise need not to worry I will clear your name."

This time, Akeelah just gave up. There is no use trying to convince this man to put her down, she has no ideas left in mind.

As they approached the grand tent bearing the Viscount's crest, Akeelah felt a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity. The man carrying her was a mystery, and she was eager to learn more about him. The tent's opulence was apparent even from the outside, with richly embroidered fabric and guards posted at the entrance.

Upon entering, the interior of the tent was just as luxurious, with plush chairs, ornate tables, and an array of medical supplies laid out on a side table. The man gently set her down on a velvet-covered chaise lounge.

Akeelah winced as she adjusted her position. "Thank you, sire, but really, you didn't need to go to all this trouble."

He ignored her protest and called out to a servant. "Fetch the physician immediately."

Akeelah looked around, trying to distract herself from the throbbing pain in her leg. As she looked around, this tent was surely luxurious that not even her Father could afford.

Moments later, a physician arrived and began examining Akeelah's leg. As he worked, the man who had carried her watched closely, his concern evident.

"You're kind enough to help a stranger like me, sir. I do apologize for troubling you, I'm sure you're in the middle of competing for this year's hunting expedition." Akeelah said, trying to make conversation to ease her discomfort.

He looked at her with those mesmerizing blue eyes and smiled again. "It's hardly an inconvenience. I couldn't leave a lady in distress."

The physician finished wrapping her ankle and looked up. "It's just a minor wound, miss. Rest and you'll be fine."

"Thank you," Akeelah replied, feeling a bit more at ease.

The man helped her sit up properly, his touch gentle but firm. "Does it still pain you?"

Shaking her head, Akeelah managed to smile. "Thanks to you sire, the pain has gone away. But then, may I ask for your name sire?"

"Nevan Kole Duven, Viscount of Thalmore miss." Her jaw could almost fall. The signs were already right before her yet she did not notice.

Akeelah's eyes widened in surprise. "I had no idea. I do apologize for taking your time again My Lord,"

Nevan waved off her apology. "Think nothing of it, I was the one who had caused you to run off and trip. It is only natural for a gentleman to hold responsibility."

Akeelah felt her cheeks warm again, a mix of gratitude and embarrassment flooding her senses. "Thank you, Lord Duven, I will forever be indebt to your kindness."

Lucien inclined his head. "It was my pleasure, miss. If you need anything further, please do not hesitate to ask."

As she sat there, processing the events and the identity of her rescuer, Akeelah couldn't help but feel a strange connection to the Viscount. His unexpected kindness and the way he had taken charge left a lasting impression on her.