Facts or Rumors

As they continued their tour, Zoe couldn't help but comment, "What is with you and the Viscount, Akeelah? The two of you seemed rather close at some point."

"I thought so too! Though, I must say, the two of you look good together," Brianne added, only to receive a disapproving glare from Zoe.

Akeelah sighed, looking a bit weary. "The Viscount is a very good man. I doubt he would ever stoop so low as to be with me. Besides, the three of us are already renowned as spinsters."

"What? A good man, you say? I highly doubt that," Zoe reprimanded, with a sharp tone. "I've heard he is a fearsome General, notorious for killing anyone who stands in his way. He slaughtered hundreds of people in the war just four years ago after he succeeded in getting the title following the late Viscount's death."

Akeelah's eyes widened at Zoe's words. "Really? I had no idea," she murmured, the image of the kind man who had helped her clash with the ruthless warrior Zoe described.

Zoe nodded, her expression serious. "Yes, it's true. His reputation on the battlefield is terrifying. People say his name alone can strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. It's hard to imagine that image with the man who was so gentle with you."

"Although both my Father and Elder Brother did participate with the war at that time, the Viscount was far more than fearsome that the both of them combined. I cannot even imagine myself how he slayed the enemies on the battlefield for him to receive such reputation." Zoe added, making Akeelah even more troubled at the thought.

Brianne, sensing the tension, tried to lighten the mood. "Well, regardless of his past, he was kind to Akeelah. Maybe there's more to him than just the fearsome General the ton talks about."

Akeelah appreciated Brianne's attempt to find a middle ground. "Yes, perhaps you're right, Brianne. People are often more than just to whom they appear. I suppose we shouldn't judge him solely on rumors and his responsibility as a general himself."

Zoe still looked unconvinced but decided to let the matter rest for now. "Just be careful, Akeelah. The world that we live in is filled with deception and danger."

Akeelah nodded thoughtfully. "I will, Zoe. Thank you for looking out for me."

"Uh, I'm starving. Where can we buy food around here? I think I have heard my cousin talk about the academy's cuisine, I'd like to have a try myself now that we're here." Brianne mentioned, soon after her tummy grumbled.

The three of them shared a good laugh. "I think I know the way there, let's make haste before Brianne eats us herself." Zoe joked.

"I wonder how that place would look." Akeelah ponders before Brianne grabs her by the arm and starts to walk.

"You'll definitely know the answer to that once we get there, not chop chop! We need to get there as we tour around the place as well."

Akeelah giggles. "Alright, lead the way Zoe before I do break my arm from Brianne's grip."

As they walked through the grand halls of the academy, Akeelah couldn't help but think about the Viscount. The conflicting images of the kind man who had helped her and the fearsome General painted by Zoe's words clashed in her mind. She resolved to keep her distance but couldn't shake the curiosity and intrigue he had sparked within her.

The rest of their tour was filled with lively discussions about the academy, its history, and the beautiful architecture. They ate various snacks despite getting a lot of gaze from students at the academy. They laughed and marveled at the sights, putting aside their worries and enjoying each other's company.

When they finally left the academy, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape. Akeelah felt a sense of contentment, despite the earlier information she had grasped on. She had learned something new about her friends and had a memorable experience at the academy.

As they parted ways, she couldn't help but wonder if she would cross paths with the Viscount again and what she might discover about him alone without the title he carries nor the responsibility he has to partake in.