Prince pial was silent for some minutes.

And prince Yoon held his hand. "Brother! You want to hide things from me. And if it's your choice, then why would mother reject your opinion. Tell me whatever you like, so far it's not against our culture or religion or the kingdom premises, then l promise that I will do it for you. Even if I couldn't then l will help you get it" he uttered, still looking at him.

"I know brother. But mother deserve our care and attention".

And prince Yoon smiled. "It's our duty. But following our hearts is our principle. Your peace rely on your trust. If you cannot trust yourself then believe me, you're not worthy a warrior. At times you should be scared of your choice, thinking it might be a hard decision for your people but maybe that's your rightful destiny. Tell me, what is it?" Asked prince Yoon again.

Prince pial released a hard breath and kept silence for some minutes before he spoke, "brother! There's a girl I saw".

"Really!" Exclaimed prince pial in excitement. And he added, "strange you are bro. While some people are trying to get a false story of love. You have gotten yours and yet feel scared to tell. You're a wonder. Tell me, who's she and where's she from?"

"She's no one believe me. And she is living with her family at Heoro village".

Prince Yoon smiled and held his hand, trying to speak, "to me, that's not a problem. I ... Really know mother and her habits of not liking this kind of alliance but be strong and make sure that whatever will happen, neither you nor her should surrender. You have to face challenges but if you keep patience, then you will succeed. There's no need to be scared. And I wish one day I will be able to see your dream. As for now, let's take things easy. We have guests so we don't speak about this until the right time came. Now let's go, I think the guests are almost here".

That's when the servant, Swed arrived and bow to them before he speaks, "Sir, the queen has summoned you".

"Has the guests arrived yet?" Asked Yoon.

And Swed answered, "yes Sire. The queen and the court members awaits you".

"We are coming" said prince pial.

And Swed left.

 Ixan was practicing sword training in her training palace. Around the tent, it was so quiet and peace. As she flashes the sword in the air, prince pial and his words during their conversation keeps roaming in her heart. She strongly held the sword tight, looking at her front. And she swiftly smash it down, breathing in.

 While in the kingdom of keswick, many elite visitors together with the distinguish guests has arrived. Prince pial, prince Yoon and Lihan were stood in front of the royal house together with queen lisha. As they are waiting for the guests.


Lihan looked at prince pial and smiled silently.

"What's your target now your majesty?" Asked prince pial as he was still looking at the gate entrance to the kingdom.

And Lihan laughed and said, "no clue and no glee. I was just imagining. What a great guests! For all of us here we're standing for the princess of Wyoming. She must have been so majestic".

"I don't know. Mother said that Wyoming kingdom is the second greatest land apart from keswick. Princess Nar is my childhood friend. A few years ago when we were young her parents used to brought her here as she visited the queen. They're quite good people" said prince pial.

And Lihan looked at him and sounded, "included prince Yoon?"

As prince pial nodded his head. 

"Wow! You mean ..." Lihan was about to finish his statement, they heard the horn sounds of the horses. 

And they all paid attention to the soldiers entering the kingdom on their horses. There are twenty seven soldiers including a main horse with a lady in golden-yellow color long dress. The lady has covered her face with a transparent veil of her dress. After they had entered inside the kingdom, they halt in front of queen lisha and her people. And queen lisha looked back at prince pial as he generously walked to the lady. And he carefully helped her got down the horse.

As princess Nar keeps looking at him. And she sounded in a sweet kind of voice, "thank you prince pial. You haven't change at all from the times I used to visit here. Moreover, you are more handsome than the report suggested".

Prince pial smiled and utter, "you're highly welcome princess. Please come". He kindly held her hand as they walked to where the queen stood with the family and the court members.

Queen lisha smiled and sounded, "people of keswick! I am so glad to announce you the good news today. With the arrival of the great princess of Wyoming who has been our special guest and the future queen of keswick. Generously it's time for changes in keswick. And aspiring of great succession to us for having a new term with the kingdom of Wyoming. The term for a fix of allience of my niece and the prince of keswick, Pial Georgia and the Princess of Wyoming, Nar Qiong!".

Not only prince pial, both Lihan and prince Yoon has rages in surprised and wonder. 

'So this is the plan all along' whispered prince pial in his heart. As his hands shievered while held with princess Nar's hand.

And princess Nar looked at him and asked, "my Lord! Is everything alright? Are you okay?"

Perhaps prince pial shook his head. "No, it's alright. I am fine" he answered and faked a smile. 

And queen lisha continue her speeches fluently.

"Let's celebrate and await the kingdom for fixing the date and time of the wedding. We're giving a highly welcome to you and your people, Princess Nar Qiong. And we hope that you'll be please to stay with us until the time for marriage. Welcome everyone and let's celebrate" queen lisha end her speeches fluently and the whole people cheers and clapped their hands. And the kingdom family moved inside the palace.

Ding was in his room, eating dinner. It is a fried meat with tomato soup. At that time, Ixan returned home. She kept her sword in its scabbard before she moved to his room.

"With respect father!" Exclaimed ixan delightfully.

And Ding turned back with smile on his face. And he also responded, "hello my dear ixan. Come inside and have dinner with me".

"Yah sure father" answered ixan and she entered the room. She moved inside and sat close to him. "How are you father?" She asked again, looking at him with concerned.

Ding swallowed the food of his mouth before he replied, "never mind. I just wanted to know how's this good girl of mine. How was your training? I hope it goes classic".

"Yes and vividly".

"What does that mean?"

"Father! Today I met the queen of Keswick".

Ding stopped eating and looked at her curiously. "How?"

And ixan added, "no, don't worry yourself father. There's no any problem. She is a good woman. I never thought I will see her in my life. She was such a humble and respectful queen l have ever seen".

Ding's face changed. He took a few worried moments before he continue eating the food. "And why did she meet you?" He asked with his head down.

"She didn't intentionally meet me. On their path here they met with a dangerous beast. Their lives are in danger and if l leave them, none of them will live. That's why I helped them. I didn't do anything wrong father, believe me. She even gave me some money but I refuse to collect it. You have told me to always be generous to people. l will not let them die while I can save them. Am I not right father" said ixan and she placed her hands on Ding's.

Ding smiled and raised up his head. Then he responded, "you are a good daughter ixan. And you did the right thing on this part. The only thing I would like you to know is, what's between you and prince pial doesn't matter to the queen. You have to be humble and hold yours and your family's dignity. Do you understand?"

"I do understand father" answered ixan politely. And she placed her head on his chest.

 "I am so much honored to be here again after a long time ago when I visited with my mom" said princess Nar delightfully as she was discussing with queen lisha.

Queen lisha smiled. She drank a juice from a glass cup and dropped. Then she responded, "that was a long time princess Nar. I hope you are comfortable with the chambers and our palace?"

"It's been a great pleasure your highness. Servant Jesus has told me that you had an accident on your way to tour. How's your health now your highness?" Responded princess Nar with curious.

"I am absolutely fine, don't worry. We have face a lot of troubles but thank God we're safe. Have you seen how that beast react? It's surely a miracle".

"It's been a long time I have a beast in my life. Since the time of Wyoming war".

"So you want to see it again?" Asked queen lisha again, funnily.

And princess Nar laughed and utter, "ah! God forbid. I don't want to see it ever. Then how did you save your people your highness?"

"When it frisk my sight, l couldn't think sharp so it stroked my back and I fell. I tried to raise and at that instance a young lady appeared before us. She fought it and killed it instantly. She was in action like a warrior man. She was perfect with the sword".

"A great warrior lady. You should have brought her to keswick. She will be so useful to you and your people. If I were you, l will have appointed her as my bodyguard and with permanent contract".

"I also like to, but she cannot come with us".

"That's not how it works. Your highness, you must be vigilant to your people. That will make them trust you more".

"You don't understand. She's different from the other girls you knew. She doesn't even accept my gift, how can I won her heart to come here. I just thought she was good with her family and not here. She really cares for them".

"How I wish I will see her. Then tell me your highness, how are the families and everyone? I missed them all".

"They're all good".

They kept quiet for a short while before queen lisha asked, "what are you thinking princess Nar?"

"I was thinking of your decision my lady. I understand you're like a mother to me and prince pial. But I don't understand, is he really happy with this alliance or not. You know that you can convince him but you cannot force him to do what his heart doesn't desire. You have invited me here to spread happiness to your family and not to break bonds. Please do not let me hurt anyone here your highness" sounded princess Nar in worried mood.

Queen lisha dropped the glass cup on the table and smiled before she speaks. "Look! You're a princess and hard decisions is affiliated for you to take it. Forming the allience is one of my dream in life".

"For you to bound this alliance, why not seek for prince pial's decision but don't force on this. You know this is what happened years ago when uncle ...".

"Keep silence princess Nar. That's not your problem. If you could agree, then he also should. I am the ruler of keswick and no one should reject my offer".

And princess Nar continue looking at her.