A few minutes later, prince pial returned from his deep thought and sounds, "I should go back to her house again. And whatever has to be done should be done earlier".

"Yah mera aadamee hai (that's my man). You should learn to endure pain for whatever cause. The only problem is mother's reactions. Princess Nar will understand but I fear whenever mother comes to know about this. If Keswick is a mountain, it will scattered brother. Now what you have to do is to see the soldiers and the knights. I will make a cover for you to escape to Heoro. Majaboot bano, sab kuchh theek chalega (be strong, everything will move on perfectly)" explain prince Yoon and he stood up to go.

"Dhanyavaad bandhoo (thanks brother)" sounded prince pial.

And prince Yoon walked away.

 While Ixan was sitting in the chair, thinking. Her eyes were on the flasks which prince pial gave for her. She kindly raised her hands and picked it, trying to open it. Tears dropped from her eyes as she saw what's inside_ it's her favorite food. And that makes her remembered their discussion with prince pial few days ago.

[When they were sitting on a mat, prince pial looked at her and smiled.

"Sire, I have a few words to ask" said Ixan.

"Go on" instructed prince pial.

"Thank you. Don't you like fried meats?"

"I was not allowed to eat them. Forgive me princess. But you can tell me, what's your favourite dish?" He asked.

As Ixan chuckled and said, "for us villagers, we don't have choice of anything. If we got the food to eat then we should thank God and be happy".

"You are telling me now as a villager?" Asked prince pial.

And Ixan nodded her head, reply, "yes Sire".

"Then what if I asked you as my princess, the queen of Keswick?"

And Ixan bent down her head in shy. "You should know that by yourself. I don't have to tell you Sire".


And Ixan nodded her head again.

"Then wait and see. If my love for you is real then one day I will send you your best dishes. And if you finds out that it's not your favourite food, then I fail my love for you. Deal?"

And Ixan bent down her head. "Hmm" she answered.

And they continued chatting].

After Ixan returned from her deep thought she cut a little smile on her lips and utter, "forgive me my Lord. I have been unfair to you. I will do anything for making this up. But I cannot hurt you or your family. What will I supposed to do?". She cleaned her face sadly before she responded again, "I think I have an idea!". She tore a white paper and took a pen. Then she starts writing appropriately.

 "Do not forget your training. Focused and try your best for the love of our kingdom, our pride land, our mother's land, Keswick kingdom" that was prince pial speaking fluently to the soldiers and knights. 

And both the soldiers and knights continue, "for the love of Keswick! For the love of Keswick! For the love of Keswick! ...".

"Well, I wish you good luck everyone" said prince pial at last before he walked out with prince Yoon.

They were walking before prince Yoon sounds, "oh my!".

"What's it?" Asked prince pial.

"I forgot something. Princess Nar has went out to refresh her memory".

"Oh, to where?"

"To the outlet villages. She wasn't far I am sure".

"She should let me escort her. We're facing difficult times now. Or should I follow behind her?"

"Where will you find her? Don't worry, she was with commando pliph and Drisat. And uncle Samar was looking after mother".

"Good selection" sounded prince pial. And he added, "I supposed to come with you to see mother's condition also".

"Okay" said prince Yoon and they walked on.


 Ixan kept the pen down and wrapped up the paper in a brown envelope. Thereby, she went out with it, looking for Fanat. She looked everywhere she expect to see Fanat but no sign of her. "Where are you Fanat?" Self-talked Ixan. And she returned back home. She kept the letter on the desk besides her bed. Then she took her veil along with her sword and walked out. She went to the training place and continue practicing with her sword.

Princess Nar was walking on a horse. She was riding while looking around the beautiful places of the village. That's when her eyes glow on the splashes of sword shining from a tint. She couldn't take away her sight from the place. And she looked at it again. 

"Has the tint distract your mind your highness?" Asked Drisat.

"I hope so Drisat. It's a beautiful place. Uncle pliph, please shall we go to that tent? I would love to join the practice" requested princess Nar.

And without doubt, commando pliph answered her, "as you wish my lady. Let's go".

And they moved to the tent.

Ixan was busy practicing without realizing the arrival of princess Nar. The whinny sound of the horses distract her attention as she turned. The moment she turned, she saw princess Nar, commando pliph and Drisat approaching the tent. Ixan has realized them by their mode of dressings_ in keswick cultural style. And she bow to them in respect.

"Please raise up young lady. What's your name?" Asked princess Nar.

As Ixan raised up from the bow and sounds, "I am Ixan your highness".

"And I am princess Nar of Wyoming. I have seen you're very good at handling sword. You remind me of my time when I was young. And if you don't mind, I would like to practice with you" said princess Nar.

Although, Ixan looked at her in estranged and sounds, "forgive me your highness but ... It's not allowed for me to. I am just an ordinary girl and you're royalty. I cannot defeat you".

"I think you can. Come on, let's do it" said princess Nar again as she removed her sword from its scabbard. And she removed her royal gown.

Drisat collected the gown from princess Nar before she gave them space. Thereby, princess Nar and Ixan continue practicing. In the first round, Ixan won the game and both in the second and the third round, she gave chance to princess Nar to win.

Both commando pliph and Drisat clapped their hands for them.

And princess Nar gave her sword to commando pliph as he kept it in its scabbard. And Drisat helped her wore back her gown.

"You're really incredible Ixan. Where do you live?"

"It's a small house, not far from here".

"Are you all alone or ...?"

Ixan smiled and answered, "No my lady, for me is my dad then my friend and her family".

"Are you sure there's no one?" Asked princess Nar, looking strictly at her.

And Ixan smiled again in shy, bending down her head. "No my lady" she answered.

"Please come with me and give me a story of your life" sounded princess Nar. And she dragged her hand as they sat. "Uncle pliph, Drisat, please meet my new friend, Ixan here" she introduced Ixan to them.

"Good afternoon to you" Ixan greeted them.

As commando pliph and Drisat answered her delightfully, "you're highly welcome".

Then Princess Nar turned to Ixan before she spoke, "then give me a brief details about your life Ixan".

And Ixan continues, "well, I was born here. My mother has died since I was young and I was raised by my father. He's still strong but an age man".

Princess Nar kindly held her hand and utter, "Do not feel offended Ixan, our life destiny is the same. And I promise you this, I will look after my new friend, always. I have came to Keswick for an important issue. Before I go back to my kingdom, I will let you know".

And Ixan smiled. "I am so grateful to meet you my lady. It's an honor meeting you" she sounded.

And princess Nar sounded, "well Ixan, I should get back now. There's alot of work for me to do".

"Well your highness, I bid you goodbye" said Ixan.

And they bid farewell with Ixan before they left.

After they left, Ixan's mind recalled Fanat's words; 'Princess Nar of Wyoming is prince pial's fiancee'. And Ixan quickly ran out of the tent by the time princess Nar came back. While Ixan was looking at her questionably and thinking.