Chapter 5 - Hazel Eyes

YouHeal Hospital

When I opened my cabin's door, I saw someone sitted on the chair directly opposite mine. I had assumed it was the director who had returned for his patient. However, as I approached him, I suddenly lost sight of that thought. Mr. Baldwin was sitting at that chair reading some papers he was holding in his hands.

In his three piece black suit with the slightly matching tie, his shoes were brighter than my own, he had his head lowered, his hair was in its proper place, and everything was again flawless from head to toe.

"Mr. Baldwin" my call to Mr Baldwin was answered by him looking up, and I finally saw that mesmerizing hazel colored eyes as they captivated me into them. They had something within them that I couldn't figure out, something within him that told me to get to know him better but at the same time told me to stay away from him. If I take this queue and leave? I think it is the best option as I do not expect to see us again, once the patient leaves, my work is done here and only here.

"Ms Miller?" he got up from the chair and now he was standing tall in front of me like yesterday, "What are you doing here" I questioned, not knowing why he was waiting here in my cabin? "I want to get my father discharged as soon as possible" I don't get it, what in the world does he think he is? "But, Mr. Baldwin is still under our supervision, he is still uncounicious, I cannot allow it, I'm sorry Mr. Baldwin" after saying that, I walked up to my desk and sat on the chair and began looking for the report that Suzy had left here this morning on Mr. Baldwin.

I could still feel his presence here as I bowed my head into the reports in my hands, really what's his matter with him? "You can leave if you're done!" I didn't look up as I said those words and waited for him to leave, but I could still feel him and when I looked up, I saw him bending down on my desk, eyes right into my soul, both hands on the desk., our faces were just an inch away from each other, I could finally smell his fragrance, he was wearing Althaïr fragnance, it soon reached my nostrils as he bend over the desk, I would not lie he smelled rich, I don't know but I liked the scent coming of off him, his face was still and I couldn't know what is he thinking though, was he looking at me just like that the whole time? I questioned to myself.

"Ms. Miller?" he called me with his deep hoarse voice, I didn't know why he called me, I was just in front of him, looking at...him? "Yes?" I answered with my voice barely coming out of my mouth, "I am requesting that you discharge my father now" why was he repeating the same thing so often, that was it for today, I rose from my chair and paced to the cabin door, but, "Sorry doctor," stopped me midway and I couldn't help but turn around and see him.

"I apologize for wasting your time just like this, I know you are the doctor and he is your patient, so you are aware of the goods and bads, and I can understand your concern about your patient. Please accept my apology, will you?" I have had many visitors like that before too, some swearing, cursing, and even becoming defensive, but no one has ever apologized to me. I can say that he is the first one and maybe the last, and I liked how he apologized and understood what I was saying.

And he walked out without saying anything. What exactly is he?

YouHeal Corridor

"Tonight?" I listened as Ana told me all the details about tonight's plan "Alright, I'll try to reach there on time" and I hung up the phone, as I was on the call I didn't much paid attention to my surrounding area, after finishing up my lunch I was headed to check up on Mr. Baldwin's condition as I was told he's showing improvement, but what is happening here?

Several group of people in all black attire surrounding Mr. Baldwin's room, they were all gathered in circle seemed to me someone else was there present too talking to them and they heard him carefully, I moved closer and saw Me. Baldwin talking to the group of people, suddenly bad thought crept my mind and paced my legs.

Once there, I made my way through those crowd of people and went inside Mr. Baldwin's room, walked up to him in a rush and I saw him still laying on the same position as before, he was breathing steadily too, a sense of relief hold uo myself.

"He's still alive, don't worry" I heard a voice behind me and I knew who that voice belonged to, I turned around it was Mr. Baldwin still neat and clean as I saw him this early in the morning, "What are all those people outside?" I asked him as I still did not understand it, "They work for me" he added "They're here to keep an eye on my father" and I still did not understand what does that mean? It seems he read my mind, "My father has some few enemies, can't risk" now I seemed to know what these all means, those people are here for Mr. Baldwin to protect him from his enemies, it must be bad being rich, now I can finally understood why he had asked me to discharge him as soon as possible, I acted rashly earlier but I didn't know this was case and the reason behind this, "Sorry for misunderstanding you earlier in the morning" I apologized, I didn't felt good being done wrong "No!" he exclaimed sternly but softly enough, "Don't use this word with me, this word doesn't suits you" just like that he left me again with thoughts, "Doctor" the nurse behind me called me and I let go of my all thoughts.

Quantum Quisine

"Give that to me, I'm hungry" I grabbed the steak plate from Ana and started hovering and shoving it into my mouth, I was starving since earlier this evening, I didn't had much time to eat anything as an emergency patient had to be taken care of, yeah and that was success.

"Take it slow baby girl or you'll choke" and I choked "Easy easy there" yeah I chocked but not because of Ana but by what I saw infront my eyes, I don't know if it's universe or someone pulling there cards but how on the earth is he here again? Mr. Baldwin?

Author's Note:

Hi y'all, I hope you all are doing good and enjoying reading my story. Let me know your thoughts too <3.

And let me know if I should write Blaze's POV?