Chapter 32 - Fluttering Heart

Mansion's dining Area

I was so dumbstruck. Am I loved by someone else? More than Theo? Who is he referring to? Questiones filled my brain

The way he said that sentence so calmly made it seem true to me, Arthur, who had just entered the room and looked at his boss in shock if I'm right, Blaze now turned to me and gave me a sweet smile I knitted my eyebrows in utter confusion, "What do you mean?" I questioned him to get an answer Theo had been his suspicious eyes on Blaze from the beginning he talked about this "Those people who you save day and night, they love you and are grateful more than their lives, Savannah," he answered,

Eventually, my eyes returned to normal size, and I nodded as I understood what and who he was talking about, "Are you sure?" Theo asked as he watched Blaze, "In what terms?" Blaze replied, including me Blaze did not understand what Theo meant, "Is my mom not loved by anyone except these patients and me?" Gosh! What is going on here, everytime they speak makes me uncomfortable, as for Theo he sure talks a lot.

"Theo" I called his name when things were getting harder for me. "Enough, go to your room" I told him as he looked at me with an innocent face that didn't work anymore on me, "Alright mommy, " he got up and left the dining area through the right door, "I'm so sorry for Theo's behavior" I apologized to Blaze. "He is protective of you" Blaze replied, and I nodded twice as I thought of him being always protective but sometimes it gets too much for me sometimes, and he doesn't get it, "He listens to you too." He added "That's a plus point" I really liked that he didn't criticize Theo like most people did when they meet Theo. "Yeah, single parents have their own benefits," I said as I pressed my lips and smiled said, "You did raise him well, I have to admit" he continued "I'm proud of you" he goes on "I'm proud of everything you've accomplished all alone."

Although it was such simple words, it made me feel happy that I had finally been recognized, that I had done well in life and they were happy for me, however, he is not close to me, so I wonder why I feel reassured and happy inside, he certainly had a positive influence on me. "Thank you" I smiled at him, I guess I can't escape his impact in this house anymore.

Baldwin's Mansion

"Theo come on, we are going to be late!" it was eight in the morning and I was hurrying to stuff an important note book into Theo's backpack. "Yes, mom, just a minute" he said as he slipped on his sneakers. He struggled to put them on, so I crouched down and helped him, "Come on, now!" and we walked out the room

"Where are you headed?" Elijah, as he emerged from the corridor, asked, "Dropping Theo off at school" I replied hurriedly "Have you had your breakfast" he again questioned "No, but don't worry, we'll grab something on the way." I replied back "Thank you for asking though" he was being so generous that I couldn't ignore his generosity without thanking and began to pace towards the main door.

"Not happening in my watch, Savannah" suddenly, a voice spoke behind me, and I turned around to see Blaze walking down the stairs with his secretary, as usual, and this made me wonder if they ever get separated, do they also sleep together? Well these questions are so illegal, yet it crossed my mind, "Yeah?" I asked in a confused tone, "Have your breakfast" he said "Or you're not going" so he basically is ordered us now? I twitched my eyes at him. "Are you ordering me?" I asked as I moved closer to him, leaving Theo behind me in disbelief, I don't like being boss around, so if he is doing it, then he must be on my bad side.

He softened his face before telling "No, this is my humble request to you, Savannnah" He continued, "Please eat before you leave, it's my humble request" Slowly, my heated body was coming back to normal. Hearing his request made me feel a little better, no hearing his request made me feel a little flutter at the heart, again I don't know why.

"Um, no, we are already late" I continued "I'm so sorry Blaze" and I turned around on my heels but "Let me drop you, I'm on my way to the company" and he walked past me towards the main door.

Despite my several no's, Blaze managed to drop us off at the school, and that's not a good thing. I mean, what if he asked me something illegal and think he was only taking yes as an answer? Then I guess I'd better start guarding myself now, "Where are we going?" I wondered as I noticed we had taken another turn from the way towards the mansion, yes, after dropping Theo off at his school, now we were supposed to go back to the mansion to drop me off but where are we even going now?

I turned to the driver in with questioning face

"We're going to my company, Savannnah" Blaze replied who was sitting beside me in the car, see told you I shouldn't let my guards down. "Why?" I asked "To feed you" Blaze looked at me tearing up hos gaze from the Ipad in his hand, smiled and turned back to the Ipad, "No, no nee-" he cut me off, "We're almost there" he is stubborn, but I kind of liked this side of him, hiding my smile I looked outside the window, it looked a little foggy today.

Herbert Medical and Technology

Again, I was awed by the beauty of this huge building in front of me. If you look all the way up to the top floor, you'll probably crack your neck because it's so high up. At first glance I thought it was the largest company I had ever seen until I saw the company's name. "Herbert Medical and Technology" and this name rang through my mind, all of my memories flashed through my mind, and I turned to Blaze with my mouth halfway open in utter disbelief.

In complete shock, still visible on my face, I asked, "Do you you really owns this company?" I added "The Herbert Medical and Technology?" Blaze who was standing next to me turned his gaze at me "Yes, this whole company is mine" oh my god now I understand why he lives such a lavish life, now everything makes sense to me.

I am so dumbfounded right now, he is the owner/CEO of this top rated tech company in the world, which makes upto $230.43 billion in revenue per year, quite hard to compete with this company for anyone and this was my dream to visir this place once on my life, and I'm finally here, totally surreal "Let's go in", he said and walked inside with his secretary leading the way, I followed after having one more look at the company.

- "Good Morning"

- "Good Morning"

- "Good Morning"

This greeting word was all I could hear from the people inside, they seemed like an employee of this big company, they must be very happy with their lives now they have got such a nice Boss.

The interior of the company was expected to scream all money. It was decorated with vibrant yellowish colours, with a huge ceiling even bigger than the mansion, a pool like golden engraved on it and a large window with a large screen on the front straight side. I feel out of place in a room that seems like a company lobby or a luxurious indoor space with sophisticated interior design and furniture.

"Mr. Baldwin" He was called by a man in a grey suit who looked like he was in his 30s. "An urgent meeting has been arranged, you need to attend." It looked important I could tell the way he panted, it indicated he had rushed here hurriedly, and Blaze walked away with him, including his secretary. They disappeared from my eyes.

And here I was standing alone in my satin light pink skirt and white blouse, I wore black heels and a black purse to go with and everyone in the company lobby looked at me, as if they were judging me, so I knew I had to leave here as soon as possible, as for eat I think I would grab something on my way back mansion.

I turned on my heels to leave but "Where do you think you're going?" A warm hold on my wrist restricted me, and I knew who that voice belong to. Looking back at my wrist and the long arm covered in black cloth, I saw Blaze I was shocked to see him here. I thought he had gone to the meeting. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Weren't you supposed to be at the meeting?" I was confused, so I asked him questions.

"Yes, You're right" he said while he was still hold my wrist softly, he continued, "But I prioritize what's important to me." He added "Come." Holding my hands, he led me straight, and I was still stuck on his phrase. I don't know exactly what he means by these words, but my heart is sure getting weak. Weak in presence of him.

Author's Note:

Happy reading <3

Enjoy while I work in another update<3

Take care<3

Good night/morning<3<3<3<3