Chapter 37 - Fear

Herbert Medical and Technology.

Author's POV

It was 10 in the night and Blaze sat in his office as he had his eyes glued to the computer screen, he was working late tonight since he had some important things to take care of before they got out of the hands. His secretary "Boss" knocked at the door and walked inside. As well as his work, Blaze didn't say anything. "Your suspicions were right" he added. Arthur informed his boss, who just said, "He's boarding at 10 PM."

While Blaze sat in his office at 10 in the night, he was glued to his computer screen because he had to take care of some important tasks before it left his hands. A knock on the door was heard and Arthur his secretary entered. "Boss" Blaze did not say anything just glued to his computer "Your suspicions were right," he added. "He is boarding at 10 PM" Arthur informed his boss, who was working on his screen.

Having worked for his boss for 18 years now. So he knew his boss had heard what he said and was working on it. Shutting down the computer, Blaze got up and walked out of the office. Arthur followed.

Baldwin's Mansion

When Blaze entered the Mansion, it felt something different, something was missing inside, and he came to know it was Savannah, she wasn't there like the usual day he would come from the company and she would be the first person he saw, it always makes him happy.

However, today it was empty, which made him feel how her absence is affecting him right now, so he walked further and walked up the stairs to the third floor, and Arthur, who was accompanying him, also felt the unnecessary emotion, but ignored it and walked to the left corridor leading further inside.

He walked to the massive corridor led to Blaze's room and now Savannah's room as well. He stopped when he reached Savannah's door and just stared at it for a moment. "She must be sleeping" he whispered to himself standing at the door resisting the urge to take any further action as he didn't want to invade her privacy. He had promised that he wouldn't do anything without her consent.

Right now, however, it was different, he felt the need to look over her, to see her one more time before going to bed, because the whole day had been hectic for him, so one glance at her would make him feel relaxed and renewed. After struggling with all the thoughts for five minutes, he finally got a hold of the handle, turned it down and opened it, hesitant to open it more and enter, but something seemed off as his eye caught something strange.

When he opened the door wide, he turned on the lights and saw there was no one inside. There was no Savannah inside. He checked the entire room, from the bathroom to the walk-in closet to the balcony, and she was nowhere to be found? "The fuck" Blaze was becoming increasingly frustrated by her absence, so he left the room after closing the balcony door which had caused him to enter.

He hurried outside as he took out the phone from his suit pocket and dialed someone, "Damn! Pick it up!" He explained under his breath as Savannah wasn't answering her phone. He became more frustrated.

After storming out of the room and again placing the phone to his ears, Blaze stormed down the stairs, "ARTHUR!" taking the phone out of his ears and roaring out his secretary's name in frustration, all of his men turning to their boss in alarm. When Arthur's name was called, he raced to the living room in his pajamas and t-shirt. "Boss" he stood in front of his boss, who was looking tense, angry, and frightened.

"Where is Savannah" Arthur knitted his brows in confusion as to why his boss even asked him this question, but something told him it was something else. "Isn't she in her room-" he got cut off "She's fucking not in her room" he sneered at him in anger evident on his face, "She isn't even picking up her phone?" Blaze did not say anything this time he just ran a hand over his hair frustrated because he was afraid if something bad would happen to her.

He roared, "WHY THE HELL WAS I NOT INFORMED" throughout the entire mansion, directing all of his men to turn their faces down so they couldn't meet their boss's gaze, and at that moment Elijah walked into the mansion, who was guarding from outside, as he felt the tension in the room, so he stood at his place without saying anything, knowing something big had happened. "ANSWER ME" his voice rang throughout the mansion, everyone was ashamed and afraid to say anything.

"Boss" Arthur his secretary tried to speak to him "Calm down" he questioned "When was the last time you talked to her?" he continued "Maybe she's with Theodore" he talked some sense with his boss, "let's try calling them" his boss did not say anything, taking this as a clue "Eli" Arthur called Elijah and he walked to them.

"Get the school's number" Eliajh nodded and continued to go somewhere in the distance, and the meantime "Track her phone. NOW!" Blaze told the rest of the men there, perhaps hoping nothing bad had happened to her.

Somewhere in the woods.

A person lay on the ground unconscious in the dimly lit, confined space where the walls are grimy and coated in layers of dust and grime, The floor is littered with various scraps of trash and debris, creating a thick layer of filth that crunches underfoot, the air is heavy with a musty, unpleasant odor, and cobwebs hang from every corner, catching whatever feeble light filters in. The overall atmosphere is one of neglect and decay, giving the impression that this place has been abandoned for a long time.

After lying unconscious there for some time, the person slowly began to regain consciousness, slowly opening her eyes, looking around the room, slowly getting up from the floor, placing her hands over her head as she felt dizzy and finally seeing the place, she was shocked to find herself in this confined environment, asking herself, "Where the hell am I?" And tried to recall everything that had happened in the last few hours, not knowing how she had ended up there. As she was in the parking lot with Ana, someone suddenly came from behind and made her unconscious, and the last thing happened was that she ended up here, but who bought her?

Savannah's POV

Getting up I looked all around this room there were 2 windows and both were tightly locked, "Who the fuck did this?" so there was no way out and it made me a little fearful and frustrated. I finally walked to the door of this room in the hope that it's open even though I knew it was locked inside, and to my surprise it wasn't locked, so I went outside.

The corridors are narrow and dimly lit by the occasional shaft of light filtering through broken windows. Their walls are lined with faded, warped paintings and old, cracked mirrors, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

This living area, though still in disrepair, is less oppressive. Sunlight spills through shattered panes, casting fragmented beams across the debris-strewn floor. Old, once-cozy furniture is draped in dust covers, and remnants of personal belongings hint at a life that once thrived here. The space feels almost like a forgotten memory, suspended in time, contrasting sharply with the shadowy, uninviting corridors that lead further into the house's depths. And every door that I walked to was tightly locked, it had nowhere out from here. I was frightened to death at this point.

Off to one side, there is a room that seems different from the rest area.

I entered the room by opening the door wide, and it was one of the neatest spaces I've seen here so far here, it was as if someone lived here, and my eyes caught the open window in this specific room, so I rushed to get out of here now or I would rot here, thinking one step, "I see you're awake."

I stopped in my place when this familiar voice reached my ears but I could not pinpoint who it was, so I turned around to see this person standing in front of me and was shocked to see the man in front of me now, "You?" - "You did all these?" Despite knowing the answer, I asked anyway, it must be a joke. "Yes, it's me Savannah, your child's father."

Author's Note:

How are you all? Hopefully good!

Enjoy reading and if you could please use some Power stones it'll be helpful and don't forget to leave out a comments, it'll be appreciated.

Good night/morning<3<3<3<3