After Effects

I got up late the next morning. It was 8'o clock in the morning. Damn, I was late. I might have missed the alarm. God, I have to hurry or else, I will be late for my classes. I hurriedly got up from my bed and took a quick shower. I guess I have to wake Ava up. She would still be asleep and she had important assignment to submit today. I went to the dining area to make quick breakfast for us to have, then I would wake Ava up. That would be cool. 

God, I was surprised to find Ava in the kitchen and she had made our breakfast. I always woke up before any of us. I was literally her alarm clock. I was wondering how she was awake already and even made us breakfast. I was witnessing a miracle.

"Sophie, Close your mouth. I know you are shocked how I am up before you. It's your lucky day, Lady. Come now and have your breakfast we are already late. I made us waffles" Ava led to our tiny table and brought our waffles for us. She even brought my juice. I pinched myself, I think I'm dreaming. In all these years, we have lived together she has never woken up before me and breakfast making, well that was a far fetched dream until now. 

"Ava, Are you okay? Did you hit you head somewhere?" I started checking her for any injuries. She was glaring at me.

"Come on, Sophie. It's not a big deal. I thought you would be tired after such a tiring night. You came only for me. This is the least I could have done for you" Oh my dear Ava, That's why I love her. She is the only person who cares for my well being. 

"Thank you so much, Ava. I really appreciate it." I thanked her wholeheartedly.

"It's my pleasure. Let's have breakfast now we have to leave or else we will be late" Ava reminded me.

I quickly sat down and took a decent bite. The waffles were delicious. We completed our breakfast and took our bags and left our place. 

We each had our own car but since we go to same university. We carpool. We have a schedule for when she will take us or when it's my turn to take us. Today it's my turn. I started the car with Ava on the passenger seat and off we went.

It is a relief that our university is close to our place. It only takes about 15 minutes to reach there. We don't talk much on our drive there. It's our ritual, we turn the music and sort of make ourselves ready for the busy day ahead 'cause boy it is going to be quite busy. I am majoring in English literature and Ava is majoring in Psychology. It is stressful for both us because apart from the university, we both have to work part-time. I work in the bakery which thankfully I have to go to in the morning but Ava works in a Flower shop so she has to go after her classes. Thankfully, we both get paid enough that we don't have to care about our basic needs. It's hectic but it pays off. 

I reached our university campus and after parking the car, we both got out and said our goodbyes. We will meet at our place at about 8'o clock. I get home before Ava and when she comes I had made the dinner and we together enjoy the dinner and wind down after a quite busy day. 

Today, I have back-to-back classes to attend. Boy, its going to be exhausting. On the way to my first class, I gave myself a pep talk and braced myself for the long day ahead of me. 

"Hey Sophie, How was your weekend?" Jeff, my classmate called me from behind.

"Hey Jeff, it was interesting and fine. How was your's? " I replied giving him a smile. Jeff was a nice guy and sort of my only friend here. We walked together towards our class. 

"Ah, It was good. I had to go visit my parents. They had been bugging me forever. But I had quite a good time with them." Jeff looked happy and was talking about his parents with a big smile. They might love him a lot. It brought a tinge of pain to my heart, thinking about parents and how lucky Jeff was to have such loving and caring parents. My parents never cared for me. All they ever give me was pain. They always reminded me that I was a mistake that I was unwanted. I try to forget them but those things still hurt me. Everytimr I think about them, I am reminded all those hurtful things they ever said and did to me. I might have looked sad 'cause the Jeff worriedly Inquired. "Are you okay, Sophie?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine, Jeff" I gave him a tight smile. He was not convinced but dropped it. By then, we have reached the lecture hall. We entered the class together and took seats close to each other.

The teacher came and the lecture started. I was still distracted and my mind kept wandering throughout the lecture. After the class finished, I said goodbye to Jeff and went outside to get myself together. I still have some time for my class so, I decided to go to library and calm myself down. These thoughts are the after effects of party and my talk with Jeff. I went to library, grabbed my favourite book "Pride and Prejudice" and found myself a corner and sat there. I opened the book and immersed myself in the Bennets life. That is the reason why I like reading novels, You forget about yourself and start living the characters life with them. You get so invested at that time, your thoughts seem trivial. I read a few chapters which was my meditation and was quite rejuvenated. I set the book at it's shelf and hurried for my next class. I was quite stabilized and felt a rush of energy. I can get through this day. With this thought, I left the library and went to get over this day triumphantly.