
Zach looked at Lexi for a moment, but she still had no intention of giving Zach the satisfaction of an apology. He just shook his head.

"Do you know why, at least?"

"Yes and no." Lexi shrugged with one shoulder.

"This doesn't have anything to do with the Labyrinth exploration, so can you tell me?"

"What do you mean it doesn't have anything to do with the Labyrinth exploration?"

"Didn't I mention during the dinner how monsters have always been drawn to me to an alarming degree after the Giupusta Locale?"


"You weren't listening, were you?"

Lexi shrugged.

"Anyway. It's because you're glowing."

"Glowing?" Zach looked at his arms. To him, they looked the same as before, meaning they were not radiating with light.

"Not like you're actually filled with light, idiot. It's like…You know how people sometimes tell pregnant women they're glowing?"