Sounds Powerful

"Could it be alphabetical?"

"Based on our alphabet or the original language of the deities?"

"Isn't the it the same?"

"No idea. You saw the original text right? I have no idea what kind of language that was. What if it works differently?"

"How would it work differently?"

"I don't know. Just forget it. According to size maybe?"

"The size of the statues or the size of the deities?"

"The statues. No, wait. The deities."

"Alright. Which one is the biggest, the winged snake, the minotaur, or the horse?"

"The minotaur maybe? I'm pretty sure the cat is the smallest, at least."

"Oh, good. I wasn't sure about that one."

"Guys, they're deities. They might not be as big or small as their physical forms indicate."

"What do you know about deities?"